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自然が豊か。自然がいっぱい。 外国人の友達に自分の住んでいる場所の説明をしたいとき。
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2015/12/01 14:26
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  • rich in nature

rich:[豊か]( nature:[自然]( rich in nature:自然が豊か (例文) I live in a small village rich in nature. 私は自然が豊かな小さな村に住んでいます。 少し違う言い方ですとfilled in nature「自然で満たされている」という表現も いいもかれません。 fill:[満たす]( filled with ~:~で満たされている (例文) I live in a small village filled with nature. 私は自然で満たされている(自然が豊かな)小さな村に住んでいます。
  • Mt. Fuji is a famous tourist spot rich in natural beauty.

  • There are many cottages surrounded by a rich natural environment.

  • My hometown has a lot of nature.

'rich in natural beauty' = 自然が[豊富](で[美しい]( 'be surrounded by a rich natural environment' = 豊かな自然に囲まれている "My hometown has a lot of nature." のようにシンプルな言い方でも十分伝わります。 例: My home is surrounded by a rich natural environment. 私の家は豊かな自然に囲まれています。
  • I live in a place that is surrounded by beautiful nature.

  • The area where I live still has a lot of beautiful nature surrounding it.

「私は自然が豊かなところに住んでいます。」 「私が住んでいる地域はまだ豊かな自然が残っています」 私自身、山で田舎暮らしをしているので、自然に囲まれた生活をしています。 I live in the mountains, surrounded by beautiful nature, rice patties, and amazing picturesque views. 絵画のような田園風景が残る、豊かな自然に囲まれた山に暮らしています。
  • Rich in nature.

  • Surrounded by nature.

  • Rich natural environment.

Any of these expressions can be used to explain a rich natural environment. 1. Rich in nature. Example:- Her surroundings are rich in nature. 2. Surrounded by nature. Example:- Her house in the countryside is surrounded by nature. 3. Rich natural environment. Example :- The house that she bought in the suburbs has a rich natural environment.
これらの表現を使って自然が豊かだという事を言い表すことが出来ます。 1. Rich in nature. (自然が豊か) 例 Her surroundings are rich in nature. (彼女の周りは自然が豊かです) 2. Surrounded by nature. (自然に囲まれている) 例 Her house in the countryside is surrounded by nature. (彼女の家は田舎にあり、自然に囲まれています) 3. Rich natural environment. (豊かな自然環境) 例 The house that she bought in the suburbs has a rich natural environment. (郊外に買った彼女の家は豊かな自然環境があります)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • My place is rich in nature.

  • My place is abundant in nature.

"Rich" means "having lots of". "Abundant" means "existing in large amounts".
"Rich"は "having lots of"(たくさん持っていること)を示します。 "Abundant"は "existing in large amounts"は大量に存在していることを意味します。
Gio English instructor
  • The wish to live "in harmony" with nature...(idiom) to be at one with Nature.

  • a Nature Boy or Girl loves the outdoor life!

To be surrounded by wild-life plants and flowers...The desire to avoid pollution or disturbing the natural balance of the world around you. To be respectful of the "wonders" of nature.
To be surrounded by wild-life plants and flowers(野生の植物や花に囲まれて)...汚染や、あなたの周りの世界の自然のバランスを邪魔するものを避けたいともっている気持ち。 自然の"wonders"(不思議)を尊重すること。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • You live in a natural environment.

  • You're surrounded by beautiful nature.

  • You live near an abundant amount of nature.

These phrases are commonly used for those that live in or around a lot of nature.
Celeste O DMM英語講師
  • I live in a very rural area

  • I live out in the sticks

  • I live in the back of beyond

Of course you could always say: "I live in the middle of the countryside." The back of beyond = a lonely and isolated place. The inland desert region of Australia that is otherwise known as the Never-never is also sometimes called the 'Back of Beyond'. This term is more generally used to refer to any real or imagined remote region. It was first put into print by Sir Walter Scott in his novel The Antiquary, 1816. Out in the sticks = Something/Someone who resides in the countryside or rural area, far away from any metropolitan area. "You ain't gonna get to his house with the bus; its way out in the sticks."
もちろん大抵の場合、"I live in the middle of the countryside."(私はド田舎に住んでいます)という文を使えます。 The back of beyond = 孤立した・孤独な場所。 オーストラリア内陸部の砂漠Never-neverは、時に別名'Back of Beyond'とも呼ばれます。 この用語は、1816年に書かれたWalter Scott氏の小説The Antiquaryに初めて登場したもので、 実際の/または架空の人里離れた場所・遠隔地の意味として使われます。 Out in the sticks = 都会から遠く離れた地域や農村部という意味です。 "You ain't gonna get to his house with the bus; its way out in the sticks." (人里離れた田舎だからバスで彼の家へは行けないよ)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Abounding with nature

  • Filled with natural beauty

  • A nature-rich environment

An environment that has plenty of nature, is lush and green. Example sentence: "She is lucky to live in a country abounding with nature!"
自然がたくさんある環境は木々の緑が青々としている。 例文です。: "She is lucky to live in a country abounding with nature!" 彼女は自然の豊かな国に住んでいて幸運だ。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • Live surrounded by nature.

