管理組合だけであれば、Management Associationで良いのですが、質問者さんの文面の様に、組合のメンバー達という意味ではなくて、組合全体で、法人として、というニュアンスで使用する場合が多いので、その時は、Incorporated management association と使いますよ。
Usually, our area contracts with A for the electricity. However, we have made a group contract with B based on our incorporated management association's decisions, so we are able to use the electricity at a lower cost now. It looks like it can be as low as 10% off.
通常 regular; normal; usual
地域 region; area
電気 electricity
契約 contract
管理組合 management group/association; home owners association
意向による - going along with~; based on~
団体 group
組む to put together; to construct
お得に economical; good-value; cheaply
使う to use
最大 at most; the most; the biggest
We usually contract with company A for electricity in this area. However, based on the management association's decision, we have decided to contract with company B for our electricity and will be able to get electricity at a lower price. We could save up to 10%.