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2017/01/15 11:21
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  • The plane will be delayed or cancelled due to the snow.

遅延 delay 欠航 cancel ご参考になれば幸いです。
Yuiko Manager Research & Administration, ECC Junior講師
  • Due to snow there may be delays or cancellations

  • Due to adverse weather conditions flights may be affected by delays or cancellations

  • There may be a problem with the flight because of the weather

Quite often, there is a lack of precise detail about weather conditions in official announcements. Instead of identifying exactly what the weather problem is, the announcer would be far more likely to say something like: "Due to adverse weather conditions flights may be affected by delays or cancellations." If there is a complete lack of information from the airline about a flight that has not yet arrived, you may give a vague, personal opinion such as: "There may be a problem with the flight because of the weather."
公式なアナウンスでも、天気情報の詳細に欠けている場合はよくある。 何が天気の問題なのか解明するのではなく、アナウンサーはこういったことを言いやすいです。 "Due to adverse weather conditions flights may be affected by delays or cancellations." 天気の乱れにより、遅延やキャンセルに影響されるフライトが出てくる可能性があります。 また到着していない便の情報に関してまったく航空会社がまったく公開していない場合、下のようにあいまいなことはいうことはできるでしょう。 "There may be a problem with the flight because of the weather."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • My flight is delayed due to severe weather conditions.

Severe weather conditions is usually recognized and known when relating to flights. Flights are only cancelled when it's a serious issue, a severe weather condition will imply that it relates to snow, or any other drastic weather.
Severe weatherとは、一般的にフライト関係で使われる条件です。 便は重大な問題がない限りはキャンセルされません。 Serious weather conditionとは、雪だったり、激しい天気のことを示します。
Jese DMM英会話講師
  • The flight may be delayed or cancelled because of snow

  • Heavy snow may result in the delay or cancellation of the flight.

In order to explain that a flight may be delayed or cancelled because of heavy snow, you can say: The flight may be delayed or cancelled because of snow This is the most simplest way to say it. May be - This means might be Because of - Due to You can also say: Heavy snow may result in the delay or cancellation of the flight. This is a very formal statement, perhaps given as an announcement in an airport. May result in - This means that it might happen Delay or cancellation - noun form of delayed or cancelled. I hope that helps!
大雪などでキャンセルや遅延がある可能性があることを説明する時、 The flight may be delayed or cancelled because of snow これがシンプルな言い方になります。 May be - はmight beと同じで、可能性をこの場合さします。 Because of - Due to 原因:のせいで または、 Heavy snow may result in the delay or cancellation of the flight. 空港のアナウンスにも使われるでしょう公式な言い方と言えます。 May result in -...という結果になる可能性がある。 Delay or cancellation - delayed と cancelledの名詞。 I hope that helps!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • The flight has been delayed.

  • The snow has left many flights cancelled.

  • I cant fly due to delays because of the snow.

examples "I cant fly due to delays because of the snow." or "The snow has left many flights cancelled." or "The flight has been delayed." or "The snow has been really heavy, they have cancelled all flights due to the bad weather."
"I cant fly due to delays because of the snow." 雪のための遅延で飛ぶことができない。   "The snow has left many flights cancelled."  雪でたくさんのフライトが欠航になった。 "The flight has been delayed."  フライトが遅延している。 "The snow has been really heavy, they have cancelled all flights due to the bad weather." 雪がすごく強くなってきた。悪天候のため全てのフライトが欠航になった。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • The flight has the potential to be cancelled or delayed due to a snow storm.

  • Some flights are being cancelled or delayed because of the snow.

  • My flight status is uncertain due to extreme weather.

There are many ways you can explain this but you want to use a word such as 'may', 'uncertain', 'some' ,etc to show that you are unsure as to if the flight will run on time.
Iain DMM英会話講師
  • My flight may be delayed or cancelled due to heavy snow.

  • Heavy snow on the runways may result in the delay or cancellation of my flight.

  • My flight may be delayed or cancelled due to severe weather conditions.

What can usually cause a flight to either be delayed or even be cancelled are weather conditions. If there is heavy snow for example, the runways will be full of snow. This can make it very difficult for airplanes to run through before takeoff. So, airline managements do delay flights until the snow has stopped and the runways have been cleared, or they cancel the flights altogether and reschedule them. So, if you have been affected by such an occurrence, you may tell someone as follows: My flight may be delayed or cancelled due to heavy snow. or Heavy snow on the runways may result in the delay or cancellation of my flight. or My flight may be delayed or cancelled due to severe weather conditions.
フライトに遅れが出たりキャンセルが出る際は大抵天候が影響します。滑走路が雪で埋もれてしまうような状況の時は飛行機が離陸するまでに加速できなくなってしまいます。 このような場合は雪が解けるまでフライトを遅らせるか、キャンセルし新しいフライトのスケジュールを組みなおしたりします。 もしこういった状況に巻き込まれてしまった場合は以下のように言うといいでしょう。 My flight may be delayed or cancelled due to heavy snow. (大雪によりフライトが遅れるかキャンセルになるかもしれません。) Heavy snow on the runways may result in the delay or cancellation of my flight. (滑走路に積もった大雪の影響でフライトが遅れるかキャンセルになるかもしれません。) My flight may be delayed or cancelled due to severe weather conditions. (悪天候の影響でフライトが遅れるかキャンセルになるかもしれません。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • The flight might be delayed or cancelled due to snow.

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・The flight might be delayed or cancelled due to snow. 雪の影響でフライトが遅れるか欠航するかもしれません。 delayed は「遅れている」という意味の英語表現です。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • The flight will be delayed due to the snow.

・「The flight will be delayed due to the snow. 」 (意味)雪のために飛行機が遅れます。 <例文>The flight will be delayed due to the snow. We apologize for the inconvenience. <訳>雪のために飛行機が遅れます。ご迷惑おかけして申し訳ございません。 ・vocabulary: snow 雪 weather 天気 ご参考になれば幸いです。
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