世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/01/30 01:21
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  • Is this the queue for the taxi.

the queue' = the line
’the queue'は列のことです。
Adel A DMM英会話講師
  • Where is the nearest taxi rank?

  • Where can I get a taxi?

  • Where can I get a cab?

If you want a taxi you can use the word taxi or cab. Everyone understands both words. A taxi rank is where there are a lot of taxis waiting for customers. There is usually a taxi (or cab) rank outside train stations, airports, or other popular places in the city. Hope this helps Jane :)
タクシーはtaxiまたはcabと言います。 a taxi rankと、客待ちをしているタクシーの待っているエリアのことを言います。 電車の駅前や空港など街の人気のスポットなどいたる場所にありますよね。 参考になれば Jane:)
Jane G DMM英会話講師
  • Where do I catch a cab?

  • Where's the queue for the taxis?

  • Where's the taxi rank?

In the UK, we don't say, 'Waiting line.' A line of people waiting is called 'a queue. A taxi rank is where taxis wait in a queue for customers - typical of cabs waiting outside a train station for example. 'Where's the queue for the taxis?" "Why do you imagine there's a queue for the taxis?" "I don't know." "There is no queue. I just call a taxi for anyone who needs one." "Oh....But where are the taxis before you call them?' "Most of them are at the taxi rank in the city centre." "OK, thanks." '
UKでは、waiting lineよりかはqueueを使うね。A taxi rankは、逆に人を待っているタクシーの列を表します。駅の外で待っているそういうタクシーのことを指すことが多いね。 'Where's the queue for the taxis?" タクシー待ちの列はどちらですか? "Why do you imagine there's a queue for the taxis?" なんでタクシー待ちの列ができていると思ったの? "I don't know." いや、別にわからないけど。 "There is no queue. I just call a taxi for anyone who needs one." 誰もタクシー待ちなんてしてないよ。誰でも必要ならタクシー呼んであげるだけさ。 "Oh....But where are the taxis before you call them?'君が呼ぶ前タクシーはどこで待機してるの? "Most of them are at the taxi rank in the city centre."シティーセンターにタクシーの列ができていて、大体はどこからかな。 "OK, thanks."なるほど、ありがとう。 '
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Is there a place to call a taxi?

  • Where do the taxis pick you up?

"Is there a place to call a taxi?" This is a question I would use more in the sense of, where can I make a call for a taxi, or if there is a place outside that I can wave one down. Wave down means to signal for something or someone to come. "Where do the taxis pick you up?" This is a polite way of asking where taxi's will pick you up and drop you off. You can also ask, "Where is the taxi pick up and drop off," which just means where do the taxis go to pick and drop off people.
"Is there a place to call a taxi?"(タクシーを呼びたいときにはどこに行けばいいですか) - これは、どこに行けばタクシーを頼めるかや、タクシーを捕まえられる場所が外にあるかを確認するときに使えます。 Wave down = 手を振って来るように合図する "Where do the taxis pick you up?"(どこに行けばタクシーに乗れますか) - これは、どこでタクシーの乗り降りをするのかを尋ねる丁寧な言い方です。他に、"Where is the taxi pick up and drop off?"(タクシーの乗り降りはどこでしますか)と言うこともできます。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • Where do I get a taxi from?

  • Excuse me, is there a queue for the taxi?

  • Do you know where I can get a taxi?

Excuse me - It is always polite to say 'Excuse me' when talking to someone that looks busy. e.g- a receptionist. Queue - A line in which people wait for something. Excuse me, is there a queue for the taxi?
Excuse me(すみません) - 忙しそうな人(例えば受付係)に話し掛けるときには 'Excuse me' と言うと丁寧です。 Queue - 何かを待つ人の「列」。 Excuse me, is there a queue for the taxi? (すみません、タクシー待ちの列はどこかにありますか)
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Where do I queue for a cab.

In some countries a cab is also called a taxi
国によってはa cabとはa taxiと同義でもあります。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
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