世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




相手側の体調不良のためmeetingが延期になりました。 日を改めて行われるmeeting冒頭の挨拶で相手を気遣うような表現が知りたいです。 相手の方は目上です。
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2017/01/24 12:16
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  • Good Morning, How are you feeling today?

  • Hello/Good Morning, Are you feeling any better today?

"Good Morning"- A polite greeting for the morning, it can be replaced with Hello or Good Afternoon depending on the time of day "How are you feeling today?"- Asking the person how they are feeling at this time. "Hello/Good Morning"- is your greeting "Are you feeling any better today?"- shows that you are concerned about how they were feeling and want to find out how they are feeling now.
"""Good Morning"" 朝の礼儀正しい[挨拶](です。,日中であれば、HelloやGood Afternoonにすることも できます。 ""How are you feeling today?"" 人に[体調](を聞くときの表現です。 ""Hello/Good Morning"" あいさつです。 ""Are you feeling any better today?"" 相手の体調を[心配](して今の体調を聞きたい時に使います。"
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • How are you feeling today?

今日は体調はいかがですか? 挨拶にも使えます。 例 How are you feeling today? 今日体調はいかがですか? Yeah, I am fine today. Thanks for asking. ええ、すこぶるいいですよ。[ご心配おかけしました。]( I am very glad to hear that. [それは何よりです。](
  • Are you quite recovered now?

  • Did you recover well?

  • Are you feeling back to normal now?

Any of these queries is suitable.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Good morning, I hope it wasn't too troubling to attend/be here today - how are you feeling?

"Good morning" ✰ Standard greeting at the beginning of the day. "I hope it wasn't too troubling to attend/be here today" ✰ You hope that it was not hard for them to attend the meeting. ✰ "to attend" and "to be here" have the same meaning in this case. "- how are you feeling?" ✰ The "-" sign indicates a pause. This is a longer pause than a comma (,), but a shorter pause than a period (.). I hope this helps! Good luck! ✰✰
Good morning 一般的な1日の始まりの挨拶です。 "I hope it wasn't too troubling to attend/be here today" ✰会議に出席することが難しくないことを希望しています。 (出席してくれることを希望しています) ✰この場合 "to attend" と "to be here"は同じ意味です。 "- how are you feeling?" ✰ "-" という符号は、区切りのことです。 これは、ピリオドより短いが、カンマより長い区切りです。 お役に立てれば幸いです。頑張ってください。
Juno DMM英会話講師
  • Hello, I wanted to ask how you are feeling?

  • Hello sir/ma'am are you feeling better?

  • How are you feeling today?

When talking to a superior it's best to talk in a formal way to give them respect. When they attend the business meeting and you want to ask how they are feeling you can say, " Hi, I'm sorry you weren't feeling well, how are you feeling now?" It's a nice way to show them that you care about them even if they are your boss.
目上の人に話しかける場合、フォーマルな表現を使って敬意を払うといいでしょう。 ビジネスの会議で相手の具合を気にかけて声をかけたい場合、次のように言い表すことが出来ます。 "Hi, I'm sorry you weren't feeling well, how are you feeling now?" (具合がよくなかったと聞きました、今日はどんな具合ですか?) あなたの上司だとしても、気にかけていることを示すことはとてもいい事です。
Aba DMM英会話講師
  • Good morning sir/madam. Have you recovered well from your illness?

  • Good morning sir/madam. Are you feeling better after that bout of flu?

  • Good morning sir/madam. Welcome back. How are you feeling now?

Normally, if you are addressing a person that is a superior, it is appropriate to use the noun 'sir' or 'madam' depending on whether the person is a man or a woman . It shows respect. In this case, the person is a superior or a person in authority. Sometimes its better to mention the disease that he/she had suffered from, provided it was not a shameful disease. It is also ideal to verbally 'welcome' the person 'back' before asking how he/she is feeling now. So, you may say: Good morning sir/madam. Have you recovered well from your illness? or Good morning sir/madam. Are you feeling better after that bout of flu? or Good morning sir/madam. Welcome back. How are you feeling now?
相手の人が目上の場合は、相手の性別に応じて"sir"か"madam"と言うのが望ましいです。これは敬意を表します。この場合、相手は目上か権力のある人間です。口にするのが恥ずかしい病気でなければ、相手が患っていた病気について触れるのが良いでしょう。相手の調子を尋ねる前に"Welcome back"(おかえりなさいませ)と言えるのが理想的です。 Good morning sir/madam. Have you recovered well from your illness? (おはようございます。ご病気は治られましたか?) Good morning sir/madam. Are you feeling better after that bout of flu? (おはようございます。インフルエンザの後お調子は良くなられましたか?) Good morning sir/madam. Welcome back. How are you feeling now? (おはようございます。おかえりなさいませ。調子はどうですか?)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I am messaging to find out how you are feeling today sir/ma'ma.

  • Are you feeling in good health sir/ma'm?

When someone is not feeling well and we would like to check up on their progress we can use any of the sentences above. We can ask if they are feeling better than they were the day before, "Are you feeling better today?" "Is there an improvement in your health today?" In good health: free from any sickness Improve: to make better, to feel better (in this case)
体調の悪かった人に具合が良くなったかどうか確認したいときは、上記の文が使えます。 前日よりも体調が良くなったか確認するなら次のように言えます。 "Are you feeling better today?"(今日は体調は良いですか) "Is there an improvement in your health today?"(今日は体調は良いですか) In good health: 健康で Improve: 良くする、【この場合は】体調が回復する
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • I hope you're feeling better!

  • Are you feeling any better today?

"I hope you're feeling better!" This statement is used when someone has been ill or sick, and you are expressing that you hope they are not sick anymore and are feeling better, this is a casual and polite way of phrasing this. "Are you feeling any better today?" This is used when asking someone has been feeling ill and you are asking if they feel any better, if they are still sick.
"I hope you're feeling better!" (体調がよくなっているといいです!) これは、誰かが具合が悪くて、早くよくなってほしいときに使うことのできるカジュアルで、丁寧なフレーズです。   "Are you feeling any better today?" (具合はよくなってきましたか?) これは、体調を崩していた人に、よくなってきたかを尋ねるフレーズです。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Hello, how are you feeling today?

  • Hi, are you well and healthy again?

  • Hi, looks like you had a speedy recovery!

>Hello, how are you feeling today? *This is a simple polite way of asking how he/she is doing today. >Hi, are you well and healthy again? #Healthy=pertaining to or characteristic of good health *This is asking if he/she is 100% normal again. >Hi, looks like you had a speedy recovery! *This is when you can see that he/she does not look sick and that he/she was recovered well.
Hello, how are you feeling today? 何をするか尋ねるシンプルで丁寧な方法です。 Hi, are you well and healthy again? #Healthy=健康に良いことや関連することを意味します。 100%元気かどうか尋ねる時の表現です。 Hi, looks like you had a speedy recovery! 相手が病気から完全に回復したと思った時に使える表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • How are you feeling?

  • Are you feeling better?

How are you feeling? 体調はどうですか? Are you feeling better? 体調はよくなりましたか? 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 feel better で「体調がよくなる」というニュアンスです。 お役に立てればうれしいです。
  • How are you feeling?

  • Are you feeling better?

ご質問ありがとうございます。 How are you feeling? 体調はいかがですか? Are you feeling better? 体調はよくなりましたか? 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 feel better は「体調が良くなる」というニュアンスの英語表現です。 お役に立ちましたでしょうか? 英語学習頑張ってくださいね!
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