departure from a country; to depart from a country; to leave a country
出国は英語に訳すとto depart from a countryかdeparture from a countryになります。
出国時と言いたいなら、when you depart from a country か when departing from a country のように言います。
もう少し砕けた会話なら「to leave a country」になります。
Please hold onto and do not lose the goods you bought, your passport, and your proof of purchase. You need all of these things to depart from the country.
*You need all of these things to leave the country. (leaveはdepartよりキャジュアルな言い方なので、友達同士なら自然です)
購入商品 = bought goods
パスポート= passport
お客様控え= proof of purchase; receipt (領収書)
「出国する」→「To depart the country, To leave the country」
「You will need this/all this when you depart the country/leave the country」
「There are some documents attached in your passport. Purchased items, your passport, duplicate copies are needed when you depart the country so please be sure to have all this.」