世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




人に話しかけたいと時に言う「今お時間在りかすか(今はなしかけても大丈夫ですか)?」て何と言えばいいでしょうか? Do you have a time? Do you have time? DO you have times? やmomentなどの違いを教えてください。
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2016/01/07 06:59
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  • Do you have time now?

  • Do you have a moment?

  • Do you have a few minutes to spare?

Do you have time now? 「[時間](ありますか」と聞きくために time を使う時は冠詞はつけません。また、「時間」という意味で time を使うときは複数形になりません(数えられない名詞なので)。 Do you have a moment? 「[一瞬](、お時間ありますか?」という意味で、「ほんのちょっとだけお時間ください」と言うニュアンスになります。momentは数えられる名詞なので "a"をつけます。 Do you have a few minutes to spare? spare は「時間などを割く」という意味です。 「数分お時間割いてもらえますか」という質問になります。 他に Can I talk to you now? (今お話しても大丈夫ですか?)という言い方もあります。
  • Are you available?

  • Are you free right now?

You can use both of these terms while at work or just talking with friends. Once you know whether or not they have the time to give their full attention to you, you can explain to them that you have something to talk about.
どちらの表現も、職場でも友達に対しても使えます。 相手の答えを[確認](して[時間](があるようなら、話したいことがあると伝えましょう。
Nadia F DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have a second/minute/moment?

  • Are you free now?

  • Can you talk?

Often 'moment/minute/second' is used for a quick chat, the other expressions would indicate a longer conversation/meeting.
Dan M DMM英会話講師
  • (You) got a minute?

  • Do you have a second?

  • Have you got a minute?

Tomoko Goto 「使える英語ドットコム」、日英通訳・翻訳、写真家
  • 1. Are you free now?

  • 2. Could we have a chat now?

  • 3. Can you get away for a chat?

1. This asks someone if they are available at present. 2. This asks someone if they can speak now. It could be you are speaking on the phone and other people are listening to the conversation. It may not be convenient for the other person to speak. "Sorry, I can't speak now, I'm at work." 3. 'get away' = take time away from work or home.
1つ目のフレーズは、今時間があるかどうかを聞くことができます。 2つ目のフレーズは、誰かに今話すことができるかどうか尋ねます。 あなたは電話で話すことができ、他の人は会話を聞いている可能性があります。 他の人と話すためなら使いやすくないかもしれません。 3つ目のフレーズは、家や仕事の休憩などで時間が取れるか聞くことができます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I wondered if you could spare some time.

  • Are you available to talk?

  • Could I have a few moments of your time?

This expression can be said in an informal or formal way depending on who you're speaking to. For example "I wondered if you could spare some time" and "Could I have a few moments of your time?" are quite formal expressions perhaps used in an working environment. For a less formal question when speaking with family or friends "Are you available to talk?" is appropriate or even "Can we talk?".
これは誰に伝えるかによって、フォーマルにもインフォーマルにも言えます。 例えば、"I wondered if you could spare some time" や "Could I have a few moments of your time?" は職場でも使われるかなりフォーマルな言い方です。 家族や友達と話す時は、よりインフォーマルな "Are you available to talk?" が適しています、または "Can we talk?" でもいいですね。
Georgia S DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have a moment?

  • Are you busy?

How should I politely ask for someone's time to interrupt them : "Do you have a moment?" "Do you have a minute?" "May I bother you for a moment even though you're quite busy?" "Are you busy?"
誰かに礼儀正しく時間を尋ねる方法 : "Do you have a moment?" "Do you have a minute?" "May I bother you for a moment even though you're quite busy?" "Are you busy?"
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Are you available to talk?

  • Can you talk?

  • Can you spare me a moment?

If you want to ask someone if they have time to talk, you can say:- 1. Are you available to talk? あなたは話すことができますか? 2. Can you talk? 話せますか? 3. Can you spare me a moment? あなたは私の瞬間を惜しみませんか?
少し話がしたい場合、次のように言うことが出来ます。 1. Are you available to talk? 話しができますか? 2. Can you talk? 話せますか? 3. Can you spare me a moment? 少しお時間ありますか?
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Could I have a word with you?

  • Do you have a minute to talk?

  • I know that you're busy, but could I have a word with you?

If you are asking someone to stop what they are doing so that you can talk to them, I would always preface what you say with "I know that you're busy, but..." and then ask them. Especially if you are in a work environment or when speaking to your superiors. - "I know that you're busy, but could I have a word with you?" - "I know that you are really busy, but do you have a minute to talk?" If you want to up the formality, you could start by apologizing for the interruption: - "I am so sorry to bother you, but could I have a word with you?" - "I am so sorry to interrupt, but do you have a minute to talk?"
喋りたいから今やっていることをやめてくれ、といいたい場合、I know that you're busy but …を最初にいってから文言を続けます。 これは特に、職場で自分の上司にいったりするときにも有効です。 - "I know that you're busy, but could I have a word with you?" - "I know that you are really busy, but do you have a minute to talk?" もし、フォーマルに話しかけたいのなら、まずは邪魔してしまったことを謝るところから始めます 。- "I am so sorry to bother you, but could I have a word with you?" - "I am so sorry to interrupt, but do you have a minute to talk?"
Trish エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • Do you have time right now?

  • Do you have a moment?

