世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/01/16 09:03
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  • Please recommend me a suitable textbook for my level.

  • Please tell me if you know a suitable textbook for my level.

私のレベルにあった教材を教えて/すすめてください。 オススメを聞くには、Recommendを使います。 Please recommend me a good English novel. 良い英語の小説をありますか?
  • Do you have any materials that you can suggest that I use to improve my English

  • Could you please write in chat box materials you think can help me improve my English.

*Do you have any materials that you can suggest that I use to improve my English? To suggest means to recommend or put forward. Therefore this means you would like the teacher to suggest materials that can help improve your English. *Could you please write in chat box materials you think can help me improve my English? This means you would like the teacher to give you a list of materials you can use to learn English.
*Do you have any materials that you can suggest that I use to improve my English? To suggestとは、勧めるまたは提案するという意味です。ですから、これはあなたの英語を上達させるのに役立つ教材を先生に勧めてほしいという意味です。 *Could you please write in chat box materials you think can help me improve my English? これは英語を学ぶのに使える教材のリストを先生からいただきたいという意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Can you write your textbook recommendations in the chatbox?

  • Can you write your textbook suggestions in the chatbox?

suggestions - this is another word you can use in place of recommendations. to suggest - this means to offer a recommendation e.g. I want to go to the theater this weekend. Do you have any suggestions for movies I should watch?
suggestions - これはrecommendationsの代わりに使える単語です。. to suggest - 提案をするという意味です。 【例文】 I want to go to the theater this weekend. Do you have any suggestions for movies I should watch?(今週末シアターに行きたいんだけど、何の映画を見るべきか提案がある?)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Can you type in the chat box the lesson that you recommend for me?

  • Please indicate the lesson that you recommend for me in the chat box.

1. Can you type in the chat box the lesson that you recommend for me? This statement for the teacher to type the lesson that she thinks is suitable for you in the chatbox. 2. Please indicate the lesson that you recommend for me in the chat box. The word "indicate" means to suggest as a desirable or necessary course of action. Therefore this statement is asking the teacher to suggest the desirable lesson for you and write it in the chatbox.
1. Can you type in the chat box the lesson that you recommend for me? チャットボックスにあなたに合うと思うレッスンをタイプしてもらえるようお願いする例文です。 2. Please indicate the lesson that you recommend for me in the chat box. "indicate"という単語は、望ましいまたは必要な行動として提案することを意味しています。よってこの例文では、あなたに望ましいレッスンを提案してチャットボックスに書き込んでくれるよう先生に求めています。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Please write in the chat box any material that you think would be good for me to use

The chat box is a useful tool and aid of communication during online lessons for both teacher and student. For situations where it is necessary to explain the name or title of a book or other educational material, it is perfect if you can use the chat box as it leaves a permanent record for the person you are sending the message to.
オンラインレッスン中にチャットボックスは先生と生徒にとって、 とても便利で役立つツールですよね。 本や教材などの名前を説明する場合、チャットボックスを使えば記録が残りますし メッセージを送るには完璧ですね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Could you type on the chat box any material you would suggest I choose/take?

  • Could you recommend any material for me and type those recommendations on the chat box?

When you want to ask your teacher to recommend material for you and type their recommendations on the chat box; you may ask in the following ways: -Could you type on the chat box any material you would suggest I choose/take? -Could you recommend any material for me and type those recommendations on the chat box?
おすすめの教材をチャットボックスで教えてくださいと先生にお願いしたいなら、次のように言えます。 -Could you type on the chat box any material you would suggest I choose/take? (おすすめの教材があったら、チャットボックスで教えてもらえませんか) -Could you recommend any material for me and type those recommendations on the chat box? (おすすめの教材があったら、チャットボックスで教えてもらえませんか)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Could you write some suggestions for materials that I can use in the chat box please?

"Could" is the polite way to make a request. You can use either suggestions or recommendations since they mean the same thing. I hope that this helps. :)
"Could" は、何かをお願いするときの丁寧な表現です。 "suggestions" かまたは "recommendations" を使うことができます。これらはどちらも同じ意味です。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
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