世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/01/11 20:54
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  • Where have you gone sightseeing in Japan?

  • What places have you visited in Japan?

1つ目は: "Where have you gone sightseeing in Japan?" ここでは "sightseeing" という単語を使って 「観光」を表現しています。「go sightseeing」というフレーズは「観光に行く」という意味になりますが、ここでは現在完了形となり、曖昧性がなくなります。 2つ目は: "What places have you visited in Japan?" 日本語の「観光する」を英語の "visit" という表現でサイトを訪問したという意味に変換しました。場所や地名を特定するために "what places" を使っています。 元の日本語が「~されましたか」のちょっと丁寧文になっていますが、 この場合は特に英語の丁寧な言い方はないので、そのまま使ってください。
Jaime 英会話講師・翻訳家
  • What did you enjoy seeing in Japan?

質問者さんへ 以前のご質問への回答となり恐縮ですが 少しでも参考として頂けますと幸いです。 What did you enjoy seeing in Japan? と言うことも可能です。 ・・・少しでも参考として頂けますと幸いです。 質問者さんの英語学習の成功を願っております。 LLD外語学院 学院長 前川未知雄
Michio Maekawa アスリート・イングリッシュ・マイスター
  • Have you seen any sights yet?

  • What have you been doing so far?

You may ask specifically if they have 'seen any sights yet' or you could ask a far more open question: "What have you been doing so far?" "The first night we got drunk and ended up in a disco at 5am in Tokyo downtown. But the next day we went on a tour to Mount Fuji and we also had a ride on the bullet train which was amazing!"
seen any sightsを使って尋ねる事もできますし、Yes/No以外で質問する事もできますね。 "What have you been doing so far?" 今まで何をしたの? "The first night we got drunk and ended up in a disco at 5am in Tokyo downtown. But the next day we went on a tour to Mount Fuji and we also had a ride on the bullet train which was amazing!" 最初の夜は飲み明かして5時に東京の市街地のディスコで終わったんだ。 そして二日目に富士山に行って、すっごい新幹線にも乗ったよ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Did you see (insert name of landmark)?

  • Did you go sightseeing?

  • What sights did you see?

Sightseeing is the activity of visiting landmarks and places of interest. It is usually to describe visiting places that are outside of your own hometown, city or village.
"Sightseeing"とは名所や観光地を見物するという意味になります。 これは普通、自分の住んでいる町や村以外の場所の事を言います。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Which places have you visited so far since you came to Japan?

*Which places have you visited so far since you came to Japan? A: Which places have you visited so far since you came to Japan? B: I have been to Hiroshima Peace Memorial only.
*Which places have you visited so far since you came to Japan?という例文について 例文 A: Which places have you visited so far since you came to Japan? 「日本に来てから今までどちらを訪れましたか?」 B: I have been to Hiroshima Peace Memorial only. 「広島平和記念碑だけ行ったことがあります。」
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Which places of interest have you been to so far in Japan?

  • Which tourist resorts have you visited so far in Japan?

  • Where have you been sightseeing so far in Japan?

If the person is a visitor to Japan, he/she will definitely be very interested to go and see places of interest. Places such as the Buddhist shrines would interest a visitor very much. Also, one would want to visit Mount Fuji on a clear day. But, of course, you personally wouldn't know where the visitor would have gone sightseeing. However, because you would like to know, you may ask: Which places of interest have you been to so far in Japan? or Which tourist resorts have you visited so far in Japan? or Where have you been sightseeing so far in Japan?
もしその人が日本を訪れているのであれば、 その人はお寺や神社などのような とても興味深い場所を見に行きたいと思います。 また、晴れた日に富士山に行きたい人もいるでしょう。 しかし、あなたは、その観光客がどこに行ったか知らないと思います。 しかし、それを知るために、こう聞くことができます。 “Which interesting places in Japan have you been so far?” (今まで日本のどこの面白い場所にいったことがありますか?) “Which tourist resorts in Japan have you been to so far?” (今まで、日本のどの観光スポットにいきましたか?) “Where in Japan have you been so far?” (今まで日本のどこにいきましたか?)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Did you go sightseeing to the famous spots in Japan?

  • What did you enjoy most about Japan?

Everybody loves to go sightseeing, especially in a new city that they haven't visited before. It is a great way to enjoy your holiday. We can take lots of pictures and see many interesting things that we haven't seen before. "Did you go sightseeing" is a very basic and informal way of asking someone if they went to see the famous or interesting places in a city. "What did you enjoy most about Japan?" is a very open question. You can answer, talking about other things such as the food, the weather, the people or you can talk about the places you visited.
観光、特に初めて訪れる町でのそれは本当に楽しいですね。旅行をする楽しみの一つです。写真を撮ったり、見たことのないものを見に行ったり。 "Did you go sightseeing" は「観光には行きましたか」のカジュアルでベーシックな言い方です。 "What did you enjoy most about Japan?"(日本にいて一番よかったものは何ですか)は、オープンな質問です。これには、例えば「食べ物」や「天気」、「人」で答えることもできますし、もちろん観光地について伝えることもできます。
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Have you been to any tourist attractions yet?

