世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/04/27 04:57
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  • This shop is said to be the origin of chicken curry.

  • Chicken curry is said to have originated from this shop.

「発祥」→「Origin」 「発症される」→「To originate from」 「いわれている」→「Said to be」 「このお店はチキンカレー発祥の店と言われている」というのは、 「This shop is said to be the origin of chicken curry.」と表現します。 「Chicken curry is said to have originated from this shop.」というのは、 「チキンカレーは、このお店から発症されたといわれている」という意味です。
Yuujin 英語講師、英会話講師、トライリンガル翻訳者
  • From what I have heard, Chicken curry was born at this restaurant.

  • Do you know where chicken curry comes from? It comes from this restaurant!

>From what I have heard, Chicken curry was born at this restaurant. *From what I have heard= Stories that people told you about chicken curry. *Chicken curry was born at this restaurant.=The first chicken curry ever made was in this restaurant. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >Do you know where chicken curry comes from? It comes from this restaurant! *Example You:Do you know where chicken curry comes from? Friend:From India, I think? You: It comes from this restaurant! Friend:That is awesome.
From what I have heard, Chicken curry was born at this restaurant. From what I have heard= 人々がチキンカレーについて行った話です。 Chicken curry was born at this restaurant.=このレストランでチキンカレーは誕生しました。 Do you know where chicken curry comes from? It comes from this restaurant! 例文です。 You:Do you know where chicken curry comes from? チキンカレーの起源を知っていますか? Friend:From India, I think? インドだと思いますが。 You: It comes from this restaurant! このレストランで誕生しました。 Friend:That is awesome. それは素晴らしいですです。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Do you know where chicken curry was first made?

  • Let me tell you where chicken curry was first made!

OK, so everyone is sitting around a dinner table and talking about where foods originate from. You have a snippet of information you wish to share with the group! It is relevant, interesting and true! To gain communal interest in your story, you can throw out an open question: "Do you know where chicken curry was first made?" and then tell your story.... Or, everybody is silent, not a word is being said. You will start the conversation! "Let me tell you where chicken curry was first made!"
みんながディナーテーブルに着いて、どこの国の料理だか話している。ちょっとしたトリビアをみんなに言いたいとき、質問でまず投げかけると良いでしょうね。 "Do you know where chicken curry was first made?" :チキンカレーってどこで最初に作られたでしょう? そういって誰も答えず黙ったらお話しを始めよう "Let me tell you where chicken curry was first made!":どこで作られたか教えてさしあげましょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It's said that the first chicken curry dish was served here.

  • This is the place where chicken curry was first served.

  • The restaurant here was the first to serve chicken curry anywhere.

When telling a person about a historical fact or information about a place such as chicken curry being served, you can say "The restaurant here was the first to serve chicken curry anywhere."
人に、チキンカレーが出されるなどのような、ある場所の歴史的な事実や情報を伝えるときは、以下のように言うことができます。 "The restaurant here was the first to serve chicken curry anywhere." ここのレストランは、チキンカレー発祥のお店です。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Chicken curry was first made at this restaurant

  • Chicken curry was born from this restaurant

  • Chicken curry originated from this restaurant

The term `to be born' is to have been originally made somewhere so to say that chicken curry was born from this restaurant it simply means it was first made at this restaurant Said to be means that you have heard this from someone else telling you not by seeing it for yourself
be bornは、それが初めて作られた場所を表します。 ですから、 Chicken curry was born from this restaurant. (チキンカレーはこのレストランから始まりました) これは、このレストランで初めて作られたという意味になります。 said to beは、それを(自分で見たのではなく)誰かから聞いたことを表します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • This restaurant is the origin of chicken curry.

*You can refer to the beginning, cause, or source of something as its origin or origins. This restaurant is the origin of chicken curry. The origin of the term is uncertain. Persons of Hispanic origin may be of any race. And the 22-year-old singer's origins are far from humble.
始まりと理由と起源に関する情報や起源についていうことができます。 This restaurant is the origin of chicken curry. このレストランの起源は、チキンカレーです。 The origin of the term is uncertain. この用語の起源は定かではりませんん。 Persons of Hispanic origin may be of any race. ヒスパニックの起源は、ある人種です。 And the 22-year-old singer's origins are far from humble 22歳の歌手の起源は、謙虚というより程遠いです。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • This restaurant supposedly made the original chicken curry.

  • This place is supposed to have made the first chicken curry.

  • This restaurant claims to have made the original chicken curry.

You can also specify how you came to know it was the first. For example "I read this place..." or "I was told this restaurant ..." The first of something is commonly called the "original".
そこが発祥であるとどのようにして知ったのか明示することもできます。 例えば: "I read this place..."(この店が...だという記事を読みました) "I was told this restaurant ..."(このレストランが...だと聞きました)
Iain DMM英会話講師
  • This restaurant supposedly made the original chicken curry.

  • This place is supposed to have made the first chicken curry.

  • This restaurant claims to have made the original chicken curry.

You can also specify how you came to know it was the first. For example "I read this place..." or "I was told this restaurant ..." The first of something is commonly called the "original".
どこでその話を知ったかについて言うこともできます。 例えば: "I read this place..." 「この場所が...と記事で読みました」 または "I was told this restaurant ..." 「このレストランが...と聞きました」 何かの最初のものを表す場合「original」がよく使われます。
Iain DMM英会話講師
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