Do you have time right now? 今お時間ありますか? Do you have a moment? 今(ちょっとだけ)お時間ありますか? 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 time は不可算名詞なので a はつきません。 また、基本的に数えることもできませんので複数形になりません。 なので、Do you have time? となります。」 moment は「短い時間」というニュアンスです。 a moment のように数えることができます。 お役に立てればうれしいです。
  • A) Do you have a second to chat ?

  • B) Are you busy ? i would like to use a few minuets of your time please.

A) Do you have a second to chat ? *Do you have a second - do you have time ? *chat - talk B) Are you busy ? i would like to use a few minuets of your time please. *Busy - occupied *I would like - i would appreciate
A) Do you have a second to chat ?(お時間ありますか?) *Do you have a second - 時間がありますか? *chat - 話す B) Are you busy ?i would like to use a few minuets of your time please.(お忙しいですか?少しお時間をいただきたいのですが) *Busy - occupied(忙しい) *I would like - i would appreciate(いただければうれしい)
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Are you up for a chat? Do you have any spare time right now, so we can talk?

We sometimes want to spend a bit more time with someone, on the phone or in person...its is quite acceptable to ask them.." if they have a moment to spare." or, more directly; ..."any chance we can have a chat now?" do not be afraid to ask for whatever it is you want or need...people are normally very obliging!
電話でも面と向かって話している時でも、ある人ともう少しだけ一緒に過ごしたいということがあります。 "if you have a moment to spare." (もしお時間があれば。) このように聞くのは大丈夫ですよ。 もっとストレートな言い方をするならば、このように言えます。 "any chance we can have a chat now?" (もしよければ今話せたりしませんか?) あなたの頼みがなんであれ、相手に聞いてみるのを恐れないでくださいね!人はふつう親切ですから。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Can you spare a few minutes?

  • Do you have time to talk?

We use 'Can you spare a few minutes?' when we know the person has a busy schedule and we are hoping they can give us some of their spare/free time. If you need longer than a few minutes you can say: 'Can you spare an hour in the afternoon?' This way you are letting the person know how long it will take.
 'Can you spare a few minutes?' ちょっとお時間ありますか? これは、相手が忙しく、ちょっと時間がほしいときに使います。   数分よりも長い時間が必要なときは、以下のように聞きます。   'Can you spare an hour in the afternoon?' 午後に1時間空いていますか? こうすることで、相手にどれくらい時間がかかるか知らせることができます。
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • do you have time to talk?

  • Have you got a minute?

"do you have time to talk?" This sentence is asking is the individual has time to talk, a very casual and well used question, implying if they 'have time'/if they can talk as they are not busy. "Have you got a minute?" A more casual expression for this, by asking this you are immediately implying you would like to have a conversation.
"do you have time to talk?" (お話しする時間はありますか?) これは、相手に話す時間があるか、とてもカジュアルに聞く、よく使われる質問です。時間があるか、忙しくないか尋ねる文です。  "Have you got a minute?" (時間ある?) これは、さらにカジュアルな表現で、こう聞くと、すぐに話しがしたいことを表します。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Are you free to talk.

  • Is now a good time to talk.

Using any of the above would be a good way of asking someone if they that time was a good time to talk to them.
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • are you busy at the moment?

  • do you have time right now?

either of these phrases should suffice
Jackk DMM英会話講師
  • Are you free for a chat?

  • Are you available to talk?

  • I'd like to discuss something, do you have time to spare?

It is mannerly to ask someone if they have time to talk, they might be in the middle of something so it is always good to check before you begin discussing what you need to. To ask if they are available, you can use the sentences above. "I'd like to discuss something, do you have time to spare?" "I am preparing for a meeting I have in an hour, I'll be free at 2 pm." "Great, chat then (at 2 pm)!" "Hey, are you free for a few moments? I'd like to chat with you." "Hey, I need to talk with you, do you have a moment to spare me?" Spare: share, give Moments: a short time, briefly
相手に話す時間があるかどうかをマナーよく聞きましょう。何かをしている最中かもしれないので、話したいことを話す前に相手に確認するといいでしょう。これらは相手が大丈夫かどうか確認するフレーズです。 "I'd like to discuss something, do you have time to spare?" (話したいことがあるのですが、お時間ありますか?) "I am preparing for a meeting I have in an hour, I'll be free at 2 pm." (1時間後の会議の準備をしています。午後2時以降だったらあいてますよ。) "Great, chat then (at 2 pm)!" (お願いします。ではそのときに。) "Hey, are you free for a few moments? I'd like to chat with you." (やぁ、少し時間ある?話したいんだけど。) "Hey, I need to talk with you, do you have a moment to spare me?" (やぁ、話したいんだけど、少し時間あるかな?) Spare: あげること、共有すること Moments: ちょっとの時間
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have a moment?

  • Are you free right now?

1. Do you have a moment? 「ちょっとお時間ありますか?」 2. Are you free right now? 「今空いていますか?」 上記のような言い方ができます。 例) A: Do you have a moment? I'd like to talk to you. 今ちょっとお時間ありますか?お話ししたいことがあります。 B: Sure, what is it? はい、何でしょうか?
  • Do you have time right now?

  • Do you have a moment?

こんにちは。 さまざまな言い方ができると思いますが、下記のような英語表現はいかがでしょうか: Do you have time right now? 今時間ありますか? Do you have a moment? 今一瞬大丈夫ですか? a moment は「一瞬」というようなニュアンスの英語表現です。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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