「The attributes and abilities needed in the present era are the abilities to reason and creativity.」という表現です。
「資質」は色々な言葉があります。(物や人の)nature, (人の)disposition, (物や人の)innate qualities,(人の)character がいくつかです。
「能力」はだいたい ability と言います。
「今の時代に必要な資質・能力は、思考力と創造力です」と言いたいなら What is necessary in these times is character, ability, and the power to think が一つの言い方です。
In this day and age, the qualities we need are creativity and the ability to think for ourselves.
In this day and age, the qualities we need are creativity and the ability to think for ourselves.
in this day and age = 今の時代
qualities = 資質
we need = 必要
creativity = 創造力
ability to = ~する能力
think for ourselves = 思考力