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2016/12/24 00:44
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  • Is there anything good on tv?

「何か面白い番組やっていますか」と聞きたい場合は "Is there anything good on tv?"といえば大丈夫です。 フランクに言いたい場合は"Is anything good on?"と言っても大丈夫です。 TAKASHI様が聞かれた場合に回答する場合 Yes, 〇〇 will be on from 10.=10時から〇〇があるよ。 〇〇 is on right now.=今〇〇がやっているよ。 Nothing good.=何もないね。 参考になれば幸いです。
  • Is there anything good on TV?

  • Is there anything interesting on TV?

Is there anything worth watching on TV? Are there any good shows, movies or documentaries on TV?
【例文】 Is there anything worth watching on TV? 〔訳〕テレビで何かいい(見る価値がある)のやってる? Are there any good shows, movies or documentaries on TV? 〔訳〕テレビで何かいい番組、映画とかドキュメンタリーとか、やってる?
Angela Jane DMM英会話講師
  • Anything good on TV?

  • Is there anything interesting of TV?

  • Is there anything worth watching on TV tonight?

"Anything good on TV?" is a common question to ask if there are any good or interesting shows on TV that are worth watching.
"Anything good on TV?" (テレビで何かいいのあってる?)というフレーズはよく使われる質問文で、「何かいい番組や面白い番組がテレビでやっていないか」、を尋ねることができます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Is there any thing good playing on TV?

  • Are there any interesting programs being broadcast right now?

  • Is there anything worth watching on TV?

"Is there anything good playing on TV?" You want to know if there are any good programs playing at the moment. "Are there any interesting programs being broadcast right now?" You are asking if there are any programs you are most likely to enjoy being aired on TV. "Is there anything worth watching on TV?" You want to know if there are any programs you should make an effort to see at the moment.
"Is there anything good playing on TV?" ①「何か面白いテレビ番組やってない?」 今、テレビで何か良い番組をやっているかどうかを知りたい。 "Are there any interesting programs being broadcast right now?" ②「今なにか面白い番組放送してない?」 何か楽しめる番組をテレビで放送しているかどうか聞いている。 "Is there anything worth watching on TV?" ③「何か観る価値がある番組やってない?」 わざわざ観る価値のある番組があるかどうかを知りたい。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • A) Anything interesting playing on TV these days?

  • B) Which good programs would you suggest me to watch ?

A) Anything interesting playing on TV these days? *Interesting - captivating *Playing - Showing / on TV*These days - lately B) Which good programs would you suggest me to watch ? *Program -a planned series of future events or performances. *Suggest -put forward for consideration. I hope this helps :-)
A. 最近、面白い番組やってない? Interesting=Captivating、人の心をとらえるような。 Playing=Showing, On TV、放映する、テレビで。 These days=Lately, この頃、最近。  B.どの面白い番組がおすすめですか? Program=ここでは、番組のこと。 Suggest=提案すること。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Is there anything good on the tv?

  • 2. Do you know whats on the tv? Is there anything good?

  • 3. Anything sound on the tv?

1. Are there any quality shows or productions showing in the TV tonight? 2. "What's on TV?" means, what programmes can we watch on the television? "I think the London variety Show is on TV this evening." 3. SOUND means "Cool, awesome, good" "Sound"= A commonly used slang word for saying/asking if something is good for example: "Those shoes are sound" "That film was sound!"
1.別の例: Are there any quality shows or productions showing in the TV tonight? 2. "What's on TV?" (テレビで今)何がやってるの? 今夜はロンドンのバラエティがやってると思うよ。 3. SOUND は、Cool, awesome, goodを意味するスラングです。 "That film was sound!"この映画最高だね!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Is there anything interesting on TV?

  • Is there anything good on TV?

Interesting' and 'good' are adjectives to describe a TV show. This lets the person know that you are looking for something fun to watch on TV. You can be specific as to what kind of TV program you are looking for. Examples Movie Series Documentary __________________________________________________________________________________ Example Are there any interesting movies on TV? Are there any good series on TV?
Interesting' と 'good' はテレビ番組を描写する形容詞です。これはあなたがテレビで見る何か面白いものを探しているということを示します。 あなたはどんな種類のテレビ番組を探しているのかを特定していうこともできます。 Examples例: Movie映画 Seriesシリーズ Documentaryドキュメンタリー __________________________________________________________________________________ Example Are there any interesting movies on TV? テレビで何か面白い映画はやってる? Are there any good series on TV? テレビに何か面白いシリーズはある?
Denton DMM英会話講師
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