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2016/12/29 23:59
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  • Sorry for being late. My internet had a problem.

シンプルに上記の表現が良いと思います。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Kentaro Ide UXPRESS代表
  • I'm sorry. I'm late.

I'm sorry. I'm late.と伝えれば大丈夫です! My Wi-fi is not working well. 「Wifiの調子が悪い。」 I couldn't connect to the internet.「インターネットに接続できませんでした」 続けて言うと以下の通りです。 I'm sorry, I'm late. My Wi-Fi was not working well and I couldn't connect to the internet. 遅れてしまってごめんなさい。Wi-Fiの調子が悪くてインターネットに接続できませんでした。
  • I'm sincerely apologize for my tardiness; I was having internet issues. But I promise I won't let it happen again!

  • I am so deeply sorry. My lateness is inexcusable, but I couldn't plan for the internet issues that I was having.

I apologize for my tardiness/lateness - "I apologize" is a fancier way to say "I'm sorry" and adding "sincerely" stresses that you are "truly sorry" I am so deeply sorry. - this is one way to stress that you are really sorry My lateness is inexcusable - this tells the listener that even though you are about to give an excuse, you understand that there is no excuse I promise it won't happen again! - some people say that saying sorry means that you will try your hardest not to do something again; to show that you are truly sorry, you can add "I promise it won't let it happen again!" This means you won't allow the same thing to happen, and you will try to prevent it from happening as much as you can.
I apologize for my tardiness/lateness (遅れてすみません) "I apologize" は"I'm sorry" よりも丁寧な言い方です。 他にも "I'm truly sorry" " I am so deeply sorry." という表現が使えます。 ”My lateness is inexcusable ” これを理由を説明する前に付け加えると「どんな理由であれ申し訳ありません」といったニュアンスになります。 ”I promise it won't happen again!” (すみません、もう二度としません!)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • I am sorry for coming late for the lesson. I had an internet problem.

  • Forgive my tardiness, I had internet problems.

*I am sorry for coming late for the lesson. I had an internet problem. This is a simple way of apologizing and it is polite. *Forgive my tardiness, I had internet problems. Tardiness means lateness. For example: "Forgive my tardiness, I had some very important business to attend to."
*(英文)I am sorry for coming late for the lesson. I had an internet problem. (訳)レッスンに遅れてすみません。インターネットの接続問題がありました。 これはシンプルで丁寧に謝ることができるフレーズです。 *(英文)Forgive my tardiness, I had internet problems. (訳)遅れてすみません。インターネットの接続問題がありました。 Tardiness は遅延や遅刻という意味です。 例: (英文)"Forgive my tardiness, I had some very important business to attend to." (訳)遅れてすみません。大事な用事がありまして出席しなければなりませんでした。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry I'm late but my internet was playing up

  • I'm late due to a hiccup with the internet. Sorry.

if a mechanical or electrical system or appliance 'plays up' then there is some kind of malfunction occurring. It may not be a continuous fault - it could be intermittent. You could also describe such an item as having a 'hiccup'. A hiccup is an undefined problem which has interrupted the smooth working of something. A "No coffee today?" B "Sorry, there's a hiccup with the coffee making machine."
もし、機械や電気システムや機器が「plays up(調子が悪い)」のであれば、機能不全があります。 連続障害ではないかもしれません。 断続的である可能性があります。 また、「しゃっくり」のようだと表現することができます。 A hiccupは、何か円滑な作業を中断する定義できない問題です。 A No coffee today? 今日はコーヒーないのですか? B Sorry, there's a hiccup with the coffee making machine. すみません。コーヒーの機械の調子が悪くて。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm very sorry I was late. My internet had connection issues.

  • I was late because my internet was acting up. I'm sorry.

Both of these phrases are accurate and will function as required although "I was late because my internet was acting up" is a more colloquial way of saying it. The phrase "acting up" is an english verbal phrase which means "to misbehave or not do as it is supposed to". I hope this helps
"I was late because my internet was acting up." (インターネットがおかしくて遅れてしまいました) という言い方のほうがカジュアルではありますが、ご紹介したどちらのフレーズも正しく、言いたいことが伝わります。 acting up というフレーズは、正しく作動しない、こわれている、という意味の熟語です。 参考になれば幸いです。
Joshua R DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry for being late. I had connection problems.

  • I had internet/connections problems/issues that made me late to class.

  • I was late for class because I had internet/connections/ problems/issues.

"I had internet/connections problems/issues that made me late to class." explains to your teacher that you were late for class because of problems you had with the internet.
"I had internet/connections problems/issues that made me late to class." インターネット接続の問題があって授業に遅れました。 これは、インターネットに問題があって授業に遅れたと伝えています。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
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