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2015/12/31 13:51
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  • It's better than my wife's cooking.

  • This is better than my wife's cooking.

「ちょっとだけ」を入れてしまうと、「妻の手料理」がどれくらい美味しいのか、基準がわからないので、少しわかにくく、失礼になってしまう可能性があります。This is better than my wife's cooking (これは妻の手料理よりも美味しい)の方がシンプルです。 妻の手料理もおいしいと言う情報をその前に入れるのが一番自然かもしれません。 ★ My wife's a good cook, but (I have to say,) this is better than her cooking. My wife's a good cook, but this is better than her cooking =「妻の料理は美味しいけれど、これはその手料理よりも美味しい」 (I have to say) = 「言わざるを得ない・言わないわけにはいけない」 「I have to say」を途中で入れることで、あまり意味に変わりはないですが、もっと気持ちがこもっているように聞こえ、テンポもよくなります。
Reina Saeki マルチリンガル英会話講師/ハーバード卒バイリンガル
  • The food was very good. It’s even better than my wife’s cooking.

奥さんの料理で返すとすれば、私だったら奥さんを落とすことはあまりしないですね。 アメリカ人は家族を基本褒めますから。 The food was delicious but my wife’s cooking is the best. 「美味しかったです。ま、奥さんの料理が一番ですけどね」 他に何か返すとしたら、食材をトピックにするといいかもしれないです。 It was delicious. Do you use locally grown ingredients? 「美味しかったです。地元の食材を使ってるんですか」
  • Brilliant - just marginally better than my wife's cooking

  • Excellent - possibly even on a par with my wife's cooking!

Well, you could mention that the meal was slightly better than your wife's cooking, but if your wife is present, it may seem a slight put-down for her - especially if she really is a great cook! It may be more diplomatic to everyone present to say: "Excellent - possibly even on a par with my wife's cooking!"
あなたの妻の料理よりもやや良かったと言えるかもしれませんが、もしあなたの妻がその場にいて、特に彼女が本当に素晴らしい料理を作っている場合は、彼女を少しがっかりさせてしまうかもしれません。その場にいる人にはこのように言うとより気の利いたセリフになるかもしれません: "Excellent - possibly even on a par with my wife's cooking!"(素晴らしいですね、おそらく私の妻の料理と同じくらいだ!)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • that was better than my wifes cooking

  • i enjoyed that more than my wifes cooking

  • thats was better than my usual dining experience

examples "That's way better than my usual dining experience" or "I enjoyed that more than my wife's cooking" or "That was better than my wife's cooking"
 "That's way better than my usual dining experience"  いつもの料理よりものすごくおいしい。 "I enjoyed that more than my wife's cooking"  妻の料理よりもずっとよかった。 "That was better than my wife's cooking" 妻の料理よりもよかった。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • It was really good, even a little better than what my wife cooks!

This is saying exactly what you want to say. The food you had was super nice and that your wife also cooks really well, but this was slightly better!
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • My wife's cooking is almost as good as this!

To say that something is 'almost as good' is to say that it is not quite at the same level, but a little bit below it. So in this instance you are saying that your wife's cooking is almost at the same level as the restaurant's cooking but theirs is a bit better!
「A is almost as good as B」で「AはBと全く同じレベルではない、Bよりも少しだけ下」という意味になります。 "My wife's cooking is almost as good as this!" レストランの料理はあなたの奥さんの料理よりも少し上、と伝えています。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I love my wife's cooking, but this food tasted a little bit better than hers.

  • The food was delicious, a little bit more delicious than my wife's cooking.

The expression 'tasted a little bit better' used in the first statement is what we call a comparative in English grammar. It has been used to compare your wife's cooking to the meal you have just had at the restaurant. So, your wife's cooking is good, but, the meal you have just had tasted a little bit 'better'. 'Better' is a comparative of the adjective 'good'. 'Best' is the superlative. So, if your wife's cooking is delicious, the food you have just had was a little bit 'more delicious' than your wife's cooking. The comparative in the second statement is 'more delicious'. The superlative is 'most delicious'. So, you may say: I love my wife's cooking, but this food tasted a little bit better than hers. or The food was delicious, a little bit more delicious than my wife's cooking.
最初の例にある「tasted a little bit better」は、英文法のいわゆる比較級です。 奥さんの料理とレストランの料理を比較しています。妻の料理はおいしいが、今食べた料理の方が少し「better(よりおいしい)」と言っています。「better」は「good(形容詞)」の比較級、最上級は「best」です。 もし、奥さんの料理が「delicious(おいしい)」なら、レストランの料理はそれよりも少し「more delicious(もっとおいしい)」。最上級は「most delicious(最もおいしい)」です。 以下のように言えます。 I love my wife's cooking, but this food tasted a little bit better than hers. (妻の料理は大好きですが、これはそれよりも少しおいしいです。) The food was delicious, a little bit more delicious than my wife's cooking. (料理はおいしかったです、妻の料理よりも少しおいしかったです。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
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