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英語について教えてください。 「閉店時間となりますので、そろそろレジまでお願いします。」は英語でどのように言いますか? 教えてください。
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yasuyuki shimamuraさん
2017/01/09 11:42
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  • Our store will be closing soon. Please bring your final purchases to a register.

  • closing time

「閉店時間」は基本的にclosing timeと言いますが、場合や説明によって他の言い方もあります。 「閉店時間となりますので、そろそろレジまでお願いします」はこのようにも言えます: Our store will be closing soon. Please bring your final purchases to a register. 具体的な時刻や時間までを提示する場合、 Our store will be closing at 9:00pm. Our store will be closing in 15 minutes. 「at」は具体的な時刻を指し、「in」はある期間の後ということを指します。
Jaime 英会話講師・翻訳家
  • We are closing shortly, so please come and pay at a cashier.

We are going to close または We're closing でそろそろ閉めますよ〜の意。 それに、「レジにて精算をお済ませください」をつなぎました。
Kaori バイリンガルコメディアン
  • 1. It's almost closing time. Would customers please make their way to the checkout.

  • 2. The store is now closed. Customers wishing to make a purchase should go directly to the checkout.

1. 'The store is almost closed' - this is a reminder that it will no longer be possible to buy items shortly. 'Make your way to..' = Go to.. 2. 'The store is now closed.' This is a more urgent message to customers who may worry that they may not be able to buy any items. However, the second part of the message instructs customers to go to the checkout.
1. 'The store is almost closed' - これは、すぐに買い物ができなくなるというリマインダーになりますね。 'Make your way to..' = Go to.. (きてください、いってください) 2. 'The store is now closed.' これはもっと緊急のメッセージで最初の文で、購入客が買い物できないのではないかと心配しますが、次のパートでは、すぐにレジに向かうよう指示しています。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Its closing time.

  • We will be closing shortly/soon. Please make your way to the till/cash register/ pay point.

"Closing time." is what it is called when a store/shop closes. "We will be closing shortly/soon." This explains to the customer that the store/shop is closing. "Please make your way to the till." This politely asks the customer to finish shopping and go and pay for their items. Till means the same as "Cash register or Pay point."
"Closing time." is what it is called when a store/shop closes. Closing time=閉店時間。 "We will be closing shortly/soon." This explains to the customer that the store/shop is closing. "Please make your way to the till." This politely asks the customer to finish shopping and go and pay for their items. Till means the same as "Cash register or Pay point." 例文:We will be closing shortly/soon→もうすぐ閉店時間です。Please make your way to the till→レジまでお出で下さい。 お客様に買い物を終わらせて、お会計を済ませるように案内する丁寧な言い方です。Tillはレジのこと(イギリス英語)。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Closing time...

  • Attention: It is nearly closing time ...please make your way to the check out!

Closing time is when the shopp trading hours are over...At this pint customers need to go to the check out, pay for thie goods... and clear the premises for the day.... "Attention: It is nearly closing time... please make your way to the check out!"
Closing timeとは閉店時間のことを指します。お客さんは、レジでお会計をし、店を閉めるのです。  "Attention: It is nearly closing time. Please make your way to the check out!" お願い:間もなく閉店時間になります。まだの方はご精算をお願い致します。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • It's almost closing time, please make your way to the cash register

"Closing time" is the regular time at which a shop, bar, or other place closes to the public each day. It shows good customer service to ask your customers to 'please' make their way to the cash register. The 'cash register' or 'till' is the till, is the machine where cash is safely placed and payments are taken. It is often used in shops and has a drawer for money. Usually a small screen displays the amount of each sale.
"Closing time"とは、お店やバーなどの場所の閉店時間という意味です。 お客さんにpleaseを使い、レジに行くように伝えることは、よい顧客サービスとなります。  The 'cash register' や 'till'は、レジのことを指します。お店で使われ、お金をいれる引き出しがあります。普通は、お会計を表示する小さなスクリーンがついています。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • closing time

  • please find a checkout because we are closing soon.

  • The store is about to close, please queue at the nearest checkout

Example "We are closing soon, please find a checkout to pay for your goods." or "It's nearly closing time, please pay at the nearest checkout." or "The store is about to close, would you like to queue at a checkout counter."
"We are closing soon, please find a checkout to pay for your goods."  間もなく閉店します。お会計をお済ませください。 "It's nearly closing time, please pay at the nearest checkout."  間もなく閉店の時間です。最寄りのレジでお会計をお済ませください。 "The store is about to close, would you like to queue at a checkout counter." 間もなく閉店します。お会計のカウンターにお並びください。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Our store will be closing in exaclty ten minutes.Could all customers please make their way to the checkout point?

This is a polite way to let them know the store is about to close,give them the exact amount of time they have to exit and lastly politely request for customers to pay and leave.
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • closing time

  • It's closing time

  • We are closing soon

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・closing time 閉店時間 It's closing time と言えば「閉店時間です」となります。 「もうすぐ閉店時間です」は We are closing soon と言うことができます。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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