This is my unlucky year in the Japanese mythological calendar, so I went to a Shinto shrine and received a purification rite to ward off evil spirits.
This is my unlucky year in the Japanese mythological calendar,
so I went to a Shinto shrine and received a purification rite to ward off evil spirits.
unlucky year = 厄年 (いわゆる運が低迷する年)
climacteric year (占星術でよくないとされる年) とも言うことができます。歳という考え方をすればyearをageにしてもいいですね。
Japanese mythological calendar = 日本の神話的な暦
厄年は神道、仏教どちらの思想かが不明なので、このように訳しました。ただunlucky yearだと、本人がそう思い込んでいるだけと捉えられてしまう可能性があるので、このように付け加えましょう
Shinto shrine = 神社 (神道の社であることを明確にしましょう)
purification = お清め、浄化
rite = 儀式
ward off = 追い払う drive away も同じ意味です
evil spirits = 悪霊 (いわゆる厄)
This is an unlucky year so I went to a shrine and received purification.
This is an unlucky year so I visited a shrine and purified myself
今年は厄年なので、神社でおはらいをしてもらいました ー This is an unlucky year so I went to a shrine and received purification.
今年は ー This year / this is
厄年 ー an unlucky year / a bad year / unlucky according to the Japanese mythological calendar
なので、 ー so / therefore / because
神社で ー I went to shrine / at the shrine / I visited a shrine and
おはらいをしてもらいました ー received purification / purified myself / performed a purification ceremony