世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/12/11 23:51
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  • Is there a good spot to see the fireworks?

  • Do you know of a hidden spot where I can see the fireworks?

Is there a good spot to see the fireworks? =花火を見れるいい場所ある? 一番一般的な聞き方でしょうが、これだとお決まりの場所を教えられる場合もあるので: Do you know of a hidden spot where I can see the fireworks? =花火を見れる穴場ある? hidden spotとは「隠れている場所」や「知られていない場所」と言う意味です。 I don't want to go where it's crowded =混んでいるところには行きたくない と伝えてみるのもいいでしょう。
  • Where's the best place to see the fireworks away from the crowd?

  • Is there an uncrowded vantage point near?

  • Where's a good spot to see the fireworks (away from the crowd)?

Any of these phrases is adequate.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can you tell me the best spot to watch the fireworks?

  • Where is the best place to see the fireworks?

年末は海外ですか?楽しみですねー 「こんな穴場」を探していると具体的に伝えたい時の例をあげますね。 I’m looking for somewhere... 「〜を探しています。」 not so crowded but close enough. そんなに混んでないけど十分近い場所 that only locals know.  地元の人だけが知っている場所 we can see the entire display from the top to the bottom. 上から下まで花火(ディスプレイ)全体が見える場所 有意義な年末年始をお過ごしくださいね!
Tomoko Goto 「使える英語ドットコム」、日英通訳・翻訳、写真家
  • Where is the best spot to enjoy fireworks?

Where is the best spot to enjoy fireworks? 花火が一番楽しめるスポットはどこ? the best spot:一番良い場所 enjoy:楽しむ fireworks:花火 →「見る」を直訳して"see"としてももちろん大丈夫です!
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • Where is the best "VANTAGE POINT" ...To see the fireworks

  • Where is the best spot to watch the fireworks from?

Finding a "Vantage Point"(from advantage) means that when the fun starts will have a better line of sight, from which to view the proceedings. If you want to get the best view need to find the best "spot: (location) and local knowledge often comes in handy...So ask someone who lives there ;-D
「Vantage Point("advantage" から)」が見つかると、楽しみにしていることをよりはっきりと見ることができます。最高の眺めを楽しむには最高の場所(spot)が必要です。 地元の人の知識も役に立ちます...そこに住んでいる人に聞いてみましょう。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Is there a less crowded venue to watch the fireworks display from?

  • Where can I watch the fireworks display without being swamped by the crowd?

  • I prefer enjoying the fireworks display apart from the crowds

Crowds can be daunting at times. best is open communication and asking locals how to avoid such a situation. As fireworks are normally visible from a distance this question should not pose a problem.
Sven DMM英会話講師
  • Can you recommend a spot to watch the fireworks where it is less crowded?

  • Any spots to watch the fireworks without a crowd.

>Can you recommend a spot to watch the fireworks where it is less crowded? >Any spots to watch the fireworks without a crowd. ..................................... Example 1 You: Hi, can I ask you something? Him:Yes sure. You:Can you recommend a spot to watch the fireworks where it is less crowded? ................................. Example 2 You: Hi, can I ask you something? Him:Yes sure. You:Any spots to watch the fireworks without a crowd. ...............**................
Can you recommend a spot to watch the fireworks where it is less crowded? Any spots to watch the fireworks without a crowd. 以下のように表現をすることもできます。 例文1 You: Hi, can I ask you something? お伺いしても良いでしょうか? Him:Yes sure. どうぞ。 You:Can you recommend a spot to watch the fireworks where it is less crowded? あまり混み合っていない花火を観ることができる場所を教えてください。 例文2 You: Hi, can I ask you something? お伺いしても良いでしょうか? Him:Yes sure. どうぞ You:Any spots to watch the fireworks without a crowd. 花火をみるのに混雑していない場所を教えてください。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Can you show me the best spot to watch the fireworks please?

You can simply and politely ask where is the best spot to watch the fireworks.
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Where is the best place to watch the fireworks without too many people?

  • Do you have any idea where I can watch the fireworks away from the crowds of people?

Sometimes it's better to watch fireworks without too many people around because it can get a bit crowded and some people feel smothered with so many people in one place. This first phrase is very standard. It can be used in any situation. In the second phrase, asking someone if they have any idea, is the same as asking if they know where something is. "Away from the crowds of people" means somewhere quiet where there aren't too many people or none at all.
人によって人混みを息苦しく感じる人もいますね。花火も、あまり混雑しない場所の方が楽しめるかもしれません。一つのフレーズは非常に標準的な言い方です。あらゆる場面で使うことができます。 二つのフレーズの "Do you have any idea" は "Do you know"(知っていますか)と同じ意味です。"Away from the crowds of people" は、あまりあるいは全く人がいない静かな場所を指します。
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Where is the ideal place to watch the fireworks spetacle without mingling with the crowd?

  • Can you recommend a most suitable place that is less crowded for me to watch the fireworks display?

The phrase 'ideal place' used in the first question means, the 'most suitable place' or the 'best suited place' to watch the fireworks 'spectacle'.The noun 'spectacle' used in the first question means 'a visually striking display'.The expression 'without mingling with the crowd', used in the first question means 'free from moving among and engaging with the crowd'.The expression 'can you recommend a most suitable place' means 'can you put forward to me with your approval, a place that is less crowded and is ideally suited' for watching thefireworks display? So, you may ask someone as follows: Where is the ideal place to watch the fireworks spetacle without mingling with the crowd? or Can you recommend a most suitable place that is less crowded for me to watch the fireworks display?
一つ目の例の 'ideal place' は「理想的[最適]な場所」という意味です。 一つ目の例にある名詞 'spectacle' は「見せ物」という意味です。 一つ目の例の 'without mingling with the crowd' は「人混みのない」という意味です。 'can you recommend a most suitable place' は「あまり混んでいなくて花火が見やすい場所があれば、教えてほしい」という意味です。 次のように言えます。 Where is the ideal place to watch the fireworks spetacle without mingling with the crowd? (あまり混んでいなくて花火が見やすい場所はありますか) Can you recommend a most suitable place that is less crowded for me to watch the fireworks display? (あまり混んでいなくて花火が見やすい場所はありますか)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • What is the ideal vantage point from which to watch the fireworks?

  • Where's the best spot to catch the fireworks?

1.What is the ideal vantage point from which to watch the fireworks? The word "ideal" means best or perfect.A vantage point is a place or position whichgives you a great view of something without any obstruction. 2.Where's the best spot to catch the fireworks? The "best spot" means the best place. To catch something in this sense means to watch or be able to view something.
1. What is the ideal vantage point from which to watch the fireworks?(花火を見るのに最適の場所はどこですか) "ideal" は「最高の/申し分ない」という意味です。"vantage point" は、ある物が「よく見える場所」を指します。 2. Where's the best spot to catch the fireworks?(花火を見るのに最適の場所はどこですか) "best spot" は「最高の場所」です。"To catch something" はこの場合「見る/見ることができる」という意味です。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Do you know a good spot to see the fireworks?

英会話講師のKOGACHIです(^^)/ おっしゃられている内容は、 Do you know a good spot to see the fireworks? 「花火を見られる場所を知っていますか?」 のように表現できます。 ただ、これだと、日本語の穴場のニュアンス、多くの人が知らないというニュアンスがありませんので、 I prefer a quiet place. 「静かな場所が良いです」 などと付け加えると良いでしょう。 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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