"by the way" は「ところで、さて」など、話題を変える時に使われます。
「〜発祥の」は "be from 〜" や "come from 〜" と表現することもできます。
"originate in 〜"(〜に始まる) または "be originated in 〜"(〜に発している) と言うこともでき、こちらはやや堅い言い方になります。
Is this authentic (name of nation) food?
- You have Japanese food and Japanese food which could be original, could be not.
Clarify this with the word authentic
- however it doesn't always justify.
What type of cuisine do you specialise in?
- Blunt question and will give you the answer of Thai, Japanese, Chinese, Indian, American etc.
What sort of food do they sell.
Is this authentic (name of nation) food?
- あなたは日本の食べ物を持っていて、それが日本発祥の可能性もそうでない可能性もあります。
What type of cuisine do you specialise in?
- 単刀直入な質問で、タイ、日本、中国、インド、アメリカなどの答えが得られるでしょう。
Any of the three examples will accurately express the same idea or question.
When asking the origin of something or someone we often ask "where from" or "from where"
From which country is this restaurant originally from?
Where did this restaurant originate?
▪From which country is this restaurant originally from?
Originally=from or in the beginning
▪Where did this restaurant originate?
Originate=create or initiate (something)
▪From which country is this restaurant originally from?
Originally= 〜から。当初は。
▪Where did this restaurant originate?
originate= 創出する。始める。
Everyone knows that the McDonald's restaurants and the Starbucks cafes originate from the United States of America and would not bother to ask about their origins. However, if you walked into a restaurant that is not as famous and popular as these two, you definitely would be prompted to ask as to where it originated from. The noun 'source' used in the second question means, the place where the restaurant, part of a chain, originated from.
So, you may ask:
Where does this restaurant chain originate from?
Where is the source of this restaurant chain?
"McDonald's restaurants"(マクドナルド)と" Starbucks cafes"(スターバックス)の発祥がアメリカだという事は、わざわざ聞かなくても誰でも知っている事です。
2番目の例文で使われている、名詞 'source'(もと/起源)とは、そのレストラン、チェーン店が始まった場所や発祥という意味になります。
Where does this restaurant chain originate from?
Where is the source of this restaurant chain?
To originate means where it originally came from so Starbucks was originally (originated) from America
so if you want to know where the restaurant came from you could say 'Where did this restaurant chain oriignate from?' a more informal or simple way of asking is 'Where is this restaurant chain from?
A chain restaurant is a group of resautants that are usually in different countries
to originate'(始まる)は発祥の地を表します。スターバックスだと発祥の地はアメリカですね(Starbucks originated from America)。
'Where did this restaurant chain oriignate from?'(このレストランチェーンはどこの発祥ですか?)
'Where is this restaurant chain from?(このレストランチェーンはどこから始まったの?)
'chain restaurant'は、(いろいろな国にお店を持つ)レストランチェーンを言います。
If you want to know where a company is based or has its headquarters or originated from - then obviously, you need to ask the specific question that will give you the correct answer to your enquiry.