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あと、普通に今朝雨が降った。って言う時は It rained this morning と It was rainy this morningは同じ意味でしょうか?
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2017/02/27 10:40
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  • It rained all day today.

日本語では「一日中[雨が降っていた](」と言いますが、 それにつられないようにしましょう。 英語で「今日は一日中雨が降っていた」を表現する際、適切な文法形式はIt rained all day todayです。「雨が降っていた」と日本語で進行形を用いる場面でも、英語では単純過去形を用いることが一般的です。 進行形「be ~ing」は一時的な出来事や状況に使われます。例えば、When I woke up this morning, it was raining outside.(今朝、私が目覚めた時、外では雨が降っていました)などでは補足の副詞句と共に使います。 「今朝雨が降った」をIt rained this morningとIt was rainy this morningで表現した場合、どちらも正しい表現です。意味的には同じで、ただし "It rained this morning" は動詞「rain」を、"It was rainy this morning" は形容詞「rainy」を用いて表現しています。 英語の時制は非常に重要であり、学習する上では注意が必要です。 例文:It rained throughout my vacation. (休暇の間ずっと雨だった) When I left my house, it was raining.(家を出たとき、雨が降っていた) この説明がお役に立てば幸いです。
  • It was raining all day today

It was raining all day today=[今日](は一日中[雨が降っていた]( It rained this morningとIt was rainy this morningは同じ意味です◎ 「朝はずっと雨が降ってた」と言いたい場合は「It rained all morning」と言いましょう。
  • It was raining all day today.

現在は雨が止んでいて、あなたが1日の終わりに今日を振り返って言う場合の表現です。 ちなみに現在完了進行形にすると It has been raining all day. ずっと降っていてまだ雨が止まない状態です。 また、 It rained this morning. 今朝雨が降った。 rained動詞の過去形(過去の事実) It was rainy this morning. 今朝は雨だった。 rainyは形容詞(雨が降っていたという過去の様子) 両方とも意味は変わりません。
Yukiko  英語パーソナルコーチ
  • It's been pelting down all day.

  • It's been pouring down all day!

  • It's done nothing but rain all day!

Pelting down = raining heavily pouring down= raining heavily Nothing but..... we use this expression to add stress to the following phrase: "Your brother has done nothing but moan all day! I'm so tired of him!"
Pelting down =raining heavily (土砂降り、大雨) pouring down= raining heavily(土砂降り、大雨) Nothing but.....この表現は、次の言葉を強調するためにおかれます。 "Your brother has done nothing but moan all day! I'm so tired of him!" あなたのお兄さんって愚痴しかいないよね。ほんとうんざり!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It has been raining cats and dogs all day long.

When you say 'It has been raining cats and dogs all day long', you mean to say it has been raining heavily the whole day. It has not stopped raining even for one minute. 'Raining cats and dogs' is a figurative way of saying it has been raining heavily. In your second question, It rained this morning means it might have rained at one point this morning and then it stopped. But, if you say, 'It was rainy this morning', you mean to say that it rained the whole morning without stopping until the morning was over.
It's been raining cats and dogs all day long. というと、一日中雨がひどく降っていたことを意味します。 一瞬でも雨がやんでいません。 'raining cats and dogs' は雨がひどく降っていることをあらわす比ゆ表現です。 2つ目の質問では、It rained this morning と言っていますが、雨が朝のどこかの時点で降っていて止んだのかもしれません。 でも、It was rainy this morning. というと、朝ずっと雨が止むことなしに降っていたことを意味します。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Today had a full days rain.

  • It was raining no stop today.

>Today had a full days rain. *By saying a full days rain is clearly indicating that it was raining all day. >It was raining no stop today. *Non stop is indicating that it never stopped raining during the day.
Today had a full days rain. 「a full days rain」とは、一日中雨が降っていたということを示す表現です。 It was raining no stop today. 「Non stop」とは一日中雨が降り止まなかったということを意味する表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • It rained the whole day!

  • It rained morning, noon and night!

By using the word 'whole' you are explaining that it rained for the entire day, and the rain did not stop or let up even once. To outline that it rained 'morning, noon and night!' you clearly mention that it rained in each part of the day.
この 'whole'を使うと一日中雨が降って、一度もやむことがなく雨が降り続いたことを説明することが出来ます。 大まかに言うと 'morning(朝), noon(午後)そして night!(夜)'雨が降った事を一日のいつ雨が降ったのか明確に述べることが出来ます。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • It has been pouring all day.

  • It has been raining cats and dogs all day long.

The first sentence, "It has been poring all day", has some imagery to it. when using the word "pouring", it is creating an image of something being poured from one thing to another. This word, in reference to raining, means that it has been raining heavily in the last day. "Raining cats and dogs"- This is an idiomatic expression used when it is raining heavily. Both of these sentences are correct. "It rained this morning" and "It was rainy this morning" both mean the same thing!
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • It has been raining all day today.

When you use the phrase: "it has been raining all day today" this refers to the fact that it has been raining non-stop without a break for all of today, (the current/present day). You can use "It rained this morning" and "It was rainy this morning" to express the same thing.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • It rained all day today.

  • It was rainy this morning.

  • It rained this morning.

The first example is how you can describe that it rained throughout the day without any major breaks. To answer your second question, the meaning within these last two example sentences is the same and they can be used interchangeably. The main difference is between the verb choice, "to rain," or the verb, "to be," along with the adjective, "rainy."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • It rained the whole day today.

  • It was raining the entire day today.

It rained today. 1つ以上の瞬間に雨が降った事、 たぶん、雨は5分間続いたかもしれません。 It rained the whole day today. 雨は一日中続きました。 It rained this morningとIt was rainy this morning同じ意味になります。 両方とも過去形です。どちらも既に起こっていることを意味します。 It`s been raining all day today. 今日、一日中雨が降っている。
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