Certain Japanese customs make me feel uncomfortable.
I am/feel uncomfortable with certain Japanese customs.
●Japanese customs➡日本の風習
●Make me feel uncomfortable➡~は自分に違和感を与える(違和感を感じさせる)
●I am uncomfortable/I feel uncomfortable➡心地良くない、違和感を感じる(違和感がある)
●Certain Japanese customsは、日本の風習全てではなく、ある特定の、一定の日本の風習
➡I was raised in Japan, but my parents are not Japanese.
➡My parents are from another country, but I grew up in Japan.
➡I get confused by Japan's vertically structured society and Japanese people's way of showing concern for others.
●Get confused by→○○に戸惑う
●Vertically structured society→縦社会
●Japanese people's way of showing concern for others→日本人的な他者への気遣いの仕方
➡The vertical structure unique to Japanese society is confusing to me; I also don't really understand the Japanese way of caring for others.
●The vertical structure→縦構造
●Unique to Japanese society→日本社会特有の
●Confusing to me→私を混乱させる、困惑させる
●I also don't really understand→○○も私にはあまりよくわからない(理解し難い)
●The Japanese way of caring for others→日本人的な他者への気配り
Japan has its own set of rules and customs I'm not well-versed in
ここは「Japan has its own set of rules and customs I'm not well-versed in」を提案しました。
「違和感」の代わりに「不慣れ」(well-versed in) にしたため、全く嫌気が無くなります。
逆に、「I feel uncomfortable with Japanese rules and customs」と言うと、「じゃあ、この国にはいない方がいいんじゃない?」と言うネガティブな反応を受ける可能性があります。