世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/10/11 08:14
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  • The store has reopened.

  • The cafe reopened on Saturday.

There are times when cafes or shops close down temporarily in order to undergo refurbishment. They may redecorate or order in a large set of new stock. In order to explain that a shop was closed before and then reopened, you can say: The store has reopened. The shop has reopened. The cafe reopened on Saturday. I noticed they reopened last week. I hope that helps!
改修のために、お店やカフェが一時的に閉店することがありますね。店内を改装する場合もありますし、在庫を大量に仕入れる場合もあります。 閉店していたお店が再開することを表す場合、次のように言えます: The store has reopened. (その店は再開した) The shop has reopened. (その店は再開した) The cafe reopened on Saturday. (そのカフェは土曜日に再開した) I noticed they reopened last week. (先週再開したのに気が付いた) 参考になればと思います。
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • The cafe has reopened

  • The cafe is no longer closed

To reopen means that it is no longer closed so you could also say 'The cafe is no longer closed' that would explain that the cafe has reopened again
「reopen」は「no longer closed(もう閉まっていない)」ことを表します。ですから、以下のように言うこともできます。 'The cafe is no longer closed.' (カフェはもう閉まっていません) - カフェが再開したことを表します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • The cafe, closed after the earthquake, has now reopened

To indicate that something has happened again, you can often use the prefix 're-'. "I have to repaint my living room a brighter colour. This colour is depressing!"
何かが再び起こることを表す場合、接頭辞の「re-」がよく使われます。 I have to repaint my living room a brighter colour. This colour is depressing! (リビングをもっと明るい色に塗り直さないといけない。この色は重苦しい。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The café has reopened.

  • The café is back in business.

When something has reopened, it usually means that it was opened before, then closed and now is opening once again. This can happen for various of reasons. Shops usually close down for a period of time due to renovations. This also happens when the shop closes for a while because the owner is unable to pay the rent. To be back in business means that the shop in open and ready to offer goods or services to the public.
"has reopened"は、以前に店を開いて、いったん閉めて、また今営業していることを表します。これはいろいろな理由で起こります。リノベーションのために一時店を休業する場合もありますし、オーナーが家賃を払えなくてしばらくの間店を閉めることもあります。 "be back in business"は、店が営業していて客に商品やサービスを提供する準備が出来ていることを表します。
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • That cafe is up and running again.

  • The cafe is running again.

To say that something is "up and running" means that it is functioning again, especially if it was not working for some time. If someone "runs" something, they are operating it and it is in business. These expressions explain that someone is actively in charge of the cafe and that they can serve customers again.
「up and running」は、特にしばらく動いていなかったものが再び動き出したことを表します。「run」には「営業する」という意味があります。これらの表現で、カフェの営業が再開されたことを表せます。
Nadia F DMM英会話講師
  • The cafe has reopened after it closed because of an earthquake

  • The cafe has opened again

When you want to explain that a certain cafe has reopened after it had been closed due to an earthquake; then you may say this in the following ways: -The cafe has reopened after it closed because of an earthquake. -The cafe has opened again.
「地震の後閉店していたカフェが再開した」と説明したいなら、次のように言えます。 -The cafe has reopened after it closed because of an earthquake.(地震のため閉店したカフェが再開しました) -The cafe has opened again.(カフェが再開しました)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • The cafe has officially reopened after the damage from the earthquake.

  • The cafe has reopened.

  • The cafe is now open.

"The cafe has officially reopened after the damage from the earthquake."- This indicates that the cafe is now open and available to go to. It also explains that it was closed because of damage caused by the earthquake. "The cafe has reopened."- This is a simple statement showing that the cafe is now open to customers. "The cafe is now open."- This indicates that the shop is ready for customers to visit.
"The cafe has officially reopened after the damage from the earthquake."(震災で閉まっていたカフェが正式に再開されました) →「カフェが営業を再開した」と伝えています。そこが震災の影響でそれまで閉まっていたことについても説明しています。 "The cafe has reopened."(カフェが再開されました) →これは「カフェが営業を再開した」のシンプルな言い方です。 "The cafe is now open."(カフェが再開されました) →「カフェが営業を再開した」と伝えています。
Jamima DMM英会話講師
  • Normal service has been resumed at the cafe.

「(営業を停止していた)お店が再開した」という場合、 "Normal service has been resumed at the cafe." という表現を使うことも出来ます。 "normal service"は、「通常のサービス」 "resume"「(中断したことが)再び始まる」という意味です。 "Our business operations are resuming normal now." 「現在は通常営業に戻っています。」 ご参考になれば幸いです。
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