Where I live, there is a lot of nature, so it is a nice place to live.
There is a lot of green in my neighborhood, so it is a nice place to live.
There is a lot of greenery in my neighborhood, so it is a comfortable place to li
Where I live, there is a lot of nature, so it is a nice place to live.
「[緑](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/34989/)」と直訳したら green になりますが、「緑」って「植物や木が豊か」の文脈でしたら英語で greenery になります。けれども、こういう場合にはどっちも green か greenery と言えても伝われます。Green だと「緑」だけの意味なので、もう少し詳しい説明を追加した方がいいと思います。
There is a lot of green in my neighborhood, so it is a nice place to live. There are trees all down my street!
There is a lot of greenery in my neighborhood, so it is a comfortable place to live.
「住みやすい」は英語に直訳したら「easy to live in」になりますが、それより a nice place to live か a comfortable place to live の方が自然だと思います。
where I live = 私の住んでいるところ
there is a lot of nature = 緑が豊か
a nice place to live = 暮らしやすい場所
I live in an area which is abundant in nature and is a comfortable place to live.
I live in an area which is abundant in nature and is a comfortable place to live.
緑が豊か=自然がたくさんある=abundant in nature
[暮らしやすい](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/9632/)= a comfortable place to live.
I live in a comfortable area surrounded by nature.
I live in a comfortable area surrounded by nature.
surrounded by は「〜に囲まれている」という意味の英語表現です。
I live in a comfortable area surrounded by nature.