世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/03 00:24
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  • Can I have extra sauce?

  • I'd like more sauce, but not more rice.

  • Can I have more sauce?

sauce - this is the gravy or liquid that is produced when you cook and gives the dish its flavor; the curry is a type of sauce Some people ask for "extra sauce" and this means more sauce than normal; extra servings of sauce.
"sauce"(ソース) -これはグレービーソースや液体のソースの事で料理に味付けしたりするものです。 "the curry"はソースのひとつですよね。 "extra sauce"(増量ソース) をお願いする人もいます。これは通常の量より多めのソースと言う意味です。 増量したソースの事です。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Could I please have some more curry for the rice I have left?

  • Could I please have some more curry without the rice?

  • Can I please have some more curry?

Could I please have some more curry without the rice?- This is letting the waiter/waitress know that you would like some more curry however you do not want/need any more rice. 'Without the rice' - just means 'with no rice'. So you would like the curry but you would not like any rice. This is a good sentence because it is polite. You could ask this question in a formal or an informal setting.
Could I please have some more curry without the rice? これは、ウェイター/ウェイトレスにあなたがもっとカレーを食べたいと思っているが 米は必要ない事を伝えるいいかたです。 Without the rice(米なし)-単にwith no rice(米なし)を意味します。 従って、カレーは欲しいが、米は欲しくないことを表しています。 この言い方は丁寧なので良い言い方です。 この質問をフォーマルまたはインフォーマルな場で使い、尋ねる事ができます。
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Can I have another scoop of curry?

もういっぱいのカレーください、具体的に言うなら Can I have another scoop (of curry)? いただいたら、Thanks. I love your curry!やI'm pretty hungry today. Thanks!
  • Can I have more curry, please?

「カレーをもう少しもらえますか?」 ここで問題は「ルー」ですね。 英語でありません。なのでcurryと表現することになります。 一番い他の言い方だとソース(sauce)でしょうか。 「ルー」の語源はフランス語の roux(小麦粉でとろみをつけたもの) 店員さんが?な顔をしている時は、指で「ここだけ」とルーの痕跡を指しつつ、 More sauce, please 「ソースをもうちょっとお願いします」 とダメ押しする必要があるかもしれません。
  • Can I have another serving of curry please?

A serving is an amount of food that is given to one person at a meal. "Can I have another serving of curry please?" "Each serving contains 240 calories." "I would like an extra serving of vegetables."
Serving(提供)は、食事時にそれぞれの人に与えられる食事の量の事です。 "Can I have another serving of curry please?" (カレーのお替りをもらえますか?) "Each serving contains 240 calories." (各食事一人分には240カロリーが含まれています。) "I would like an extra serving of vegetables." (別に一人前の野菜をください。)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Nio need for rice, but could I have some more curry please?

  • I'm OK for rice but could I have some more curry please?

You may have just eaten a dish of wonderful Indian madras curry served on a saffron-flavoured bed of fine basmati rice - and you feel that there may be a little room in your stomach for another small portion! Generally, in Indian restaurants, the curry is separated from the rice on the menu and it would not be necessary to distinguish the curry sauce and meat from the rice. However, in a different place such as a cafe or pub, the word 'curry' may also include rice on the menu so it would be necessary to explain exactly what you want in that case.
あなたはただ今サフラン風味のバスマティ米の上に盛られたインドの素晴らしいマドラスカレーをお召し上がりになったかもしれません。 そしてまだもう少し胃袋に余裕があると感じるかもしれません。一般的にインド料理店のメニューではカレーのルーは米と別にされているためルーと肉を米と区別する必要はありません。 しかしカフェやパブなどの他の場所では"curry"(カレー)という言葉のメニューに米も含まれているかもしれないためそのような場合は何が欲しいかを明確に説明する必要があります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can I have some more curry please?

  • Can you add another serving of curry please?

If you would like to have a bit more of something (in this case curry), you can ask: Can I have some more curry please? A more formal way of asking for perhaps an extra plate of something is to say: Can you add another serving of curry please? Serving - a portion, a plate, a scoop, I hope that helps!
なにかをもう少し欲しい時(この場合はカレーのルー)、このように言うことができます。 Can I have some more curry please? 例えば料理をもう一杯おかわりしたいなら、このように言うと丁寧になります。 Can you add another servings of curry please? serving - 一人分、一杯、ひとすくい(スクープ) 参考になれば嬉しいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Can I please have more curry without the rice

  • I would like some curry without rice,please.

The sentences above mean that you want more curry only. It is important that you mention that you want it without the rice because in most restaurants they serve the curry with the rice.
上記の言い方は、より多くのカレーのルーだけが必要であることを意味しています。 ほとんどのレストランで米とカレーを一緒に提供するので、 あなたが米なしのカレーを頼みたいことをお願いすることが必要です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Please may I have another spoonful of curry?

  • I would like some more curry please, no rice.

  • That curry sauce is delicious please could I have some more.

The first two answers are a more formal /polite way of asking for more curry sauce. However, if you know the chef you can be more indirect and ask for more curry sauce without the I would like /or please may I have. for example. Can I have some more curry sauce please? or I would love some more curry sauce. It is usually nice for the chef to hear you say how good their curry is!
最初の2つの回答例はよりフォーマルで丁寧な聞き方です。 もし、シェフと知り合いでカジュアルにルーのお替りをお願いするときは、"I would like"や"Please may I have"をつける必要はないでしょう。 Can I have some more curry sauce please? (カレールーのお替りをお願いできますか?) I would love some more curry sauce. (カレールーをもう少しください。) カレーがどれだけ美味しいかをシェフに伝えることができると素敵ですね。
Daniel H DMM英会話講師
  • May I please have more curry, I'm okay when it comes to the rice.

  • Excuse me, can I ask for more curry, I'm good on the rice.

  • Can I please get a little more curry to go with my rice?

All of these sentences will let your waiter know that you would like some more curry but do not want any more rice.
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • Can I have more curry?

  • Can I have more sauce?

日本語で「カレー」というと、ご飯とセットになった「カレーライス」全体のことを指すことが多いと思いますが、 英語ではcurryと言うと、「カレーのルー」だけを指します。 なので、 Can I have more curry? 「カレーのルーもっともらえますか?」 と言えば良いです。 あるいは、 Can I have more sauce? でも良いです。 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
  • Can I have more curry? I don't really need more rice.

  • Can I have more sauce? I don't really need more rice.

  • Can I have more curry to help finish my rice.

In the first two examples we can see that we can interchangeably use the phrases, "Sauce," and, "Curry," to explain exactly what we need more of with the ending phrase to clarify what we don't need more of. The final phrase explains as well that we need more curry in order to finish or to explain the why behind why we want more.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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