I'd like to have my baby in my hometown, but that means I have to pay for the vaccinations. so I'm still thinking about that.
①【自分の希望をいう】時の基本公式→I'd like ....
②「悩む」→「まだ決めていない」→「いまだに考えている」という変換プロセス(I haven't decided it yet. でも大丈夫です)
追記★「住民票がない。。。」→I'm not a resident.
I'm not sure if I want to deliver my baby in my hometown.
If I do, I will have to pay for vaccinations out of pocket.
保険などのシステムでカバーされず実費を払うことをpay out of pocketと表現します。
because I will not be considered as a resident there.(そこの住人とはみなされないので)