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今日テストが終わり、やっと開放されました。”ずっと勉強してきた”のフレーズですが、昨日まで勉強しており、今日はテストでしていないので、過去完了形を使うのでしょうか?ちょっと混乱してしまいした。I had studied English for TOEIC.のような文でよいのでしょうか。

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2017/02/15 22:59
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  • I did nothing but study for the past week, so I feel liberated now!

  • I was studying non-stop all week, so now I feel free.


I had been studying all week, so when I finished the test, I felt liberated.

Tim Young 主催
  • I just finished my last exam, so I can finally breathe!

  • My last exam was today, so I'm free as of today!

  • I feel so relieved that exams are over! I can smell freedom!

I can smell freedom! / I can taste freedom! - expression that means that you are very close to or almost free

I can finally breathe! - this exclamation is used to express freedom that you feel after stress or getting over something or someone that has been making you feel stressed or overwhelmed

I can smell freedom! / I can taste freedom!

I can finally breathe!

Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • I have been studying all week and had my final exam today, I am looking forward to finally being able to relax.

  • I had my last exam today, after studying this whole week I finally get to feel free and have some fun.

These sentences will let someone know that you had a rough week of studying and exams and can finally have free time.


Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • My last exam is now history! Now I can break my shackles and really let myself go!

  • Exams are finished, school's out!

To break/throw off one's shackles = to reject something or free oneself from it because it was preventing one from doing what one wanted to do
"There are a few who have managed to throw off the shackles of the past."
"India was a country ready to throw off the shackles of its colonial past."
To let oneself go = act in a relaxed or uninhibited way.
"You need to unwind and let yourself go."
School’s out = It's the end of the school year

To break/throw off one's shackles = 何かを拒否する、やりたい事を妨げるので何かから逃れる

"There are a few who have managed to throw off the shackles of the past."

"India was a country ready to throw off the shackles of its colonial past."

To let oneself go =リラックスした、あまり構わない状態

"You need to unwind and let yourself go."

School’s out = 学校の最後の日

Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I died studying but finally I got my free time back!

This would be an excellent opportunity to use a hyperbole or exaggerated expression. You could say: "I studied to death (or I died studying) for my examinations." This is a colorful way of saying that your studying was so severe that it is as if you felt you were going to die. A word of caution: If this phrase isn't used with an appropriate amount of feeling, it will be misunderstood.
One way of expressing the thought that your studying stole many precious hours from you is to say that you got your free time back. It is as if your free time was lost or stolen, but finally returned to you.


 "I studied to death (or I died studying) for my examinations."


注意: このフレーズが適切で十分な表現で使われないなら、誤解されることがあります。

勉強の時間が自分の自由な時間を奪ったという表現は、you got your free time back(自由な時間が戻ってきた)です。自分の自由な時間が無くなったがついに戻ってきたという意味です。

Lashawn DMM英会話講師
  • I am free! I finished my last exam today.

  • I have been studying non-stop but now my exams are over!

To do something ''non-stop'' means that you have continued to do it without stopping or without doing anything else. It is a very common expression in Ireland.
1) I have been studying non-stop.
2) She has been talking non-stop since she arrived.
3) They have been messaging non-stop since they met.
4) I wish I had some interesting news but I have been studying non-stop for the past month!


1) I have been studying non-stop.
2) She has been talking non-stop since she arrived.
3) They have been messaging non-stop since they met.
4) I wish I had some interesting news but I have been studying non-stop for the past month!

Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Finally, after weeks of studying, I am free!!!!

  • I can finally breathe now that exams are over.

  • I can relax now because I have finished my last exam.

You can also say that you are relieved now that you have finished all of your exams.

例文:I am relieved now that I have finished all of my exams.


Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
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