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2018/11/17 05:44
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  • The coffee is delicious!

加筆です。 おいしいには「tastes good」などが使われますが、その上をさすのが 「delicious」です。 よって、The coffee is delicious! という言い回しもあります。 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • That was great!

  • It's good coffee!

  • I enjoyed it a lot!

A statement to describe something you consumed is helpful for this situation and you don't have to mention the actual food or beverage if someone is with you in person.Often times, people will consume something and remark, "that's good ______________."For example, "that's a good burger," or "that's good apple pie."If you say it with enthusiasm, it expresses the fact that you really enjoyed the food or beverage that you just consumed.
何かを食べたり飲んだりしたときの言葉は、このような場合とても便利で、その人があなたといるなら実際の食べ物や飲み物のことを言及する必要はありません。 何かを飲んだり、食べたりしたら、"that's good ______________."(なんておいしい~なの!)と言います。例えば "that's a good burger"(おいしいハンバーガー)や "that's good apple pie."(おいしいアップルパイ)のようにです。 もっと強調して言うと、その食べ物や飲み物がとてもおいしかったことが伝わります。
Justin H DMM英会話講師
  • The coffee tastes good.

  • The coffee is good.

Example: 1. I go to that Coffee shop everyday because their coffee always tastes good.Coffee 2. Their coffee is always brewed prefectly.3. The coffee is perfectly brewed. 4. I often enjoy a cup of coffee from this coffee shop, they make the best cup of coffee.
例1: I go to that Coffee shop everyday because their coffee always tastes good. (コーヒーがいつもおいしいのでそのコーヒー屋に毎日行きます。) 例2: Their coffee is always brewed prefectly. (彼らのコーヒーは完璧に淹れてくれる。) 例3: The coffee is perfectly brewed. (コーヒーが完璧に淹れてある。) 例4:  I often enjoy a cup of coffee from this coffee shop, they make the best cup of coffee. (子のコーヒー屋のコーヒーが好きだ。一番おいしいコーヒーを淹れてくれる。)
Willet DMM英会話講師
  • This coffee is so good.

  • This coffee has such a nice flavor.

  • This coffee is brewed perfectly.

どれも褒め言葉ですが: ❶This coffee is so good. (このコーヒーほんと美味しいね)。 ❷This coffee has such a nice flavor. (このコーヒーほんといい味出てるね)。 ❸This coffee is brewed perfectly. (このコーヒー上手に入れてるね、完璧よ)。 〜の後に thank you (ありがとう)といいましょう! 参考までに!
  • This is a very good cup of coffee.

  • Wow! This coffee tastes great!

If someone has given you a cup of coffee and you would like to tell them it is very delicious, you can say something like "This is a very good cup of coffee." or "Wow! This coffee tastes great!".
人がコーヒーを淹れてくれて、とてもおいしいことを伝えるには、 "This is a very good cup of coffee." (このコーヒーとてもおいしいよ。) "Wow! This coffee tastes great!" (わぁ!このコーヒーおいしい!) と言うことができます。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • This coffee tastes amazing!

  • The coffee is delicious!

Here are two expressions you can use to express how good a cup of coffee is. 1. "This coffee tastes amazing!" - Use this expression when you are complimenting someone on their coffee, or it can be used when you take a sip and are pleasantly surprised by the taste. 2. "The coffee is delicious!" - Use this expression to tell someone else that the coffee you are drinking or the coffee at a certain shop tastes good. You could also say, "Thier coffee is delicious!" to talk specifically about a coffee shop.
「コーヒーがおいしいです」の二通りの言い方です。 1. "This coffee tastes amazing!"(このコーヒーおいしいです) この表現は、コーヒーの味を褒めるとき、あるいはコーヒーを飲んでその味に感動したときに使うことができます。 2. "The coffee is delicious!"(コーヒーがおいしいです) この表現は、今飲んでいるコーヒーやあるいはその店で出されるコーヒーについて「おいしい」と言うとき、使うことができます。店で出されるコーヒーについて言うなら、"Thier coffee is delicious!"(そこのコーヒーはおいしい)という言い方もできます。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • It's really delicious. Thank you!

  • This coffee tastes great!

  • This coffee was made perfectly!

There are several ways you can explain that you really like the flavor of the coffee. 1) "It's really delicious. Thank you!" (This is a formal sentence, and it is always polite to thank the person who served it to you or who made it.) 2) "This coffee tastes great!" (This can be both formal and informal because you are using simple, polite manners.) 3) "This coffee was made perfectly!" (This is a formal sentence, especially because you are complimenting the way the coffee was made, even if the server did not make it. You are still complimenting someone's job.)
「このコーヒーおいしいです」の言い方はいくつかあります。 1) "It's really delicious. Thank you!"(とてもおいしいです、ありがとうございます) ※ これはフォーマルな文です。コーヒーを入れてくれた人や出してくれた人に感謝を伝えると丁寧です。 2) "This coffee tastes great!"(このコーヒーおいしいです) ※ これはフォーマルな場面でもカジュアルな場面でも使えます。シンプルで丁寧な文です。 3) "This coffee was made perfectly!"(このコーヒー完璧です) ※ ここでは、コーヒーの作り方について褒めています、これはフォーマルな言い方です。出してくれた人が作ったわけではないかもしれませんが、作ってくれた人の仕事を褒めています。
Miranda DMM英語講師
  • This coffee is amazing.

  • This coffee tastes delicious.

  • This coffee is hitting the spot.

