「腰が曲がってしまっている」という表現は他にも、逆の発想で、”those that can't stand straight up" (まっすぐに立つことができない人)と言うこともまた伝わる方法の一つになりますね。あえて “elderly”(年老いた)と言わなくてもいい場合でしたら、単に ”people” や ”those", または、”because of age” (年齢のせいで、お年寄りだから)と付け加えてもいいかもしれません。
Sometimes we see people who can't stand straight because of age.
また、これもそのままの、”people who are bent over" (腰が曲がってしまっている)
”We see elderly people who are completely bent over"
Some elders have an almost 90 degree bend in their backs.
Due to their everyday work, such as faming, some elders have an almost 90 degree bend in their backs.
生活習慣はlife styleとも言います。
お年寄り:elders / elder people / senior citizens
There are a number of elderly people who are bent double mainly due to their life style and so forth,
especially those who engage in agriculture which burdens their lower back.
Bent double; 腰がくの字の曲がっている。
My 92-year-old grandma is bent forward at the waist but still picking up veggies every morning.