Example sentence- 1. I would love to live surrounded by nature in a forest or by a beach somewhere.
【例文】 1. I would love to live surrounded by nature in a forest or by a beach somewhere. (森の中や海辺の様な自然に囲まれたところに住みたいです)
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • A natural surrounding

  • She lives in the wilderness.

  • He lives in the boondocks

"A natural surrounding " This means that that he/she lives in a place surrounded by nature. "He lives in the boondocks" This means that he/she lives in a place that is isolated and most probably surrounded by nature. e.g This place is out in the boondocks, you'll never get here by bus. "She lives in the wilderness." The "wilderness" is a place that is inhabited by animals and is not among human society.
"A natural surrounding " これは、自然に囲まれた場所に住んでいることを意味します。 "He lives in the boondocks" これは、自然に囲まれた田舎に住んでいることを意味します。 例:This place is out in the boondocks, you'll never get here by bus.  (この場所はとても田舎なので、バスではこれません。) "She lives in the wilderness." wilderness(荒野)は人類社会から離れた動物の多く生息する場所です。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • i'm surrounded by nature

  • i'm immersed in nature

immerse = involve oneself deeply in a particular activity or interest. Surrounded = be all around (someone or something). Where I live is so beautiful i'm surrounded by nature and the sounds of the birds. I love my new place I really feel immersed in nature all the time.
immerse = ある特定の活動や興味関心に没頭する Surrounded = (人やものが)囲まれている 例文 Where I live is so beautiful i'm surrounded by nature and the sounds of the birds. 私が住んでいるところはとても美しくて、自然や鳥の鳴き声に囲まれています。 I love my new place I really feel immersed in nature all the time. 私は新しい家が好きで、いつも自然の中に包まれていると本当に感じます。
Alistair W DMM英会話講師
  • There is healthy greenery in the area.

  • The area is surrounded by lush foliage.

  • The place has a rich foliage.

"There is healthy greenery in the area" means the place has a lot of vegetations like trees, grass, and bushes. "The area is surrounded by lush foliage" describes a place which is covered in vegetation as the word lush means abundant and foliage refers to vegetation. "The place has a rich foliage" simply gives the idea that a place is completely covered and surrounded by healthy vegetation.
"There is healthy greenery in the area"(その場所は緑が豊富です) これは、その場所には木や草、茂みなどたくさんの植物があるという意味です。 "The area is surrounded by lush foliage"(その場所は緑に囲まれています) これは、植物に囲まれた場所を表します。"lush"は「豊富な」、"foliage"は「植物」という意味です。 "The place has a rich foliage"(その場所は緑に囲まれています) これは、その場所は緑が豊富だという意味です。
Essa DMM英会話講師
  • The place s/he lives in is so rich in nature

  • The place s/he lives in is surrounded by nature.

  • S/he lives in an amazing place full of nature.

Living close to nature is beautiful, you feel relaxed and the air is always cleaner and more refreshing when you are surrounded by nature. Some locations are surrounded by busy streets and lots of noise, whereas other places that are closer to nature are more tranquil. Surrounded: to be all around Tranquil: peaceful
自然のそばで生活するのは素晴らしいですね。リラックスできますし、空気はいつもきれいです。 交通量の多いにぎやかな場所もあれば、自然に囲まれた静かな場所もあります。 Surrounded: 囲まれた Tranquil: 平穏な
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • this place is surrounded with nature

  • this place has a beautiful natural environment

saying that "this place is surrounded with nature" means there are a lot of tress, plants, grass or animals around that area. saying "this place has a beautiful natural environment" means that it has a lot of nature and that you really like how it looks
"this place is surrounded with nature" とは、その場所にはたくさんの木や植物、草むらや動物がいるということです。   "this place has a beautiful natural environment"とは、そこにはたくさんの自然があり、あなたがとても気に入っているということです。
Jackk DMM英会話講師
  • rich in nature

  • surrounded by nature

rich in nature 自然が豊か surrounded by nature 自然に囲まれている 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 rich in は「〜が豊か」です。 surrounded by は「〜に囲まれている」という意味の英語表現です。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 またいつでも質問してください。
  • Surrounded by nature

  • In the the woods

If someone lives in a place that is surrounded by nature, you can simply say that. This implies that they are around lots of trees and not around many houses or buildings. You can also say "it's in the woods" if their house is far into the forest and not easily accessible.
自然に囲まれた場所に住んでいることを伝えるには、シンプルにこのように言うことができます。これは、たくさん木があり、たくさんの家やビルが周りにないということです。 また、家が森の中にあり、簡単にアクセスできないなら、"it's in the woods"(家が森の中にある)ということもできます。
Andrew P DMM英会話講師
  • She is surrounded by nature

  • She lives amongst nature

Living in a beautiful area can be described in many ways, such as She is surrounded by nature. She lives amongst nature. He lives amongst the beauty of nature.
美しい場所に住んでいることは、いろいろな言い方で表せます。例えば: She is surrounded by nature. 彼女は自然に囲まれたところに住んでいます。 She lives amongst nature. 彼女は自然の中に住んでいます。 He lives amongst the beauty of nature. 彼は美しい自然の中に住んでいます。
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
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