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英会話初心者です。 まずは基本的な文法から学んでいきたいことを伝えたいのですが、どのように言えばいいのか分かりません。
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2017/02/08 20:42
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  • I want to learn basic grammar.

  • I am a beginner in English.

基本的な文法を学びたいです。 英語初心者なんです。 こういう言葉を覚えておくと便利だと思います^^ Sorry, can you say that again?;すいません、聞き取れませんでした。 Slowly please; ゆっくりお願いします(ゆっくり喋ってください)。 This is too difficult for me.;これは難しすぎます。 I could not get it. :よくわかりませんでした。
  • Can we start from the basics please.

  • I am still a Beginner. I would like to start with the basic grammar.

*Can we start from the basics please. This means that you want to start with simple English so that you easily understand. *I am still a Beginner. I would like to start with the basic grammar. If you are Beginner it means you have just started your English learning journey and you are still very new and you not aware of a lot vocabulary.
*Can we start from the basics please. 理解しやすいよう簡単な英語から始めてほしいという意味です。 *I am still a Beginner. I would like to start with the basic grammar. Beginner(ビギナー)というのは、まだ英語学習を始めたばかりの初心者で、語彙が多くないという意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Could we start with the grammar basic please?

  • With grammar, I'd like to start at the very beginning please

When starting to learn a language it may be important to go over every aspect of beginner's grammar and try not to miss anything.You can ask the teacher to start at the very beginning so as to learn step by step in a logical pattern. Student: "Could we start with the grammar basic please?" Teacher: "Certainly, good idea!"
言語を学び始めたときに最初の文法のあらゆる側面について行って、忘れないようにすることは重要です。 論理的にひとつひとつ理解できるように、先生に最初の最初から教えてもらうようお願いすることができます。 Student: "Could we start with the grammar basic please?" 文法の基本から始めることができますか? Teacher: "Certainly, good idea!" もちろん。良い考えですね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Since I don't know English very well, can we start with basic grammar, teacher?

  • Can we please start with the basic grammar, since I'm not good at English?

Native speakers will say like this: “Since I don't know English very well, can we start with basic grammar, teacher?”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation: A: Since I don't know English very well, can we start with basic grammar, teacher? B: Sure, no problem.
ネイティブスピーカーは以下のように言うでしょう: “Since I don't know English very well, can we start with basic grammar, teacher?” (英語がよくわからないので、基本的な文法から始めることはできますか?) 他にもいろいろな言い方がありますが、これが最も正確で、よく使われます。 会話例です: A: Since I don't know English very well, can we start with basic grammar, teacher? (英語がよくわからないので、基本的な文法から始めることはできますか?) B: Sure, no problem. (もちろん、大丈夫です。)
Ned DMM英会話講師
  • Can we start (again) from the very basics?

  • I'm new to this, so I would like to learn basic grammar as a foundation.

Can we start from the very basics? - this means to begin something from the very foundation a foundation - this is the starting point and basic building block to anything
Can we start from the very basics? - 何かを基礎から始めたいときに使う表現です。 a foundationー 出発点またはあらゆるものに対する基本的な構成要素をさす言い方です。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to start learning by learning the basics of grammar

  • I'd like to start by learning the basics of grammar

  • I'm still a beginner, so I'd like to start with basic grammar lessons

When you are trying to tell your teacher that you have only just started learning English and you want to start with basic grammar lessons, then you may say it in the following ways: -I would like to start learning by learning the basics of grammar -I'd like to start by learning the basics of grammar -I'm still a beginner, so I'd like to start with basic grammar lessons
先生に、英語を習い始めたばかりなので、基本的な文法のレッスンから始めたいと伝えるときのフレーズです。 -I would like to start learning by learning the basics of grammar 基本的な文法から習い始めたいです。 -I'd like to start by learning the basics of grammar 基本的な文法から習い始めたいです。 -I'm still a beginner, so I'd like to start with basic grammar lessons まだ初心者なので、基本的な文法のレッスンから始めたいです。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I just want to start with basic grammar.

  • I'd like to learn fundamental grammar.

The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to express to your teacher that you want to learn the basics of grammar. In the second sentence you will see the adjective fundamental. Fundamental means the basics or the base of something. This word would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
二例とも、先生に文法の基本を学びたいことを伝える言い方です。 一つ目の例には形容詞の「fundamental」が使われています。「fundamental」は、物事の基礎・基本を表します。ぜひこの単語を覚えておいてください。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Could we please concentrate on grammar in the lesson

  • I'm not very good at grammar and would like to practice it in the lesson

  • I would like to learn basic grammar

To concentrate on something means to pay attention and on it. To practice is to keep doing something until you are better at it. A great way to say it would be 'Could we please concentrate on basic grammar during the lesson'
「concentrate on」は「~に注意を向ける」という意味です。 「practice(動詞)」は「練習する」という意味です。 「Could we please concentrate on basic grammar during the lesson?(レッスンでは、基本的な文法に重点を置いてもらえますか)」は、すごくいい言い方です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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