世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/03 21:38
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  • I'd like a coffee, but don't make it too hot, please.

「猫舌」は慣用句ですので、わざわざ英語にする必要はないでしょう。 I'd like a coffee, but don't make it too hot, please. などと、そのまま「熱すぎないようにしてください」と頼んでみては いかがでしょうか?
Nishizawa Roy イングリッシュドクター
  • Can I have a warm coffee please.

スターバックスでオーダーするときは 'warm' を使います。 するとラテなどはミルクを低温にフォームしてくれ、ブレンドなどは氷を入れてくれます。 Could you put a piece of ice in the cup please? と言って氷を入れてもらっても良いかもしれませんね。
  • Can I get a semi-hot coffee?

  • Can I get a coffee that isn't very hot?

  • Can you give me a coffee that isn't very hot?

All three expressions are suitable for this situation.
Entei DMM英会話講師
  • Do you mind not making it too hot?

  • I would like to drink it straight away, please don't make it too hot.

  • Can I have some extra milk please?

My tongue is very sensitive. Please don't make it too hot. Asking for extra milk will reduce the temperature of your coffee. However if you are like me and do not like milk, this won't work for you. In this case I would say: Do you mind not making it too hot? Example: Can I have a black coffee please? And do you mind not making it too hot. -This simply says that you do not want the temperature to be too hot.
My tongue is very sensitive. Please don't make it too hot. (猫舌なので、あまり熱くし過ぎないでください) ミルクを追加してもらえばコーヒーの温度を下げられますが、ミルクが好きでない人の場合(私もそうですが)はダメですね。 この場合、私なら以下のように言います: Do you mind not making it too hot? (あまり熱くし過ぎないでいただけますか) 例: Can I have a black coffee please? And do you mind not making it too hot. (ブラックコーヒーいただけますか。あまり熱くし過ぎないでください) -シンプルに熱くし過ぎないで欲しいと伝えています。
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • May I have a warm coffee please?

  • May I have some coffee please?Please don't make it to hot.

May I have a warm coffee please? -Warm implies that you don't want it to be boiling hot. May I have some coffee please?Please don't make it to hot. -This expression is very clear as it lets your listener know what your preference is. *Alternatively ,if the coffee is hot you could request some cold milk on the side eg.May I have a cup of coffee and some cold milk on the side ,please?
May I have a warm coffee please? -warmということで、熱すぎるのはダメなことを暗に示すことができます。 May I have some coffee please?Please don't make it to hot. -この表現は直接的にあなたの好みを教えることができます。 また、もしコーヒーが熱すぎた場合は、冷たいミルクをお願いするのも良いでしょう。 例.May I have a cup of coffee and some cold milk on the side ,please?
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Could I have coffee with cold milk please?

  • 2. I can't drink piping hot coffee so easy on the hot water please

1. If you like coffee with milk, then the answer is to ask for cold milk with your black coffee. 2. Piping hot = (of food or liquids) very hot. "The crust was piping hot and I couldn't eat it" (To go) easy on something = to not take or use too much of something: "The doctor told me to go easy on the spicy food for a while."
1.コーヒーとミルクが好きなら、コーヒーと一緒に冷たいミルクをください、というのが良いと思います。 2. Piping hot = 食べ物がすごく熱い "The crust was piping hot and I couldn't eat it" 焼けた生地がすっごく熱い!食べられるの? (To go) easy on something = やりすぎない、使いすぎないなど、 "The doctor told me to go easy on the spicy food for a while." 医者から刺激物は当分とりすぎるなと言われているんだ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can I please have some coffee but not very hot.

This means that you want coffee but bit very hot. You can also ask with cold milk so that the coffee is not too hot.
これはコーヒーを欲しいが、少しだけ熱いコーヒーが良い場合を意味します。 冷たいミルクでコーヒーをそこまで熱くないようにお願いすることもできます。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
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