Do you remember where we went today? Let's go there again soon.
Do you remember where we went today? Let's go there again soonを直訳すると、
「今日、どこにいったんだっけ?」Do you remember where we went today?
「そう!○○だね〜また行こうね〜」That's right! We went to XYZ today! Let's go there again soon!
That's right! の前に、Very good! 「よくできました~!」と褒め言葉を添えるのもいいかもしれませんね。
Do you want to go there again?「また行きたい?」と聞くのもグッドですね!
I forgot, but where did we go today? Let’s go there again sometime.
Umm... where did we go today? Let’s go again someday.
I forgot, but where did we go today? Let’s go there again sometime.
Umm... where did we go today? Let’s go again someday.
Umm...という考えているあいづちや、I forgot(忘れた)という表現は近いですね。