世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/03/21 20:16
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  • On my days off, I usually do lunch at a cafe and go to karaoke.

  • Typically, I have lunch at a cafe and go to karaoke when I'm not working.

英訳例①「休日は、普段はカフェでランチして、カラオケに行く。」 ◎On my day(s) off→休日は、休日に ◎I usually do lunch at a cafe→いつもはカフェでランチする  ★do lunch→「ランチする」砕けた表現なので、同年代または気心知れた人達に対して使うことが多いです。 ◎go to karaoke→カラオケに行く ②「仕事がない日は、大体、カフェでランチして、カラオケに行く。」 ◎Typically→Usuallyの同義語  ★Typical→典型的という意味があり「Typicallyは、大体決まって○○する・○○だ」というニュアンスです。 ◎I have lunch→do lunchと同じ意味ですが、一般的によく使われる表現です。 ◎when I'm not working→仕事をしていない時(仕事がない日) 少しでもお役に立てれば幸いです。
Michiru 英語・異文化コミュニケーションコンサルタント
  • I normally just have lunch in a cafe before moving on to a karaoke

  • I lunch out, then karaoke

Your friend is interested to know what you do on your days off. He's pretty nosy and you wonder if he is a bit over-obsessed with you! You tell him: "I normally just have lunch in a cafe before moving on to a karaoke." "Oh, I normally lunch out and attend karaoke too! Maybe we can do it together sometime." "Yeh, sure!" Nosy = showing too much curiosity about other people's affairs. "I have some nosy neighbours."
あなたの友達はあなたが休みの日に何をしているか興味を持っています。 彼はかなり詮索好きで、彼があなたに異常に取り付いているんじゃないかとあなたは思っています。 彼に言います: "I normally just have lunch in a cafe before moving on to a karaoke." ー私は基本的にカラオケに行く前にカフェでランチを食べるだけです。 "Oh, I normally lunch out and attend karaoke too! Maybe we can do it together sometime." ーへえ、私も普段ランチをしてカラオケに行くよ! たまに一緒にいけるね。 "Yeh, sure!" ーもちろん! Nosy = 他の人の物事に異常に好奇心を持っている様子. "I have some nosy neighbours." ー私のご近所さんは詮索好きだ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • During my off days, I go to the cafe for lunch and afterwards I go for karaoke.

I have structured the sentence for you. It is important that you use the correct conjunctions. Conjunctions are words that join sentences. For example words like and,for etc.
文章を作ってみました。 正しい"conjunction"(接続詞)を使うことが大事です。 "Conjunctions"とは、語句または文章などをつなげる言葉です。 例えば、"and","for"などがあります。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • On my days off from work, I usually go to lunch at a cafe and then to sing karaoke.

  • On my free days I like to go eat lunch at a cafe and later to sing karaoke.

  • When I am not working I typically go to a cafe for lunch at a cafe and afterwards to sing karaoke.

We refer to the days we don't have work as "days off" We use the phrases "to go to lunch" or "to go eat lunch" The words "typically" and "usually" to specify that in most cases or under normal circumstances, this is our routine.
仕事のない日を "days off"と言います。 "to go to lunch" または "to go eat lunch"を昼食を食べるという意味で使います。 "typically" や "usually"は、ほとんどの場合、いつも決まって、ルーティンなどを表す時などにも使います。
Jeffrey L DMM英会話講師
  • I normally go to a cafe for lunch and then afterwards I go to the karaoke.

>I normally go to a cafe for lunch and then afterwards I go to the karaoke. *normally=under normal or usual conditions; as a rule. *afterwards=at a later or future time. ................................... Example Friend:What do you normally do on your off days? You:I normally go to a cafe for lunch and then afterwards I go to the karaoke. ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,....,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,.,.,.,.,..,
>I normally go to a cafe for lunch and then afterwards I go to the karaoke. 昼食にカフェへ行くけど、そのあとはカラオケに行くよ。 *normally=普通は、普通の状態、 *afterwards=今度、将来的に、 ................................... 例 Friend:What do you normally do on your off days? 普通休みの日は何をしているんですか? You:I normally go to a cafe for lunch and then afterwards I go to the karaoke. 普通はカフェに昼食に行って、そのあとにカラオケに行きます。 ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,....,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,.,.,.,.,..,
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Generally I like to go for lunch at a cafe and karaoke.

  • I usually enjoy going to a cafe for lunch and then to a karaoke bar.

On my off days I generally like to go for lunch at a cafe and I go to karaoke. I usually enjoy going to a cafe for lunch then to a karaoke bar on my off days.
例: On my off days I generally like to go for lunch at a cafe and I go to karaoke. 休日には、大抵カフェで昼食を食べて、カラオケに行きます。 I usually enjoy going to a cafe for lunch and then to a karaoke bar on my off days. 休日はカフェで昼食を取って、カラオケに行くのが好きです。
Esmeralda DMM英会話講師
  • My off days usually consists of lunching at one of my favorite cafes and singing karaoke with my friends.

  • My off days are spent having lunch at my favorite restaurants and singing karaoke with my pals.

  • I enjoy my off days by eating lunch at my favorite places and singing karaoke with a few of my friends.

When asked what you do on your off days you may say the following; My off days usually consists of lunching at one of my favorite cafes and singing karaoke with my friends. My off days are spent having lunch at my favorite restaurants and singing karaoke with my pals. I enjoy my off days by eating lunch at my favorite places and singing karaoke with a few of my friends. keywords: consists of-Be composed or made up of. spent-passing time in a specific way. enjoy-Taking pleasure in performing a certain activity.
休日に何をするか尋ねられたときのフレーズです。  My off days usually consists of lunching at one of my favorite cafes and singing karaoke with my friends. 休日には、お気に入りのカフェでランチをして、友達とカラオケで歌います。  My off days are spent having lunch at my favorite restaurants and singing karaoke with my pals. 休日には、お気に入りのレストランでランチをして、友達とカラオケで歌って過ごします。 I enjoy my off days by eating lunch at my favorite places and singing karaoke with a few of my friends. 休日は、お気に入りのお店でランチをして、友達とカラオケにいって楽しみます。 キーワード: consists of-~から成る spent-あることをして時間を過ごす enjoy-あることをして楽しむ
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • On my days off, I go to a cafe for lunch and go to a karaoke.

・「On my days off, I go to a cafe for lunch and go to a karaoke.」 (意味)休日はカフェでランチして、カラオケに行く事が多い。 <例文>On my days off, I go to a cafe for lunch and go to a karaoke. After that I go home and relax. <訳>休日はカフェでランチして、カラオケに行く事が多い。そのあとは家帰ってリラックスします。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
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