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「生で」を辞書で調べると、「in person」とありますが、動物を生で見る場合もこの表現で良いのでしょうか??
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2017/05/04 21:04
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  • I actually saw a lion for the first time at the zoo today

  • I saw a lion in real life for the first time at the zoo today

  • I was in the presence of a lion today for the first time in my life!

If you went to the zoo, it is enough to say that "I saw a lion at the zoo for the first time," as everyone who goes to a zoo sees the animals 'in person.' You could add the word 'actually' to stress the reality of the situation, if you like. Actually = as the truth or facts of a situation. "We must pay attention to what young people are actually doing." Or, you may add the tag, "in real life." "I saw a lion in real life for the first time at the zoo today." If you are in the presence of something, it refers to the state or fact of being present; current existence or occurrence: a student's presence in class; the presence of toxins in the blood. So you were together with the lion!
動物園に行ったとしたら "I saw a lion at the zoo for the first time" (ライオンを初めて動物園で見ました) 誰もが動物園に'in person'(生)の動物を見に行くのですから、この表現で十分です。 また'actually'(実際に)と言う言葉を付け加えて実態を強調することも、そう言いたければ出来ます。 Actually = 実際に、本当のところ "We must pay attention to what young people are actually doing." (若者が実際に何をやっているか注意する必要があります) また "in real life" (現実では)などのタグをつけて "I saw a lion in real life for the first time at the zoo today." (現実でライオンを今日初めて動物園で見ました) もし何かが存在するとしたら、実際に何かが存在する事実や状態を言います。 "current existence"(現在の存在) "occurrence"(出来事) " a student's presence in class" (クラスへの生徒の出席) "the presence of toxins in the blood" (血液中毒素の存在) それであなたはライオンと一緒だったんですね!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I saw an actual lion for the first time today at the zoo

  • I went to the zoo today and I saw a lion (in real life)

When you want to explain to someone that you saw something (like a lion) in person, you would use the phrases "actually", "in real life", etc. In a sentence you can use them in the following ways: -I saw an actual lion for the first time today at the zoo -I went to the zoo today and I saw a lion (in real life) -I was at the zoo and I saw a lion in real life. I cannot believe it!
何か(例えばライオン)を直に/生で見たことを説明する場合、次のフレーズが使えます: "actually"(実際) "in real life"(現実に) などなど。 文章の中では以下のように使えます。 例文: -I saw an actual lion for the first time today at the zoo (今日動物園で初めて実際のライオンを見ました) -I went to the zoo today and I saw a lion (in real life) (今日動物園に行って、(実際に)ライオンを見ました) -I was at the zoo and I saw a lion in real life. I cannot believe it! (動物園で本物のライオンを見ました。信じられません)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I visited the zoo and saw a living, fierce lion for the first time there.

living=「生きている」 fierce=「どう猛な」 for the first time=「初めて」 例文=「私は動物園を訪れて、そこで初めて、生きている、どう猛なライオンを見ました。」 動物園を訪れたのが初めてではなくて、生きているライオンを直接見たのが初めてなので、そのように解釈して、和訳しました。 ここまでで、お役に立てば幸いです。 感謝
Nishijo Tomoyuki 「Global 10の英語教室」代表
  • I saw a lion in person at the zoo today

  • At the zoo i saw a real life lion

To say 'in person' means that you personally saw something A 'real life' means it is a real thing and living So you would say 'At the zoo today, I saw a real life lion'
「in person」は、何かを生で見たことを表します。 「real life」は、生きていて本物であることを表します。 ですから、 'At the zoo today, I saw a real life lion' (今日動物園で本物のライオンを見た) と言えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • When I was at the zoo I saw a real lion for the 1st time.

  • I saw a Lion for the 1st time in person at the zoo last week.

  • The 1st time I saw a real lion with my own eyes was at the zoo last week.

▪When I was at the zoo I saw a real lion for the 1st time. Saying that you were at the zoo indicates that the Lion was at the zoo. "Real" is an clear indication that is was in real life and not on TV. 1st time is clearly indicating that you did not see a lion in person before this day. ▪I saw a Lion for the 1st time in person at the zoo last week. In person means that you were there yourself to see the Lion and did not see it on TV or heard from someone. ▪The 1st time I saw a real lion with my own eyes was at the zoo last week. This sentence indicates that the very 1st time you saw an actual lion was at the zoo when you visited the zoo. "own eyes" means that it was seen in real life.
▪When I was at the zoo I saw a real lion for the 1st time. (私は動物園で初めて本物のライオンを見ました) あなたが動物園にいたということを言及することでライオンも動物園にいたことを示します。 "Real"(本物)はそれがテレビの中のものではなく実物であったことの明確な表示です。 "1st time"(初めて)はあなたが本物のライオンをそれまで見たことがなかったことを明確に示しています。 ▪I saw a Lion for the 1st time in person at the zoo last week. (私は本物のライオンを先週動物園で初めて見ました) "In person"(生で)とはあなたがテレビで見たり誰かから聞いたのではなくそこで生でライオンを見たという意味です。 ▪The 1st time I saw a real lion with my own eyes was at the zoo last week. (私が初めて自分の目でライオンを見たのは先週動物園ででした) この文はあなたが初めて実物のライオンを見たのは動物園を訪れた時であることを示します。 "Own eyes"(自分自身の目)とは実際に見たということです。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I went to the zoo today and I saw a lion for the first time.

  • I visited the zoo today and saw a lion. I have never seen a lion before.

"I went to the zoo today and saw a lion for the first time". This is explaining that you went to the zoo on that same day. It also says that you saw a lion and it was the first time you had seen one before. Before this day you had never seen a lion with your own eyes. "I visited the zoo today and saw a lion. I have never seen a lion before." This means that you went to the zoo on that same day and you saw a lion. The next sentence makes it clear that this is the first time you are seeing a lion in your life
"I went to the zoo today and saw a lion for the first time".(私は今日動物園に行って初めてライオンを見ました) これは、あなたがその日に(今日)動物園に行ったことを表します。また、あなたが初めてライオンを見たということも伝えています。この日以前はあなたは自分の目でライオンを見たことがなかったということです。 "I visited the zoo today and saw a lion. I have never seen a lion before."(今日動物園に行ってライオンを見ました。これまで私はライオンを見たことがありませんでした) これも、あなたが動物園に行ってライオンを見たということを表します。二つ目の文(右の文)で、生まれて初めてライオンを見たことが明確になります。
Sophiee DMM英会話講師
  • I saw a lion for the first time with my own two eyes at the zoo!

  • I saw a lion for the first time in person at the zoo!

The two sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to express to your listener that you saw a lion for the first time at the zoo in person. In the first sentence you will notice the term with one's own two eyes. This means you saw something in person. This is a term that is common in our everyday conversation and would be appropriate when used in an informal setting.
上記2例文は、動物園で初めてライオンを生で見たと言いたい時の表現です。 最初の例文では "with one's own two eyes"という表現に気が付いたと思います。 これは、『生で』『実際この目で』という様な意味になります。これは日常会話でよく使われる表現ですので、語彙に加えておくといいでしょう。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
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