世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/12/15 17:10
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  • what's the forecast like tomorrow?

  • What's the weather like tomorrow?

  • Do you know what the weather will be like tomorrow?

日常会話で使う場合、相手が[気象予報士](でない限り、いきなり「What will the weather be like tomorrow?」と聞くのは少し不自然かもしれません。 「Do you know...」で始めることによって日常会話で話す時の口調とトーンになります。
Reina Saeki マルチリンガル英会話講師/ハーバード卒バイリンガル
  • Have you seen the forecast for tomorrow?

"Have you seen...?" Is a popular way of asking if someone knows about information that is readily accessible to everyone. You can ask, "Have you seen the scores from that football match?" Or, "Have you seen the latest news about Syria?" You could be either asking permission to share information or asking for information, so if the person replies with just a "yes" then you can ask for the information, "Could you share?" or "oh great, what's it supposed to be like tomorrow?" (weather) Have a great day!
「Have you seen...?」はすでに情報にアクセスしたか尋ねる時によく使われる表現です。 Have you seen the scores from that football match? フットボールの試合のスコアを知っていますか? Have you seen the latest news about Syria? シリアに関する最新のニュースを知っていますか? と尋ねることができます。 情報共有の許可を尋ねたり、情報を尋ねたりすることができます。 相手が「yes(はい)」と答えたら、「Could you share?(共有してくれませんか)」「oh great, what's it supposed to be like tomorrow?" (weather)(素晴らしい。明日の天気はどうですか?)」と情報を尋ねることができます。 よい1日を。
Myriah DMM英会話講師
  • Have you seen the weather forecast for tomorrow?

  • Any idea what the weather will be like tomorrow?

  • What's happening with the weather tomorrow?

Any of these queries is adequate for the purpose of asking if your associate know about the weather/weather forecast for the following day.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Do you know how the weather will be like tomorrow.

This sentence means that you want to know if by any chance they know how the weather will be like tomorrow.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • What's the weather forecast for tomorrow?

  • Whats the weather going to be like tomorrow?

forecast = a prediction or estimate of future events, usually weather or a financial. Example: What's the weather forecast for tomorrow?
forecast = 未来の出来事を予測、見積もること、たいてい、天気や経済に使われます。 例: What's the weather forecast for tomorrow? 明日の天気は何ですか?
Alistair W DMM英会話講師
  • Do you know what the weather is going to do tomorrow?

  • Whats the fall cast for tomorrow?

"Do you know what the weather is going to do tomorrow?" This asks the person to tell you if they know what the weather is going to be like for the next day. "What's the forecast for tomorrow?" This asks the person if they know what the weather is going to be like for the next day.
"Do you know what the weather is going to do tomorow?" 明日の天気、どうなるか知ってる? これは、相手に明日の天気がどうなるか知っているか尋ねるときの表現です。 "What's the forecast for tomorrow?" 明日の天気はどう? これは、明日の天気がどうかシンプルに相手に尋ねる表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?

  • What will the weather be like tomorrow?

The most common expressions used are : "What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?" "What will the weather be like tomorrow?" forecast (prediction) A : What is the weather forecast for tomorrow? B : I'm not sure, but I heard it will be sunny. A : Great! So I can go to the beach tomorrow.
最も一般的に使われる表現は以下です: "What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?"(明日の天気予報は何ですか?) "What will the weather be like tomorrow?"(明日天気はどんな感じですか?) forecast (予測する) A : What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?(明日の天気予報は何ですか?) B : I'm not sure, but I heard it will be sunny.(よくわかりません。でも、晴れると聞いています。) A : Great! So I can go to the beach tomorrow.(良かったです!それでは明日ビーチに行くことができます。)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Any idea what sort of whether we're having tomorrow?

  • What does the weather have in store for us tomorrow?

"Any idea" is a casual way of asking "do you know...?" What does the weather have in store for us tomorrow? This means: What type of weather can we expect tomorrow?
Any idea'とは、'Do you know...?'のように人に何かを聞くカジュアルな言い方です。 What does the weather have in store for us tomorrow? とは、明日どんな天気だと思う?という意味になります。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?

  • Did you see tomorrow's weather forecast?

The weather department on TV does daily or weekly weather forecasts. These forecasts are always available for viewers to take note of. These weather forecasts can also be accessed on the internet. However, you might have missed the weather bulletin or not checked the internet for yourself, so, you may have to ask a friend and say: What is the weather forecast for tomorrow? or Did you see tomorrow's weather forecast?
TVの天気予報の部門は毎日あるいは毎週の天気予報を発表します。これらの予報はいつも視聴者が見て、確認できるようになっています。また、インターネットでアクセスできるようになっています。 しかし、天気予報の掲示板を見逃したり、インターネットでチェックするのを忘れることがあるかもしれません。 そんな時は友達に次のように聞くことができます: What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?(明日の天気予報は何ですか?) Did you see tomorrow's weather forecast?(明日の天気予報を見ましたか?)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
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