How does this work は、物がどうゆう働き方をしているかを質問する時に使う単語です。主に機械やソフトウェア、機能のあるものに使います。だがそれだけでなく、様々なシチュエーションにも使えますよ!ヘアアレンジに対しても言えます。How does this work? と聞くと、「これはこうで、この部分をこうしてるんだよ」という答えがでると思います。
例えば、外人さんが着物を見ていると How does this work? と言う場合があり得ます。「どうゆう風にこれを着るの?」という質問です。
What's going on with this? は少しネガティブな口調になります。例えばコンピューターシステムにトラブルが起こっている場合、What's going on with this? と聞くと 「なんでこうなっているの?」「どうなっているの?」と言うニュアンスになります。
Wow- this is used to show surprise.
Amazing- this is used when you haven't seen anything like this before
Incredible- this is used when its impossible to believe what you are seeing.
I hope this helps :)
Amazing! - this expresses your surprise. You could also say:impressive, excellent, fantastic.
Wow! - another expression when you are impressed by something remarkable.
How does it work? =You want to know about the technology of the item - maybe the engine or the mechanics or the electrics or the power supply?
Amazingは、驚きを表すときに使います。Impressive、excellent, fantasticも同様に使うことができます。
How does it work?は、その商品や技術についてもっと知りたいときにも使います、エンジンや機械、電気用品などなどに使われるでしょう。
Incredible! How does this high-tech watch operate?
Gee whiz! How does this high-tech machine function?
A high-tech watch or machine might have certain functions which are not normally included on watches or on a particular type of machine.
The way to get these functions working might be a challenge to a new user. I have used the verb 'operate' to mean to function in a specified manner.
Operate is interchangeable with the verb 'function'.
You can use either of them when asking as to how the particular item works.
To express your surprise however, you might use the adverb 'incredible', meaning 'difficult to believe; extraordinary'.
You might also use the exclamation, Gee W hiz! to express your 'surprise' or 'wonder'.
Wow is the most common expression used to convey amazement or surprise. It is enough to just say wow, usually with a smile or an expression on your face that shows that you are impressed.
How does this work?
How did you do that?
see you soon♪