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寒いと朝起きるのが困難になる。 出掛けようにも身体が言う事を聞かないや(笑) と言いたいです。
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2016/12/14 17:07
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  • When it's cold, I have trouble getting out of bed in the morning.

  • It's hard to drag myself out of bed when it's so cold.

「drag」は「引きずる」。起きにくい時に「it's hard to drag myself out of bed」(自分をベッドから引きずることが難しい)とよく言われています。
Tim Young 主催
  • I struggle to get out of bed when it is cold.

  • I find it difficult to get up on cold mornings.

I struggle to get out of bed when it is cold. I find it difficult to get up on cold mornings. Struggle = verb and noun. You face difficulty when trying to get out of bed when it is cold.
I struggle to get out of bed when it is cold. I find it difficult to get up on cold mornings. Struggle = 名詞/動詞 寒いときにベッドから出るのが辛いです。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Getting up is difficult for me these cold mornings!

  • I always stay in bed until the last minute these cold days

Your partner is so understanding! The temperature has plummeted and under the duvet it is so warm and comfortable in the mornings. Your partner quickly makes a cup of hot cocoa and brings it to you in bed. You have to get up to go to work but maybe you could stay in bed just a little longer......... "I always stay in bed until the last minute these cold days."
パートナーが物分かりのいい人でよかったね。 寒くなると布団の中から出るのが辛いものですよね。 パートナーがホットココアを作ってベッドまで持ってきてくれる。起きて仕事に行かなくちゃいけないけど、もうちょっとだけベッドの中にいたい。そんな自分を表現する一言。 "I always stay in bed until the last minute these cold days."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • When it's cold, I battle to get up!

"When it's cold, I battle to get up!" "Get up" is a phrasal verb "Battle"is a fight or conflict that you are having with yourself
When it's cold, I battle to get up! 「Get up」は句動詞です。 「Battle」は戦いや自分自身が持っている闘争です。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • I really struggle to get out of bed when its cold.

To struggles mean you find it hard/difficult to wake because its cold outside. You just want to stay warm. Get out of bed means to leave your bed.
"To strugglesとは、外が寒いので起きることが難しいという意味になります。ただ単に暖かいところに居たいんですね。 Get out of bedとは、ベッドから出る、起き上がるという意味です。"
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Its difficult for me to get out of bed when its cold outside.

  • I really find it hard to get out of bed when its cold outside.

Most people find it very hard to jump out of bed when it is very cold outside. For most people, staying in bed under the over of warm blankets is the ideal thing to do. This ensures that you are kept warm. However, it is not the ideal thing to do because one has to get up and go to work.. So, reluctantly, one has to get out of bed and off to work one has to go. So, you may say: It's difficult for me to get out of bed when it's cold outside. or I really find it hard to get out of bed when it's cold outside.
ほとんどの人が寒いとき、ベッドからでるのが億劫になります。暖かいブランケットに包まれてベッドの中にいるのが理想的です。こうすることで、暖かくいることができますが、仕事に行かないといけないときは、そうもしていられません。ですので、ベッドから出て仕事に行かなければいけないときは以下のように言うことができます。  It's difficult for me to get out of bed when it's cold outside. 寒いときは、ベッドからでるのが難しいです。   I really find it hard to get out of bed when it's cold outside. 寒いときにベッドからでるのが本当に大変です。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • It's hard to get out of the bed in the morning when it's cold

  • It's hard to drag myself out of bed in the morning when it's cold

  • When it's cold I find it hard to get out of bed

When it's cold suggests what the weather is like outside when talking about getting up we say to 'get out of bed' an informal way of saying this is 'to drag yourself out of bed' meaning it's something you really don't want to do
"When it's cold"(寒いと)は外の天気の様子を表します。 「起床する」は'get out of bed'と言います。 インフォーマルな言い方として'to drag yourself out of bed'(自分自身をベッドから引きずり出す)もあります。これは、ベッドから出たくないけど起きることを表します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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