  • Have you been sightseeing yet?

If you would like to ask someone if they have been sightseeing, you can say something like "Have you been to any tourist attractions yet?" or "Have you been sightseeing yet?" This is how you can ask someone if they have been to any tourist spots in the country yet.
「もう観光はされましたか」は次のように言えます。 "Have you been to any tourist attractions yet?"(もう観光はされましたか) "Have you been sightseeing yet?"(もう観光はされましたか) どちらも「もう観光はされましたか」という意味です。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Have you been sightseeing in Japan?

  • Have you seen some places that are interesting or that you enjoyed seeing?

>Have you been sightseeing in Japan? This is asking the person if they have been taken for a tour already. >Have you seen some places that are interesting or that you enjoyed seeing? This is asking if he/she have seen some nice places or views that they like and enjoyed. #interesting=arousing curiosity or interest; holding or catching the attention.
Have you been sightseeing in Japan? ツアーはどうだったか聞くときの表現です。 Have you seen some places that are interesting or that you enjoyed seeing? よかった場所や楽しかった場所を聞くときの表現です。 interesting=好奇心や興味が喚起される。気になる。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • "When you visited Japan, did you go sightseeing anywhere? If so, where?"

  • "Did you go sightseeing when you travelled to Japan?"

  • "Have you visited any famous sights when you visited Japan?"

If you wanted to ask someone who is visiting Japan if they went sightseeing anywhere, you could ask any of the following: "When you visited Japan, did you go sightseeing anywhere? If so, where?", "Did you go sightseeing when you travelled to Japan?" or "Have you visited any famous sights when you visited Japan?".
日本を訪れている人に「どこか観光に行かれましたか」と質問したいということですね。次のように言えます。 "When you visited Japan, did you go sightseeing anywhere? If so, where?"(日本を訪れたときはどこか観光には行かれましたか。もし行ったならどこに行かれましたか) "Did you go sightseeing when you travelled to Japan?"(日本を訪れたときはどこか観光されましたか) "Have you visited any famous sights when you visited Japan?"(日本を訪れたときはどこか名所には行かれましたか)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Have you managed to go sightseeing since you've been here?

The use of 'managed' in the sentence is used because we assume the person maybe on a business trip, or exchange student or maybe here for a wedding or party etc and as a result could have been too busy, so we ask if they have 'managed' i.e if they have had time or interest, to go sight seeing since being in japan.
この文で 'managed' が使われているのは、おそらくこの場合相手は出張や留学、結婚式、パーティーなどで日本を訪れているのだと思います。ですから、観光をする暇がまだないという可能性があります。というわけで、「観光をすることが 'managed'(できた)か」という聞き方をしています。
Adel A DMM英会話講師
  • What are your sightseeing plans whilst you are here visiting Japan?

  • What tourist spots have you managed to see so far?

  • Will you be trying to see as many attractions whilst you are here?

Asking someone what their plans are and what they have seen so far is a good way of asking, that way it is direct and straight to the point and they can respond with what they want to see. What are your sightseeing plans whilst you are here visiting Japan? This is a good way of asking.
今までにどこに行ったかやこれからの予定を尋ねるといいと思います。そうすれば、これから行きたい場所について確認できます。 What are your sightseeing plans whilst you are here visiting Japan? (日本に滞在中、どこに観光に行く予定ですか) これは良い言い方です。
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • Have you been doing the usual touristy things?

  • Have you visited many of our famous tourist spots?

1.Have you been doing the usual touristy things? The word ''touristy'' is a very casual term which is used quite frequently nowadays.It basically refers to the usual things that tourists do, the places they visit and the restaurants that they enjoy eating at in any foreign country. 2.Have you visited many of our popular tourist spots? Every country has sightseeing or tourist spots that are famous "must-sees" in every country."'Must-see'' means that it is highly recommended and that no visit is complete without having had that experience. "'Popular" in this case means that about 90% of tourists to a country visit those same spots or participate in the same activities.
1. Have you been doing the usual touristy things?(普通の観光客をしていますか) ''touristy'' は、最近よく使われるカジュアルな表現で、観光客が一般的にすることをを指します。例えば、名所を訪れたり、人気のレストランに行ったり。 2. Have you visited many of our popular tourist spots?(人気の観光地には行きましたか) 観光名所はどの国にもありますね。"Popular" はこの場合、その国に観光に行った人のほとんどが訪れる場所、参加する活動を指します。 ※ ''Must-see'' は、観光に行ったら必ず訪れるべき場所を指します。
Shams DMM英会話講師
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