世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/05/11 12:54
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  • Is tap water drinkable in your country? It is drinkable in Japan.

  • Can you drink the tap water in your country? We can drink the tap water in Japan.

In order to ask if you can drink the tap water in someone's country, you can ask: Is tap water drinkable in your country? Drinkable means that you can drink it safely. Then you can add: It is drinkable in Japan. The tap water is drinkable in Japan You can also simply ask: Can you drink the tap water in your country? I hope that helps!
そちらの国では水道水が飲めるかどうか聞くときは、 Is tap water drinkable in your country? と聞くことができます。 drinkableは、安全に飲めることを意味します。 そして、こう続けることができます。 It is drinkable in Japan. The tap water is drinkable in Japan. もしくは、シンプルにこう聞くこともできます。 Can you drink the tap water in your country? (あなたの国では水道水を飲むことができますか?) 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Is the tap water potable in the UK?

  • Is it safe to drink tap water in the UK?

  • Is the tap water dangerous to drink in the UK?

Potable = no problem to drink; you can drink it. Safe to + VERB = We use this expression when we want to know if something is dangerous. "Is it safe to swim in the sea today?" "Is the tap water dangerous to drink in the UK?" This question indicates that the speaker may already be worried and believes that the water should not be drunk.
Potable =問題なく飲める、飲むことのできる。 Safe to + VERB =この文法は、それが危険ではないか、安全課どうかを聞くときに使います。 "Is it safe to swim in the sea today?" 今日海で泳ぐって大丈夫なの? "Is the tap water dangerous to drink in the UK?" この質問は、つまり水が飲んで良いものかどうか心配しているだろうことを表します。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Is the tap water safe to drink?

  • Do we need to get bottled water?

  • Can you drink the water?

examples "Is the water safe to drink?" or "Is the tap water safe?" or "Do I have to buy bottled water?"
"Is the water safe to drink?" 水は安全に飲めますか?   "Is the tap water safe?"  水道水は安全ですか? "Do I have to buy bottled water?" ボトルの水を買わないといけないですか?
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Can you drink tap water in your country? We do it in Japan all the time.

「tap」は「蛇口」の意味で、「tap water」は「蛇口から出る水=水道水」の意味になります。「君の国では水道水が飲める?日本ではいつもやっているよ」という言い方にしてみました。ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • Is tap water safe to drink in your country?It is in Japan.

  • Is it okay to drink tap water in your country?It's totally safe in Japan.

"Is tap water safe to drink in your country?It is in Japan." and " Is it okay to drink tap water in your country?It's totally safe in Japan." are to good ways to ask the question and avoid offending someone. Other ways include: -Do people buy filter water or drink straight from the tap in your country? -Is tap water purified in your country?
"Is tap water safe to drink in your country?It is in Japan." または " Is it okay to drink tap water in your country?It's totally safe in Japan."これらは、相手を嫌な気持ちにさせない日本の水が飲めるかどうかを尋ねる表現です。 違う言い方としては以下(訳割愛) -Do people buy filter water or drink straight from the tap in your country? -Is tap water purified in your country?
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Is tap water safe to drink in your country? In Japan, it is safe to drink tap water.

  • Do people drink tap water in your country. We drink tap water everyday in Japan.

If you ask as to whether drinking tap water is safe in one's country, you are actually suggesting that it could be carrying bacteria which might cause disease. Before water can be rendered drinkable by humans and carried through pipes to the taps, it must be purified using chemicals. This is the normal practice in every country. However, if for whatever reason this process is not followed, tap water can be unsafe to drink. So, you may ask: Is tap water safe to drink in your country? In Japan, it is safe to drink tap water. or Do people drink tap water in your country? We drink tap water everyday in Japan.
もし自分の国で水道水を飲むのが安全なのか聞くのは、病気を引き起こすバクテリアが潜んでいるのではないか知りたいからです。人間によって、水がパイプを通って、蛇口まで運ばれ、処理され飲むことができるようになる前は、化学品で浄化されていたに違いありません。これは、どの国でも普通のことですが、このような処理がされていない場合、水道水を飲むのは安全ではありません。 ですので、以下のように尋ねることができるでしょう。 Is tap water safe to drink in your country? In Japan, it is safe to drink tap water. あなたの国では、水道水を飲むのは安全ですか?日本では、水道水を飲むのは安全です。   Do people drink tap water in your country? We drink tap water everyday in Japan. あなたの国では、水道水を飲みますか?日本では毎日水道水を飲みます。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Can you drink the water straight from your tap in your country?

  • Is the tap water safe to drink in your country?

  • Is this drinking water?

If you want to ask if the water is safe to drink in another country you can ask "Is this drinking water?" If you are asking general information about someone's home country you can ask "is the tap water safe to drink in your country?' or "Can you drink the water straight from the tap in your country?" - meaning can you drink tap water without filtering it or treating it in someway.
異国で水を安全に飲むことができるかどうか聞きたい場合は”Is this drinking water?” (これは飲み水ですか)と尋ねることができます。 誰かにその人の出身国の一般的な情報について尋ねる場合は”Is the tap water safe to drink in your country?” (あなたの国では水道水を安全に飲むことができますか)または"Can you drink the water straight from the tap in your country?” (あなたの国では水道水を直接飲むことができますか)と聞くことができます。 これはろ過装置を使ったりどうにかして扱ったりすることなく水道水を飲むことができるかという意味です。
Lou A DMM英会話講師
  • Can you drink the tap water in your country?

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「Can you drink the tap water in your country?」 =あなたの国では水道水そのまま飲める? (例文)Can you drink the tap water in your country?// Yes. (訳)あなたの国では水道水そのまま飲める?//はい。 単語: country 国 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。
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