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2016/01/18 12:54
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  • ① I'll be late to work because of traffic jams caused by the snow.

今日、私にあったことです。車じゃなくて山手線ですが 笑 「① I'll be late to work because of traffic jams caused by the snow.」は文字どおり「雪で道路が渋滞しているので、遅れます」。 他にも使える言い回しがあります。例えば、車に乗っている時に上司にその時の状況を報告する場合:「Traffic is at a standstill because of the snow」は、「雪のせいで交通停止になっています」とも言えます。 ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • • I’ll be late to work from snow

  • • I’ll be late from traffic jams from snow today.

  • • I don’t think I’ll make it on time because of traffic jam from snow

最初の例文はただの“雪”という対象だけに絞っていますが、車で行かれていることを相手が知っている場合は結果的に交通渋滞なんだ、ということを理解してくれると思います。 念のため、二個目の例文では“traffic jam”または“jams”(複数形→“あっちこっちの” )を付け加えたパターンです。 最後の例は間接的な表現。“I don’t think”(○○ではないと思う)に、 “make it”(○○○できる)、 “on time”(時間通り) で“because of snow”(雪が原因で)、を付ければ同じ意味。 一方では英語の場合はなるべく間接的な表現を使う方がいちいちニュアンスが柔らかい、より相手に聞き入れやすい表現となります。焦って、急いでない時、また感情的にも余裕がある時はこの最後の例の方がいいと思います。
Hara Ken English teacher
  • I'll be late because I'm stuck in a traffic jam from snow.

be stuck in ~ で「~にはまって身動きできない」という意味です。 I'll be late because I'm stuck in a traffic jam from snow. =「雪による渋滞にはまっているので遅れます。」
  • I am sorry I will be late due to the traffic jam from the snow.

A traffic jam is a line or lines of stationary or very slow-moving traffic, caused by roadworks, an accident, or heavy congestion. You can inform your boss that you can delay by using this sentence: "I am sorry I will be late due to the traffic jam from the snow." This is a polite way to inform him. For example: "The snow caused traffic jams all over the city." "I was stuck in a traffic jam for an hour yesterday."
A traffic jamとは、道路工事や事故などで止まっている、または、すごくゆっくりと交通が進むような列のことを言います。上司には、以下のような文言を使って、報告することができるでしょう。 例 "I am sorry I will be late due to the traffic jam from the snow." これは丁寧に言う表現です。 例 "The snow caused traffic jams all over the city." 雪で街の至るところで渋滞が起きている。 "I was stuck in a traffic jam for an hour yesterday." 昨日渋滞に一時間も捕まっちゃったよ。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry but I will be late to work because there are many cars driving slow and careful in this snowy weather.

  • I am stuck in traffic because the roads are icy, so I will be late to work.

1. I'm sorry but I will be late to work because there are many cars driving slow and careful in this snowy weather. - People who drive "slow and careful" usually cause roads to be temporarily crowded. This can make it longer to get to your destination because there are cars in the way. 2. I am stuck in traffic because the roads are icy, so I will be late to work. - Stuck= Unable to move, not moving - Traffic= cars that are moving in an area "Stuck in traffic" is a phrases that means you cannot move because your car is in between many other cars on a road. - Icy= covered in icy or snow - Late= not on scheduled time
1. I'm sorry but I will be late to work because there are many cars driving slow and careful in this snowy weather. (すみませんが、この雪のために多くの車がゆっくり注意して運転しているので、仕事に遅れます。) 人々が"slow and careful"(ゆっくり注意して)運転すると一時的な混雑を引き起こします。車が渋滞しているので、目的地へ到着するのにいつもより時間がかかります。 2. I am stuck in traffic because the roads are icy, so I will be late to work. (道路が凍結して渋滞しているので、仕事に遅れます。) Stuck=動けない様、動かない様 Traffic=ある一定のエリアを動いている車 "Stuck in traffic"道路で多くの車に挟まれ動けないことを示す言葉です。 Icy=氷や雪で覆われた Late=予定された時間に間に合わない
Sam K DMM英会話講師
  • The roads are blocked by snow, so I will be late.

  • The roads have not been cleared yet, so I will be late for work today.

  • There is a lot of congestion on the roads due to the snow. I will be late.

This is a simple explanation for your boss of why you will be late is : "The roads are blocked by snow, so I will be late." When there is heavy snowfall on a regular basis that city or country will have the equipment to clear the roads to prevent traffic congestion and accidents from occurring. Therefore it would not be unreasonable to say: "The roads have not been cleared yet, so I will be late for work today." You could also explain that there is 'congestion' on the roads. Congestion means blocked or having been slowed down. The expression below makes this clear. "There is a lot of congestion on the roads due to the snow. I will be late."
これは上司に遅刻の理由をシンプルに伝える表現です: "The roads are blocked by snow, so I will be late." (道路が雪でふさがれているので、遅刻します。) 大雪のよく降る都市や国では渋滞や事故を防ぐため雪かきをする装備があります。それゆえ次のように言うと、というとあまりよい理由にはなりません。 "The roads have not been cleared yet, so I will be late for work today." (まだ道路が雪かきされていないので、今日は遅刻します) 道路の'congestion'(渋滞)について説明することもできます。'Congestion'は車がたくさん並びノロノロ運転している様子です。以下の文の表現はそれを明確にしています。 "There is a lot of congestion on the roads due to the snow. I will be late." (雪のせいで道路が渋滞しておりますので遅刻します)
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • I will come into work late today because of the traffic caused by snow

  • Because of the heavy snow, there is a lot of traffic so I will be late into work

So the reason or cause of the delay is the snow which is affecting all traffic on the road. So you would say to your boss: Staff: Good morning, I will be arriving into work late today because of the heavy traffic affected by the snowfall. OR Staff: Good Morning, because of the heavy snow, the traffic on the road is very busy so I will be late into work.
この場合、道路での渋滞の原因は雪です。ですので上司の方に次のように言えるでしょう。 Good morning, I will be arriving into work late today because of the heavy traffic affected by the snowfall. (おはようございます。雪で道路が大変渋滞しているので仕事に遅れます。) Good Morning, because of the heavy snow, the traffic on the road is very busy so I will be late into work. (おはようございます。雪で道路が大変渋滞しているので仕事に遅れます。)
Katie D DMM英会話講師
  • Traffic chaos...

  • I am sorry I will be late into work, due to the snow and resulting traffic chaos !

Inclement weather can be very tricky when it comes to " driving conditions"... When its snowing there is usually a degree of traffic we need to be extra vigilant and very careful driving.... "I am sorry I will be late into work, due to the snow and resulting traffic chaos!"
「Inclement weather(荒れ模様の天気)」は、運転するときには非常に厄介です。 雪が降ると、普通、交通に多少の混乱が起きます...いつも以上に気を付けて運転する必要があります... "I am sorry I will be late into work, due to the snow and resulting traffic chaos!" 〔訳〕申し訳ありません、雪で交通が混乱していて(仕事に)遅れます。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • The snow's causing havoc on the roads so I will be a little late

  • Sorry but because of the snow my arrival time will be later than normal

  • The roads are snowed up but I'll be there as soon as I can

Any of the above statements seem appropriate for this scenario. To be 'snowed up' means to be blocked or partially blocked by snow. 'Havoc' means 'disarray' or 'destruction' - but this word is often used to describe a situation that is not well-controlled, or is very unusual in some way.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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