世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/12/01 09:44
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  • Thank you but you don't need to come and pick me up.

  • I have to stop by somewhere so you don't have to pick me up. Thank you anyway.

  • I have to go somewhere so I will go straight to the restaurant.

Thank you but you don't need to come and pick me up. I have to stop by somewhere so you don't have to pick me up. Thank you anyway. I have to go somewhere so I will go straight to the restaurant. さらに I will be out so I will meet you at the restaurant. の4つを挙げました。 Thank you but you don't need to come and pick me up. ありがとう、でも迎えに来なくても大丈夫ですよ。 I have to stop by somewhere so you don't have to pick me up. Thank you anyway. 寄らなてはいけないところがあるので迎えは入りません。ありがとう。 I have to go somewhere so I will go straight to the restaurant. 行かなくてはいけないところがあるのでレストランには直接いきます。 I will be out so I will meet you at the restaurant. 外に出ているのでレストランで会いましょう。 というような感じで断ることができるかもしれません。 上記のものを組み合わせたりして自分に合ったものを作ってみるのもよいですね!
Amy オンライン英会話コーチ・TESOL英語トレーナー
  • Thank you for offering to pick me up, but I'm going to be at another place so I'll get myself to the restaurant.

  • Actually, I won't be at my hotel, so I'll find a way to the restaurant. Thank you for offering to pick me up.

swing by - a phrase we use when we are going to see someone briefly. Example - You don't have to swing by to pick me up, I get myself to the restaurant. lift - a free ride in another person's car Example - You don't have to give me a lift to the restaurant, I'll get myself there.
swing by - ちょっと誰かに会いに行くような場合に使用するフレーズ。 例 - You don't have to swing by to pick me up, I get myself to the restaurant. 迎えによってもらう必要はないよ、自分でレストランにいきます。 lift - 他の誰かの車にただで乗せてもらう。 例 - You don't have to give me a lift to the restaurant, I'll get myself there. レストランまで乗せてもらう必要はないよ、自分でいきます。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you, but is it okay if we just meet at the restaurant?

Thank you, but is it okay if we just meet at the restaurant? =ありがとう、でもレストランで会う感じでいい? 必ず先に迎えに来てもらう気持ちだけでも感謝の気持ちを伝える事が大事です! justとは「ただ」や「そのまま」と言う意味です。そのままレストランで会わない?と言ったニュアンスになります。 I have plans right before that, so I'll be going directly to the restaurant from there instead of the hotel = その前に予定があるからホテルからではなくそこから直接レストランに行くつもりだよ などと状況を説明すると失礼がなくて良いでしょう。
  • Thanks, but I will meet you at the restaurant, I have some things to do before.

  • I have to run a few errands, so I will meet you there, thanks though.

Thanks makes the sentence polite, you are politely declining their offer. I have some things to do before - this could be errands or going to see people, it is vague and doesn't require any reasons or excuses. Run a few errands - do some tasks before going to the restaurant.
Thanksは文章を丁寧にします。これによって丁寧に相手の申し出を断ることができます。 I have some things to do before -これは雑務であったり、誰かに会ったりする予定があることを表します。 これ以上の説明はいりません。 Run a few errands - レストランに行く前にいくつか雑務をこなす、という意味です。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • No need to pick me up as I'll be arriving from elsewhere

  • No, I'm OK thanks. I won't be at my hotel before the dinner so I'll make my own way there

Well, it was very kind of this person to offer to pick you up, but sometimes we don't want to be pinned down to getting ready for a specific time, or as in your case, you are going to the restaurant from another location. Probably it is quite sufficient just to state that you do not need to be picked up without any excuse. However, if you wish to explain, then you may.
そうですね、お迎えを申し出てくれるのはとても親切ですね。 ですが、時には特定の時間までに準備したりと束縛されたくなかったり、違う場所からレストランへ向かいたい時もあります。 おそらく、何の言い訳もせず、お迎えは必要ない事だけ伝えれば十分でしょう。 しかし、あなたが説明したいのであれば理由を述べても構わないでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • No need to pick me up, I'll meet you there.

  • I won't be at the hotel so I will meet you at the restaurant.

To tell a person that you will meet them at a location and won't need to be picked up, you could say "No need to pick me up, I'll meet you there."
相手に迎えに来なくてもいいと伝えるなら以下のように言えます。 "No need to pick me up, I'll meet you there." (迎えに来なくていいです、そこまで行きますんで)
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • That's okay. I have other arrangements already.

  • Thank you. I will be coming from somewhere else.

  • I will just meet you there.

"That's okay" tells the person they don't need to worry about helping you. When you say "I have other arrangements already" they will understand that you don't need their help to get there. Also you can express gratitude for the offer by saying "thank you", but be polite and let them know you will be coming from somewhere else. That way they won't think you are just putting them off. Another quick way to respond is to say "I will just meet you there." It is simple and let's them know you already have arrangements to get there. You don't have to explain why.
"That's okay" は、相手に自分のことを助ける心配はしなくてもいいということを伝えます。  "I have other arrangements already" すでにほかの手配があります。 ということで、そこに行く助けは必要ないことを理解してもらえるでしょう。また、 "thank you"ということで、感謝の気持ちを伝えることができます。礼儀正しく、他の場所から向かうことを相手に知らせましょう。そうすることで、 相手は自分を避けていると思わずに済みます。 別の簡単な返答は、"I will just meet you there." (そこで待ち合せしよう)と言うことです。シンプルで、相手に自分がそこまでいく手配ができていることを伝えます。どうしてかは説明する必要はありません。
Monicah DMM英会話講師
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