世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/12/30 18:41
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  • Where is this ______ from?

  • Where is the ______ from?

言い方の直訳は「この〜はどこからですか?」 もし手に持っている特定な野菜のことだったら、「This」を使います。 (キャベツを手に持ちながら)Where is this cabbage from? もし在庫の野菜のことだったら「the」を使います。 Where is the cabbage from? (このお店のキャベツはどこ産ですか?) 「the」を使うと、「このお店の」という意味になります。 もし使わないなら、「キャベツはどこから生える」という意味になります。 A: Where is the cabbage from? B: It’s from Kanagawa-ken A: Where is cabbage from? B: … It’s from the ground…
  • _____is this from?

Where is this ___from? この__はどこ産ですか? It's from Hawaii. ハワイ産です 人間も「どこ出身ですか?」 Where are you from? I'm from Japan
ALPHA English 英会話カフェ
  • Can you tell me where this vegetable originates from?

  • Where is this vegetable grown?

  • What is the country of origin of this vegetable?

Origin is the point or place where something begins. Origin is the start, center or beginning of something or the place where a person comes from. An exmaple of origin is when an idea comes to you when you sleep. An example of origin is the ground where oil comes from. An example of origin is your ethnic background. We can ask what is the origin of something or we can ask where something originates from. The meaning is the same. E.g. The oil originated in the ground. Grown is the past tense of grow. Grow is to develop or increase by natural development and applies to any living thing
origin はそれが発祥した地のことです。 origin はスタートや、なにかの中心や始まり、人の出身地のことなどを意味します。寝ているときに降ってくることもアイディアもoroginの例です。石油の出る土地も origin の例です。民族的背景も origin の例です。 なにかのorigin(起源)を聞くこともできるし、どこでそれがoriginateしたか(発祥したか)も聞くことができます。どちらも意味は同じです。 例 The oil originated in the ground.(石油が地面から発祥した。) grown は grow の過去形です。 grow は自然の発達の過程で発展や増加することを意味し、生きているものすべてに当てはまります。
Sue T DMM英会話講師
  • Where was this vegetable grown?

  • From which farm or country is the vegetable?

>Where was this vegetable grown? **Grown= developed. >From which farm or country is the vegetable? **Farm=an area of land and its buildings, used for growing crops and rearing animal. -->Farm is where vegetables and fruit are normally grown.
>Where was this vegetable grown? (この野菜はどこで栽培されましたか?) **grown=発達した、成長した。 >From which farm or country is the vegetable? (どの農場や国からの野菜ですか?) **Farm=作物や飼育動物の栽培に使用される土地とその建物の区域。 農場は、野菜や果物が通常、栽培されている場所です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Can you tell me the country these vegetables were grown in?

  • Where are these vegetables from?

  • Which country does these vegetables have as its origin.

1. "Can you tell me the country these vegetables were grown in?" This is a simple question that is asking the country where the vegetables were created. 2. "Where are these vegetables from?" This means which country does the vegetables come from. 3. "Which country does these vegetables have as its origin." The word origin means the point or place where something begins.
1. "Can you tell me the country these vegetables were grown in?" 「この野菜が栽培されている国を教えてくれませんか?」 これは、野菜が作られた国を尋ねるシンプルに尋ねる質問の言い方です。 2. "Where are these vegetables from?"「これらの野菜はどこから来たの?」 これは野菜がどの国から来たのかを尋ねています。 3. "Which country does these vegetables have as its origin." 「これらの野菜はどこの国が起源なんですか?」 Origin(起源)とは、何かが始まる地点または場所を意味します。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Where does this come from?

  • Where does this originate?

With a fruit or vegetable - or in fact anything, it may be simply a natural curiosity to understand where this item orginated. Or you may have a strong reason for asking this question. You may doubt the safety aspect of a toy from an unregulated country, for example, and want to check that the country of origin has a standard safety record or regulations in place to avoid any possible injury to children. "Where does this model airplane come from?"
果物または野菜など何においてもその品がどこから来たのかを理解することは自然な好奇心かもしれません。またはあなたにはこの質問をする強い動機があるのかもしれません。例えば統制されていない国からのおもちゃの安全面を疑っていてその生産国に子供が怪我をする可能性を回避するための標準の安全記録または規制があるのかを確認したいのかもしれません。 "Where does this model airplane come from?" (この模型飛行機はどこで生産されたものですか)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Origins

  • What is the origin of that weird looking vegetable over there?

Whenever we ask " what is the origin of something" we are inquiring as to its "source or origination"....Where it " comes from". There are origins for words plants foods people its a very useful word!
物事の出どころを聞く時はいつでも”起源”、つまりそれがどこから来たかを尋ねています。 言葉、食べ物、人々等には起源がありますので、origins (起源)はとても便利な言葉です。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Can you tell me where these veggies are sourced from?

  • What country are these imported from?

to be sourced from something - this means to come from somewhere import - this means to pass through customs and border authority and enter one country from another
"to be sourced from something " (~から原産されたもの) - これは何処から供給されたもの、と言う意味になります。 "import"(輸入) - これは税関を通り国境を越えて他の国から他の国へ輸入されたもの、と言う意味になります。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Where was this vegetable harvested?

  • Is this vegetable from...?

Looking at the first sentence, the word "harvest" means to gather the crops (vegetables, corn, fruit). So you are asking where the vegetable was grown. This should offer you an answer if you are not able to pinpoint the exact country/ location. If you know the vegetable and you have an idea where it could be from. you should use sentence 2. You would complete the sentence by adding the country/ city at the end. For example: Is this vegetable from South Africa?
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • Where is this vegetable from?

  • Where does this vegetable come from?

  • Where is this vegetable produced?

Hi, excuse me, I have a question for you? Sure, what is it? Where is this vegetable from? Where is it produced? Well, if you flip it over, it should be written on the label. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Origin

  • Produced

You could use any of the above two words to ask where the vegetable is from or where it is grown. Examples; - Where is the origin of this vegetable? - Where was this vegetable produced?
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • Where was this vegetable grown?

  • Where was this vegetable produced?

  • Where is this vegetable from?

Notice that we can either use the words, "grown," or, "produced," to talk about where a vegetable comes from to find out if it was grown/produced locally or brought it from another country perhaps.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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