世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/02/09 19:31
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  • What can I say to describe the opposite meaning?

  • Could you tell me how to describe the opposite meaning?

Keisuke Tamori 米国公認会計士
  • What is the opposite of.....

What is the opposite of..... You can simply ask what the opposite of a certain word is. For example: Student: What is the opposite of dry? Teacher: The opposite of dry is wet.
What is the opposite of..... これで対義語を知ることができます。 (英文) Student: What is the opposite of dry? Teacher: The opposite of dry is wet. (訳) 生徒:dryの対義語はなんですか? 先生:dryの対義語はwetです。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • What's the antonym of happy?

  • What's the opposite of rich?

"Teacher, I love that word, MELLIFLUOUS, but what's the opposite of it?" "Well, that's a good question! I think I would say, RAUCOUS or CACOPHONOUS." "Thanks teacher! And do you know the antonym of EXTROVERT?" "Yes, it's INTROVERT." "Thanks teach!"
(英文) "Teacher, I love that word, MELLIFLUOUS, but what's the opposite of it?" "Well, that's a good question! I think I would say, RAUCOUS or CACOPHONOUS." "Thanks teacher! And do you know the antonym of EXTROVERT?" "Yes, it's INTROVERT." "Thanks teach!" (訳) "先生、MELLIFLUOUSという単語が大好きです。その対義語はなんですか?" "いい質問ですね!私ならRAUCOUSやCACOPHONOUSを使います。" "先生、ありがとうございます。EXTROVERTの対義語はなんですか?" "INTROVERTです。” ”先生、ありがとうございます!”
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can you tell me the antonym of this word?

  • Is there a word with the exact opposite meaning?

  • What is the opposite of ...?

You can say that something has the "opposite meaning" or say that is an antonym. These mean the same thing as "antonyms" are simply words with opposing meanings.
"opposite meaning"や"antonym"という事が出来ます。(反対の意味、対義語) どちらも同じく「対義語」という意味です。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • What can i say to describe the opposite of ............?

  • Whats the opposite meaning of............

  • What's the antonym of that word?

If you want to describe the opposite of something you can ask 'what's the opposite of........?' an antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning to another ( good is the antonym of bad)
あることの反対のものが何か尋ねたいなら、 'what's the opposite of........?'(........の反対は何ですか) と言えます。 'antonym'(反意語)とは、ある語の反対の意味を持つ語をいいます('good' は 'bad' の 'antonym' です)。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • What is the opposite of __?

  • How can I say the opposite of __?

If you want to know the opposite to a word or expression, you can simply ask your teacher: "What is the opposite to that? /How would I express the opposite"?
反対の意味の単語や表現を知りたいなら、先生に次のように質問できます。 "What is the opposite to that? /How would I express the opposite"? (その対義語は何ですか/その反対の意味はどのように表せばいいですか)
Lisa C DMM英会話講師
  • What is the antonym for that word?

  • What is the opposite word or sentence of that word/sentence?

When you're in a class and want to ask your teacher what the opposite word or meaning of a sentence is; then you may ask in the following ways: -What is the antonym for that word? -What is the opposite word or sentence of that word/sentence?
レッスンで、先生に反対の意味の単語や文を教えてもらいたいときには、次のように言えます。 -What is the antonym for that word?(その単語の反意語を教えてください) -What is the opposite word/sentence of that word/sentence?(その単語/文の反対の意味の単語/文を教えてください)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • What is the opposite of this word?

  • Is there an opposing word?

"What is the opposite of this word?" a very easy and causal way of forming this particular sentence, straight to the point of asking what the opposite of 'said' word is. "Is there an opposing word?" 'Opposing' is referring to something that is the opposite of something "These two football teams are opposing teams".
"What is the opposite of this word?"(この単語の対義語は何ですか) = 非常にカジュアルで簡単な言い方です。その単語の対義語を単刀直入に尋ねます。 "Is there an opposing word?"(対義語はありますか) = 'Opposing' は、あることに対立するものを指します。 "These two football teams are opposing teams"(この二つのサッカーチームは敵同士です)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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