世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/06/17 09:51
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  • current address

1.) current address (現住所) 「現住所」は英語でcurrent addressと訳せます。Current addressはよく書類で書く欄があります。Currentは日本語で「現在」という意味があります。Addressは日本語で「住所」という意味があります。
  • My current home address

  • My present home address

Current means belonging to the present time, so in this case the word current and present are interchangeable.It makes it more clear to add the word home to this phrase to make it more clear that it is your home address rather than a work or school address that you are talking about.
Currentとは、今のという意味で、この場合、currentと presentはどちらも同じ意味で使うことができます。 職場や学校の住所と間違われないように、 home address(家の住所)と明確にするといいでしょう。
Franji DMM英会話講師
  • My current address

  • My present address

You want to know what you call the address that you currently live at? In Japanese it is "genjusho". Either of the above suggestions is fine. Eg. 'I have been living at my present address for the last 10 years.'
今住んでいるところの住所のことを日本語では、「現住所」と言いますが、英語では例にあげたように言います。 例:  'I have been living at my present address for the last 10 years.' (10年間今の住所に住んでいます。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • My home's location.

  • My address at the moment.

  • My address currently.

If you would like to tell someone where you live at that moment, you can use the sentences above. The words 'current' and 'at the moment' tell us that you are living there now. "This is my current address, do you have a paper and pen?"
今住んでいるところの住所を伝えるには、これらの例がぴったりです。 'current' や 'at the moment'は、今現在のという意味です。    "This is my current address, do you have a paper and pen?" (これが私の現住所です。紙とペンはありますか?)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • present address

  • current address

  • current location

A "current/present address" is the location that you live at now."Current" and "present" have the same meaning of "at this time" or "now". Example: "My current address is on 7th Street in Los Angeles."
A "current/present address"は、今現在住んでいるところの住所を指します。 "Current" と "present"は、 今という意味の "at this time" や "now"と同じ意味です。 例:  "My current address is on 7th Street in Los Angeles." (私の現住所は、ロサンゼルス、7番ストリートです。)
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • "current address"

  • "present address"

  • "my current home"

If you wanted to express the address that you currently live at, you could use any three of these phrases: "current address", "present address" or "my current home". Any of these phrases are very commonly used to express the place which is currently your home/address.
今現在住んでいるところのことを、 "current address", "present address" "my current home"と言います。これらはどれも、今住んでいるところを指します。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • My current address

  • My (current) home address

An address of the place where you currently reside is called a "current address" or a "home address". You may use these terms in a sentence in the following ways: -My current home address is 12 Park Avenue, New York. -My current address is written right there on the form I filled out
今現在住んでいるところの住所のことを"current address" や "home address"と言います。以下のように使うことができます。 -My current home address is 12 Park Avenue, New York. (私の現在の住所は、ニューヨーク、パークアベニュー12です。 -My current address is written right there on the form I filled out (私の現在の住所は用紙のここに書いてあります。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • current (home) address

こんにちは。 「現住所」は英語で current (home) address と言えます。 current は「現在の」という意味です。 (home) address が「住所」です。 下記は例文ですのでぜひ参考にしてください。 Please write down your current home address. 現住所をここに書いてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • My current abode is ...

  • I'm currently residing in...

1.My current abode is ... The phrase 'current abode' is a rather formal way of referring to your current address or place of residence. 2.I'm currently residing in... To reside means to live in a particular place permanently. Many people mistakenly use the verb 'stay' when they refer to their home . To stay somewhere means that it is a temporary place, e.g. I stayed in Mauritius during the summer vacation, or, I stayed with my sister while her husband was abroad.
1.My current abode is ...(私の現住所は~です。)  'current abode'は、現住所を表すフォーマルな言い方です。   2.I'm currently residing in...(今~に住んでいます。) To reside とは、あるところに永久に住むという意味です。多くの人が動詞 'stay'(滞在する)と間違えます。 To stayは、短期的にそこに滞在するという意味です。  I stayed in Mauritius during the summer vacation. (夏休みの間はモーリシャスに滞在しました。)  I stayed with my sister while her husband was abroad. (妹の旦那が海外にいる間、彼女のところに滞在しました。)
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • My current address

  • My current residence

  • Where I live at the moment

Sometimes people change their residence and relocate to another area. When this happens such persons would have to inform people they do business with of their new address. Any of the following can be used to advise someone of your current address:- 1. My current address is 52 Albert Steet, San Fernando. 2. My current residence is 52 Albert Street, San Fernando. 3. I live at 52 Albert street at the moment.
引っ越しをして住所が変わったときには、職場などにそれを伝えなければなりません。 「現住所」を伝えるときは、次のように言えます。 1. My current address is 52 Albert Steet, San Fernando.(現住所はサンフェルナンド、アルバート通り52番地です) 2. My current residence is 52 Albert Street, San Fernando.(現住所はサンフェルナンド、アルバート通り52番地です) 3. I live at 52 Albert street at the moment.(現住所はアルバート通り52番地です)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • My current address

  • The place I currently live at

Two versions for you how to express the Japanese word - genjusho. Unfortunately, there is no one word to describe it. For example - my current address is England, London.
「現住所」の二通りの言い方です。残念ながら英語にはこれを一言で表す単語はありません。 例: My current address is England, London. (私の現住所はイギリスのロンドンです)
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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