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学校など、日本は4月から学年が上がりますが、アメリカなどは9月が新学期だったりしますよね? そのような違いがあることをどう説明したらいいでしょうか?
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2017/01/16 02:45
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  • the start of the school year is at a different time

「新学期の始まりがちがう」は英語に訳すと「the first semester of the school year is at a different time」と言えば良いです。 「新学期」というのは「the start of the school year」か「the first semester of the school year」になります。「The start of the school year」の直訳は「学年が始まり」で、「the first semester of the school year」の直訳は「新学期」という意味です。 確かに日本とアメリカの新学期が違います。日本でしたら、4月ですが、アメリアでしたら大体8月に始まりますが、9月にも始まる学校もあるかもしれない。これを英語に説明したいならこのようは自然です。→ The start of the school year is different in Japan from the US. In Japan, it starts in April, whereas in America it starts in August or September. ご参考までに!
  • Our school year starts in a different year as compared to United States.

  • School starts in April in Japan and starts in September in United States .

You can use the following sentences to express yourself: 1)Our school year starts in a different year as compared to United States. 2)School starts in April in Japan and starts in September in United States .
次の表現を使って言い表すことが出来ます。 1)Our school year starts in a different year as compared to United States. 私たちの新学期の始まりはアメリカとは違います。 2)School starts in April in Japan and starts in September in United States . 日本では4月から新学期が始まり、アメリカでは9月から始まります。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • The academic year starts in April in Japan, whereas in the UK it starts in September

The school year or 'academic' year start may vary from country to country. In the UK, it starts during the first week of September. The tax year (ie the beginning of the year when you start to calculate your tax position) in the UK however, starts in April. "Hey James, when you go to Newcastle University in the UK, when does your academic year start?" "It kicks off in September."
学年または学年開始日は国によって異なる場合があります。英国では、9月の第1週に始まります。しかし、英国では税務年度(つまり、税務を計算し始める年の初めは4月に始まります。 「ジェイムス、英国のニューキャッスル大学の学期はいつ始まりますか?」 「9月に始まるよ」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Some countries school year starts at different times of the year.

  • School year starting dates are different in other countries.

>Some countries school year starts at different times of the year. >School year starting dates are different in other countries. ************ Both sentences clearly indicate that the school years start at different times of the year. Example In Japan school starts in April and in South Africa it starts in January. .,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.
>Some countries school year starts at different times of the year. >School year starting dates are different in other countries. ************ 上記はどちらも、学期が一年のいろんな時期に開始されることを示しています。 例 In Japan school starts in April and in South Africa it starts in January. 日本では4月、南アフリカでは1月に学校がスタートします。 .,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • The new school semester starts at a different time in Japan than they do in the United States

  • In Japan the new semester starts in April, which is different from other countries.

The new school semester starts at a different time in Japan than they do in the United States= This is vague way of telling someone the semester starts at different times in Japan. If you want to elaborate more on the exact starting times of the school semester you can add it at the end. Sentence example: The new school semester starts at a different time in Japan than they do in the United States. In Japan the semester starts in April but in the United States it starts in September. In Japan the new semester starts in April, which is different from other countries.= This a way to say the specific time the semester starts for Japan but leaves it open ended for the other country.
The new school semester starts at a different time in Japan than they do in the United States. 日本は、アメリカと違って新学期は違った時期に始まります。 これは、日本では新学期は違った時期に始まるとあいまいに伝える表現です。もっと詳しくいつ新学期が始まるか伝えたいときは、最後にそのように付け加えるといいでしょう。 例: The new school semester starts at a different time in Japan than they do in the United States. In Japan the semester starts in April but in the United States it starts in September. 日本は、アメリカと違って新学期は違う時期に始まります。日本では、新学期は4月に始まりますが、アメリカでは9月に始まります。 In Japan the new semester starts in April, which is different from other countries. 日本では、他の国とは違って新学期は4月に始まります。 これは、具体的に日本では新学期がいつはじまるのか伝える表現です。
Sarahh DMM英会話講師
  • The school year starts at different times depending on which country you are in. For example, in Japan it starts in April whereas in the US and the UK, it starts in September, and in South Africa, it starts in January.

The school year starts at different times of the year depending on which country you are in. For example, in Japan, the school year starts in April, in the United States and the United Kingdom, it starts in September, whereas in South Africa, it starts in January. So, if someone asks you about when the school years start in these countries, you may say: The school year starts at different times depending on which country you are in. For example, in Japan it starts in April whereas in the US and the UK, it starts in September, and in South Africa, it starts in January.
どの国に住んでいるかによって学校の始まる時期が違います。 日本は4月、アメリカやイギリスは9月、南アフリカは1月です。もし新学期がいつか、という質問をされた場合は回答例のように答えるといいでしょう。 The school year starts at different times depending on which country you are in. For example, in Japan it starts in April whereas in the US and the UK, it starts in September, and in South Africa, it starts in January.
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • The start of the school year is different in Japan.

The start of the school year is different in Japan. In Japan the school year starts in April so it is different from other countries. A : When does the new school year start? B : Here in Japan it starts in April. How about in your country? A : In my country it starts in January. B : Okay cool.
The start of the school year is different in Japan. 日本での新学期は違う時期です。 In Japan the school year starts in April so it is different from other countries. 日本での新学期は4月からで、他の外国とは異なります。 A : When does the new school year start?(新学期はいつか ら?) B : Here in Japan it starts in April. How about in your country?(日本では4月からだよ。君の国は?) A : In my country it starts in January. (私の国では1月から だよ) B : Okay cool.(オーケー、なるほどね)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • The school year starts at a different time than other countries.

  • Our school year starts in April, unlike other countries.

We can say that the school year starts at, "different times than other countries," to describe the difference. We can also mention when the school year starts and mention that it is, "unlike other countries," or un-similar to other countries.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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