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転職して給料が減ったって言いたいときどういえばいいですか? loseかreduseでしょうか?
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2017/02/05 19:23
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  • I took a pay cut.

  • My salary went down. / My salary was decreased.

  • My salary is less than before.

"I took a pay cut" is a very common and natural expression. These are some easy ways to say this.
I took a pay cut はとてもよく使われて自然な表現です。 これらはとても言いやすいフレーズです。 例文 "He took a significant pay cut when he changed jobs." (彼は転職したときに大幅な給料カットを受けた) "The company has announced that it will reduce salaries." (会社は給料を減らすと発表した)
Sean McGee エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • decrease

  • reduce

今回のケースは[転職](がきっかけでの減給となりますので"decrease"を使いましょう。 decreaseとreduceの大きな違いは下記のとおりです。 外的要因により減る時は"reduce"※勤め先の[人事評価](が影響する場合など 自然に減る時は"decrease"※転職など 参考になれば幸いです。
  • I had to take a drop in salary

  • The money is not as good

If you take a drop in salary, you earn less money than you did before. Your salary drops or decreases. To drop is to fall. E.g. I have a new job but I have had to take a drop in salary. When talking about work it is common to talk about the amount of money paid for that job in terms of it being good.or not good E.g. I have changed jobs but the money is not as good as before
take a drop in salaryとは、以前より稼いでいない状況を表します。[給料](が下がったり減俸されることを言います。To dropは下降する、おちる、という意味です。 E.g. I have a new job but I have had to take a drop in salary. 例えば;新しい[仕事](が見つかったけど、給料はさがっちゃうんだよね。 仕事について話しているとき、いくらもらっているかどうかは話題のひとつですよね。 例:仕事を何度も変えたが、お金は前とそんなに変わっていない。
Sue T DMM英会話講師
  • My salary decreased.

  • My wages dropped.

Decreased translates to 減らす in Japanese.
日本語で「減らす」は英語で decrease です。
Glenny B English teacher/Translator/Editor/Content Creator
  • I changed my job to have a less salary.

  • My salary decreased after I changed my job.

loseはなくなるという意味で使いますので、給料が減るには使えないかと思います(タダ働きするわけではないですからね)。動詞を使わず、名詞の形でless salaryとすることも可能です。あくまで参考ですが、転職を繰り返す人をjob hopperと言います。
Keisuke Tamori 米国公認会計士
  • I got a reduction in salary.

  • My salary decreased when I changed jobs.

  • I had a cut in salary when I changed jobs

You can use either one of these expressions. 1. I got a reduction in salary. The word "reduction" means the action of making something less in amount. If you get a reduction in salary it means that you get less money. 2. My salary decreased when I changed jobs. If you salary decreases it also means that you get less than you did before. 3. I had a cut in salary when I changed jobs. A cut in salary is an expression that means less salary.
これらの表現のどれかを使っていただけます。 1. I go a reduction in salary. reduction という言葉は、なにかの量を減らすことです。 got a reduction in salary というと、お給料が減らされたことを意味します。 2. My salary decreased when I changed jobs. My salary decreased と言うと、以前にもらっていたお給料よりも少ない給料をもらうことを意味します。 3. I had a cut in salary when I changed jobs. a cut in salary は減給を意味する表現です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I took a salary cut when I changed jobs.

  • My new job pays less then my previous job.

>I took a salary cut when I changed jobs. *salary cut=settle for a lower salary at the new job. .............***........... >My new job pays less then my previous job. *This indicates that the new job does not pay as much as the previous job. ...............***................
I took a salary cut when I changed jobs. *salary cut=新しい給料の低い仕事につくことを意味します。 My new job pays less then my previous job. 前職より新しい仕事の給料が低いことを意味する表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • salary goes down

  • salary decreases

  • salary gets/becomes worse

"salary goes down" ←「給料が下がる」の直訳です。 "salary decreases" ←「給料が減る」の直訳です。 "salary gets/becomes worse" ←「給料が悪化する」の直訳です。給料はそもそも良くなかった意味合いです。 ところで、時給だったら、"salary"の代わりに"wage"か"hourly wage"か"hourly pay"と言った方がいいです。 「転職して給料が減った。」の例文: ・"I changed jobs and my salary went down." ・"I changed jobs and my salary decreased." ・"I changed jobs and my salary became worse." また、"My salary was reduced."か"My salary was decreased."も言えますが、そう言うと「上司の判断で給料が減った。」の意味合いが強いです。
Michael H DMM英会話講師
  • pay cut

「給料が減る」は英語で salary will be reduced や pay will be reduced と言えますが、一番ナチュラルな言い方は pay cut だと思います。Pay cut は take という動詞と一緒に使って take a pay cut と言います。 例) 転職して給料が減った I took a pay cut when I changed jobs ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • I took a drop in salary when I changed jobs

  • I accepted a lower salary when I changed jobs

  • I sacrificed salary for job satisfaction when I changed jobs

To take a drop in salary = to accept a lower salary. Eg. "John's move to Wales corresponded with a drop in salary." To accept a lower salary = to receive less money for your work. Eg. "Accepting a lower salary was fine because the destination country had a much lower standard of living." To sacrifice salary for job satisfaction means that you have foregone some financial benefit in order to enjoy some aspect of your work which makes you feel happier.
To take a drop in salary = 減給することを了承する 例 "John's move to Wales corresponded with a drop in salary." (ジョンのウェールズへの引っ越しは減給と一致した) To accept a lower salary = 給料の引き下げを受け入れる 例 "Accepting a lower salary was fine because the destination country had a much lower standard of living." (目的地の国は生活水準が低いので給料の引き下げを受け入れました) "To sacrifice salary for job satisfaction"とは、 仕事をとても楽しんでいて幸せなので、金銭的な利益を我慢するという様な意味になります
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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