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昔の人は着物を毎日着ていた は英語でなんと言えばいいでしょうか?
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2016/12/10 21:35
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  • People in old times used to wear Kimonos every day.

  • People, a long time ago, used to wear Kimonos every day.

People in old times used to wear Kimonos every day. “used to V” で「[昔](は~していた」という現在の対比を表します。 この表現と似ているのが、 “be used to ~”です。 この意味は、「~することに慣れている」という状態を表します。 また、”[着る](”という意味のwearですが、これも状態を表すので、着ている状態というニュアンスとなります。 逆に着る動作の場合は、put on が使われますので、ぜひ合わせて覚えてみてくださいね。 それから、in old timesで今回は、昔というニュアンスを出しています。その他にも、アメリカでは、カンマで囲み、a long time agoなどを使ったりするネイティブの方も見かけたりしたので、これもセットで覚えてもらえれば幸いです。
  • In the past, people used to wear kimono every day.

Beforeの変わりに、 ・a long time ago (かなり[昔]( ・in past times ・in years/times past ・before (俗) が使えます。
  • Back in the day, people would wear kimonos

  • Traditionally, Japanese people would wear kimonos.

  • We used to wear kimonos but not anymore.

Back in the day - this is the same as "in the past" but is usually used more coloquially A. Hey, where's your kimono? B. We don't wear those anymore. A. I thought all Japanese people wore kimonos. B. Yeah, we used to... back in the day. But we don't wear those anymore.
Back in the day - "あの頃は" (英語) A. Hey, where's your kimono? B. We don't wear those anymore. A. I thought all Japanese people wore kimonos. B. Yeah, we used to... back in the day. But we don't wear those anymore. (訳) A. 貴方の着物はどこ? B. もう着ないよ A. 嘘だ、日本人の人は皆んな着物を着るのかと思ってたよ。 A.昔はね。今はもう着ません。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • In the past it was common for people to wear kimonos.

  • Many people wore kimonos in the past.

"In the past it was common for people to wear kimonos.", is a statement meant to show that in history it was commonplace for Japanese people to wear kimonos.
"In the past it was common for people to wear kimonos."(昔は人々は着物を着ることが一般的でした。) 上記の文章は歴史上、日本人は着物を着る習慣があったと記しています。 Many people wore kimonos in the past.(昔は多くの人々が着物を着ていました。)
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • In the past, people used to wear kimonos every day.

  • A long time ago, people used to wear kimonos every day.

:Since you talking about something that happened in the past , it is important that you use the past tense. Example of phrases that you can use to indicate that it has happened a long time include: -in the past -before -a few years ago - a long time ago
過去に起こったことについて話しているため過去形を使うことが大事です。これらは過去形の例です: (英文) -in the past -before -a few years ago - a long time ago (訳) -過去で -以前 -何年か前に -昔
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Kimonos are is traditional form of everyday dress in Japan

  • Peopel always used to wear kimonos in the old days.

'Traditionally' means, 'by tradition' or 'in the old days'. To used to do something = in the past, to have routinely carried out a particular activity or action or process.
'Traditionally”は「伝統的に」または「昔は」という意味です。 To used to do something = 昔は、日常的に特定の活動、行動、または過程を行なっていたということ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The Kimono was traditional dress long ago

  • in the past Kimono would be everyday wear

  • in the past everyone would wear Kimono's

examples "the Kimono was traditional dress long ago". or "in the past Kimono's would be everyday wear". or "everyone would wear Kimono's in the past".
例文 "The Kimono was traditional dress long ago". 着物は昔の伝統的な服です "In the past Kimono's would be everyday wear". 昔は着物は日常着でした "Everyone would wear Kimono's in the past". 昔は誰もが着物を着ていました。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • A long time ago, kimonos were a normal style of dress.

  • People used to wear kimonos every day a long time ago

  • A long time ago people used to wear kimonos every day

We can explain that a kimono was a, "normal style of dress," a long time ago but now it's no longer the case. We can also say, "people used to wear kimonos," to express that it was something that was in the past with the auxiliary phrase, "used to."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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