one-sided love, unrequited love 「片思い」
one-sided = 一方的な
unrequited = 報われない
I have been in one-sided love with him.
I’m in love with someone, but it's unrequited.
思いを寄せる相手のことを 'love interest' と言います。
I have been in a one way relationship with someone.
「片想い」one way relationshipsとしてみました。one way「[一方通行](」ですね。
I have a crush on him/her.
I fell in love with him/her.
I have feelings for him/her.
I have feelings for you. 「ずっと気になってました」
"one sided" means they only come from one person.
"He/she does not feel the same way about me." explains that the person does not return the feelings
you have.
"one sidedは一方という意味です。
He/she does not feel the same way about me.
1. Unrequited love or one-sided love is love that is not openly reciprocated or understood as such by the beloved. The beloved may not be aware of the admirer's deep and strong romantic affection, or may consciously reject it.
2. As above. the attraction is not returned.
3. This clearly states the facts of this situation. It is a standard phrase.
unrequited - this phrase means not returned and is generally used when talking about feelings especially of love. You will see the phrase in many romance novels and of course it can be found in poetry. You can use this phrase when you have been told that the person does not have feelings for you.
Distant admirer. A distant admirer is a person who loves/ likes someone but has no relationship with the person they love or like. It can be used to describe situations where the admirer has no connection at all with the person they like for example a man may see a beautiful woman who works in the same building but he has no connection with her and doesn't even know her name.
Crush on. This phrase is used to describe a person who likes/loves another and would like to have a relationship with them. The person they like might like them or they may have no feelings at all for that person for example many young girls have a crush on the singers in boy bands
unrequited - このフレーズは返されないことを意味し、一般的には特に愛情を語るときに使用されます。多くのロマンス小説、そしてもちろん詩の中でこのフレーズを見るでしょう。あなたに対する気持ちがないと相手に言われたら、このフレーズを使うことができます。
Distant admirer. A distant admirerは、誰かを愛しているまたは好きであるものの、その人とは関係がない場合に使用します。これはadmirerが好きな人と全くつながっていない状況を表して使うことができます。例えば、ある男性が同じ建物で働く美しい女性を見ることがあるものの、彼女とのつながりはなく、彼女の名前も知らない場合などです。
Crush on. このフレーズは、ある人を好きであるか愛しており、その人と関係を持ちたい場合に使用されます。好きな相手はその人を好きかもしれませんし、まったく気持ちがないかもしれません。例えば、多くの若い女の子はボーイズバンドの歌手に片思いしています。
The friend zone - this is a term that American guys often use to describe a situation where you build a relationship with someone, and you like them romantically, and they like you back, but just as a friend.
Guys and girls will do everything in their power not to be "friendzoned," by showing the other person that they are sexy and romantic, and not just goofy or friendly or silly.
To friendzone someone means to put them in the so-called "friend zone"
The friend zone - これはアメリカでよく使われるフレーズで相手に恋愛感情を持っているが相手は自分のことを友達としか見てくれないことです。
"friendzoned," を避けるために常にフレンドリーだったりふざけていたりするのではなく、女性や男性はできるだけロマンチックやセクシーな一面を見せたりします。
To friendzone someone は誰かを"friend zone"に入れることです。