"This coffee is amazing" can mean the coffee is so good it's literally making you feel like a new person. "This coffee tastes delicious" is a huge compliment to give someone when the coffee goes above and beyond your expectations. "This coffee is hitting the spot" means this coffee is exactly what you needed right now.
"This coffee is amazing" は「目が覚めるほどおいしい」といった意味を表します。 "This coffee tastes delicious"(このコーヒーすごくおいしい)も、コーヒーを絶賛する言い方です。これは、コーヒーが予想を超えるおいしさだったときに使えます。 "This coffee is hitting the spot" は「このコーヒーはまさに私が求めていたもの」という意味です。
Lizzo DMM英会話講師
  • This coffee is delicious.

  • This coffee tastes very good.

These two sentences can be used interchangeably and they more or less have the exact same meaning. One thing to notice is that we are changing the adjectives, "delicious/good," because within this context they are synonyms. In addition, we can use the verb, "to taste," as this describes the flavor or the sense that one has when eating or drinking something.
これら二つの文はほぼ同じ意味で、置き換えて使えます。 一つ押さえておくこととして、"delicious" と "good" はこの場合同義です、例文でもこの二つを置き換えて使っています。 また、ここでは動詞の "to taste" が使えます。"to taste" は「〔食べ物・飲み物が〕~の味がする」という意味です。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • This coffee is excellent, thank you!

There are many ways to say that something is good so if you use a word like "excellent" or "amazing" then your listener will know that you are being sincere. Since they served you the coffee, it is always a good idea to say thank you! I hope that this helps :)
「おいしい」の言い方はいろいろあります。"excellent" や "amazing" などの言葉を使うと、正直な気持ちで言っていることが伝わります。コーヒーを出してくれた人に伝えるわけなので、"Thank you!" も加えた方がいいですね。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • This coffee tastes amazing!

  • Thanks for the coffee it is absolutely mouthwatering!

"This coffee tastes amazing!": We can use this if we want our coffeemaker or barista to know that we are very satisfied with how he or she made the coffee. This will be really respected. "Thanks for the coffee it is absolutely mouthwatering!": This is a very polite way of saying that the coffee that you have just tried tastes great and up to your standards. Again the coffeemaker will respect your comment very much. "Mouthwatering" means that it literally waters in your mouth because of the wonderful taste. It's another way of saying "delicious"
"This coffee tastes amazing!"(このコーヒーすごくおいしい) これは、コーヒーを入れてくれた人あるいはバリスタに「おいしい」と伝えるときに使えます。すごく喜ばれると思います。 "Thanks for the coffee it is absolutely mouthwatering!"(コーヒーありがとう、すごくおいしかった) これは「コーヒーがおいしかった」のとても丁寧な言い方です。これも、コーヒーを入れてくれた人にとても喜ばれると思います。 "Mouthwatering" は「おいしさでよだれが出てくる」という意味です。"Delicious" の別の言い方です。
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • This coffee tastes great!

  • What tasty coffee it is today!

When someone serves you coffee, you want to tell them that the coffee tastes good. You can do that by using one of the above suggested statements which may fit your scenario.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The coffee is excellent!

  • The coffee is very flavorful

  • That's a good cup of liquid energy!

If you want to explain that the coffee your are drinking is good you can simply say the coffee is excellent or flavorful. The last sentence refers to the coffee as being 'liquid energy'. This is a way to describe coffee in slang, and it's highlighting that coffee is also high in caffeine and usually drunk to wake people up and give them an energy boost. It's a fun expression to use in this situation.
コーヒーについて「おいしい」と言いたいなら、シンプルに 'the coffee is excellent / flavorful'(コーヒーがおいしいです)と表せます。 最後の文では、コーヒーを 'liquid energy' と表しています。これはコーヒーを表すスラングで、コーヒーの「カフェインが多く含まれているところ」、「飲むと目が覚めて元気が出るところ」を強調します。
Spencer T DMM英会話講師
  • This coffee is beautiful.

  • This coffee is amazing.

  • The coffee is fantastic.

This coffee is beautiful. This coffee is amazing. The coffee is fantastic. All of these will do you well. Go and compliment many peoples' coffees. I hope it helps. Have a great day. Will
This coffee is beautiful.(このコーヒーすごくおいしい) This coffee is amazing.(このコーヒーすごくおいしい) The coffee is fantastic.(コーヒーすごくおいしい) どれでも伝わります。どんどんコーヒーを褒めてきてください。 参考になれば幸いです。 良い一日を。 ウィル
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • This coffee taste's just how I like it!

  • Thank you so much for this delicious coffee!

  • You have made this perfect!

When describing or saying sentences to someone, how much enthusiasm will show how much you like it. When using adjectives like 'perfect' and 'delicious' suggests to the person, you've really enjoyed their cup of coffee that they made. 'This coffee taste's just how I like it!' Using this sentence suggests that the waiter has made the coffee the best they could have done for you as it is just what you like.
それがどのくらい気に入ったかは、声のトーンで表すことができます。 形容詞の 'perfect' や 'delicious' を使うと、コーヒーが「すごく気に入った」と伝わります。 'This coffee tastes just how I like it!'(このコーヒーは私の好きな味です) これは、ウェイターがコーヒーを「好み通りに作ってくれた」という意味合いです。
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • This coffee is really good.

  • This is a great mug of coffee. Thank you

When you want to inform someone that they have given you a mug of coffee that tastes good; then you may do so in the following ways: -This coffee is really good. -This is a great mug of coffee. Thank you -This is some good coffee.
コーヒーを入れてくれた人に「コーヒーおいしいです」と伝えたいなら、次のように言えます。 -This coffee is really good.(このコーヒーすごくおいしいです) -This is a great mug of coffee. Thank you(このコーヒーすごくおいしいです。ありがとうございます) -This is some good coffee.(このコーヒーおいしいです)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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