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2016/01/04 17:31
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  • Can I try on this kimono?

  • Can I try this kimono on?

アメリカ人は試着したい時によく「try on」を使います。 前置詞の位置を気にしている方が多いと思うのですが、この場合は目的語の前後に付けることができます。 Try on this kimono Try this kimono on ちなみに、試飲や試食などの「試」で始まる言葉はよく「try」で言います。 Can I try this food? Can I try this wine?
  • Can I try this kimono on?

Can I try this kimono on? この着物、着てみていいですか? 「着物」はそのまま kimono で通じます。sushi や tsunami のように日本語の言葉がそのまま英語になったものですね! 「試着してもいいですか」は Can I try this on? と言います。put on で「(衣類を)着る」、try on で「試着」になります。海外のお店でもこのまま言えますよ!
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Is it okay to try this kimono on?

  • May I try this kimono on?

Either of these responses is fine.
Glenny B English teacher/Translator/Editor/Content Creator
  • Could I try this on please?

  • Is it OK to try this on?

  • May I see if this is good for me? Where are the changing rooms, please?

Any one of these expressions cater for this situation.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Hi, wear are the dressing rooms?

  • Do you have any fitting rooms?

  • Can I try this on?

You can use the top two questions to ask to use a dressing room, also known as fitting room or changing room? However, if you want to try it on there and then in the middle of the store then simply ask 'Can I try this on?'.
最初の2つの例文は、「fitting room(試着室)」「changing room(更衣室」と同じように「dressing room」という表現を使うことができます。 店で試着をしたいときに「Can I try this on?」と聞くことができます。
Rhys DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me, where are the fitting rooms? i would like to try on this kimono.

  • May i try this on please?

Hello Kenji. I hope this helps :-) A)Excuse me, where are the fitting rooms? i would like to try on this kimono. Definitions *Excuse me- Pardon me/sorry Example- Excuse me, how much does this cost ? *Fitting rooms-a room in a shop in which one can try on clothes before deciding whether to purchase them. Example- Our fitting rooms are right around the corner. *Try on - Fit (To see if it is a perfect fit) B)May i try this on please? -> You are asking for permission (May i) to try on something.
こんにちは、Kenjiさん、参考になるといいです! A)Excuse me, where are the fitting rooms? I would like to try on this kimono. (すみません、試着室どこですか、この着物試着したいんですが) 【語句】 *Excuse me- Pardon me(すみません)/ Sorry(ごめんなさい) 例- Excuse me, how much does this cost?(すみません、これいくらですか) *Fitting rooms- お店にある試着用の部屋 例- Our fitting rooms are right around the corner.(試着室は角を曲がってすぐです) *Try on- Fit(ピッタリ合うかどうか見る) B)May I try this on please?(これ試着させていただけますか) -> 試着してもいいか「許可(May I)」を求めています。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Can I try this kimono on?

  • May I try this on?

Can or May? Both terms indicate that you are requesting permission to try something on. 'May', however, is more polite and formal to use. _____________________________________________________________________________ Note that it is not necessary to say 'this kimono'. You could just say 'this' if you are close to the kimono or if you have it in your hands. ______________________________________________________________________________ Examples A: Can I try this kimono on? B: Yes, you can. A: May I try this on? B: Yes, you may
Can or May? 両方とも何かの許可を得ようとする時に用いる言葉です。 しかし'May'はより丁寧でフォーマルな時に使います。 _____________________________________________________________________________ 'this kimono'とは言わなくてもよい事に注意しましょう。 着物に近ければ、着物を手にして'this'と言うだけでいいでしょう。 ______________________________________________________________________________ 例 A: Can I try this kimono on? (この着物を試着できますか?) B: Yes, you can. (はい、できますよ) A: May I try this on? (これを試着してもいいですか?) B: Yes, you may (はい、どうぞ)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • May I try it on for size...just make sure it fits me?

  • I'd like to see it on? I can see myself wearing that! Can I check to see if it fits me?

"TRY IT ON FOR SIZE" is a normal expression in situations like this, where one likes something and is keen to buy ...but nonetheless one needs to see that it fits & /or suits the wearer
"Try it on for size"(サイズ確認のために試着する)はある人がある品物を気に入り買いたいと思っているという状況において普通つかわれる表現です。ですがもちろん、その人に似合うかどうかも見る必要がありますよね。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • May I try on this kimono?

  • I'd like to try on this kimono please?

If you see a nice kimono, and you ould like to try it on, you can ask the following questions politely:- 1. May I try on this kimono? 2. I'd like to try on this kimono please. Hope this helps!
「素敵な着物があって、試着してみたい」、こんな時は次のように言えます。 1. May I try on this kimono?(この着物試着してもいいですか) 2. I'd like to try on this kimono please.(この着物試着させてください) 参考になれば幸いです!
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Could I try on this kimono?

  • Sorry can I try this kimono on?

Both of the giving examples can be used to express what do you want to say. Remember to use words like "sorry" or "could" because they make sentence more polite and in general sounds better with one of them.
どちらの言い方でも伝わります。 "Sorry" や "Could" を使って、丁寧に尋ねるようにしましょう。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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