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2018/11/19 22:56
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  • How about grabbing some desert after lunch / dinner ?

  • Do you feel like having some desert after lunch / dinner ?

1) How about grabbing some desert after lunch / dinner ? "お食事の後デザートはどう?" grabbing some desert:デザート行くニュアンスです. 2) Do you feel like having some desert after lunch / dinner ? "お食事の後デザート行く気分ですか"というニュアンスです.
  • Do you have time for desert?

  • Do you still have time for desert?

  • Do you want to go for desert?

まずデザートの話だから”お食事の後”はいらないです、英語だと当たり前事いつもカットしてるからデザートからします。 デザート行きませんかは直接 - Do you want to go for desert? ~~ませんか - won’t you ~~ (with me) 東京行きませんか? - won’t you go to Tokyo? (With me) カラオケしませんか? - do you want to go to Karaoke? (With me) 時間は大丈夫?の場合は”do you have time?”です。 時間ありますか? - do you have time? もう時間ありますか?- do you still have time? デザート行きませんか(もう時間大丈夫) - do you have time for desert?
  • Would you like to have dessert after dinner?

  • Shall we have dessert after dinner?

Would you like to have dessert after dinner? "would" - used to ask about a future event Shall we have dessert after dinner? We use "shall" when we refer to something in the future
Would you like to have dessert after dinner?(お食事の後デザートに行きませんか) "would" - 将来のことについて尋ねます。 Shall we have dessert after dinner?(お食事の後デザートに行きませんか) "shall" は将来のことについて使われます。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Have you got room for desert?

  • Do you have time for any desert?

"Have you got room for desert?" This expression is used widely when asking if anyone is still hungry, any room is related to your stomach, "Are you still hungry?". "Do you have time for any desert?" A causal and self explanatory phrase, is they have time free to eat or the y have to because other plans/commitments.
"Have you got room for desert?"(デザートは食べられますか) これはまだお腹がすいているかどうか確認するときによく使われる表現です。"room"(余裕)はお腹について言っています。"Are you still hungry?"(まだお腹がすいていますか)ということです。 "Do you have time for any desert?"(デザートの時間はありますか) これは、カジュアルで分かりやすいフレーズです。デザートを食べる時間があるかどうか尋ねています。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have time for dessert?

  • Can you stay for dessert?

If you wanting to ask in a way that is making sure he/she has time for dessert then you could say "Do you have time for dessert?" or "Can you stay for dessert?".
デザートを食べる時間があるかどうか確認したいなら、 "Do you have time for dessert?"(デザートを食べる時間はありますか) または "Can you stay for dessert?"(デザートを食べる時間はありますか) と言えます。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to eat dessert after lunch/dinner?

Often, especially when eating out, people like to treat themselves to a dessert at the end of a meal before their coffee. It's a very nice thing to do when you have enough time to enjoy a three-course meal, which would normally consist of a starter, main course, followed by dessert. If you go to a restaurant with a friend, it is very likely that the response to the question, "Would you like to have dessert?" would be replied with an affirmative, "Yes!"
特に外食に行ったときは、食事の最後、コーヒーの前にデザートを頼む人は多いです。 コース料理(前菜・メイン料理・デザート)を頼んだときの楽しみの一つですね。友達とレストランに行って、"Would you like to have dessert?"(デザートを食べますか)と聞けば、たいがいは "Yes!"(食べます)という答えが返ってきます。
Franji DMM英会話講師
  • Do you want dessert?

  • Do you have room for dessert?

  • Can we get dessert?

A simple and polite way to ask is by saying "do you want dessert?" You can also say "can we get dessert", which still has the same meaning, but here you're suggesting the idea and asking if they want to go with you to buy it. You can also ask, "Do you have room for dessert?" This is a fun and common way to ask if someone wants dessert after a meal. This phrase can essentially be used in any dining/eating setting if you're offering someone more of something. "Do you have room" is a reference to room in someone's stomach to eat more. The answer to this can be "I'm stuffed", or "I'm full", which means they have no more room to consume more. This is a great phrase to know and is definitely used a lot in dining and eating culture in America.
"Do you want dessert?"(デザートを食べませんか)はシンプルで丁寧な言い方です。 "Can we get dessert?" と言うこともできます。同じ意味ですが、ここでは「デザートを買いに行きませんか」と相手に提案しています。 他に、"Do you have room for dessert?"(デザートは食べられますか)と尋ねることもできます。これは、食事の後、デザートを食べるかどうか確認するときの一般的で面白い言い方です。 "Do you have room" は胃袋の "room"(空間)について言っています。このフレーズは、食事をしていてさらに食べ物を勧めたいときに使うことができます。これに対して、もうお腹いっぱいで食べられないなら、"I'm stuffed"(お腹いっぱいです)または "I'm full"(同)と返答できます。これはアメリカでは食事の際によく使われるフレーズなので、覚えておくといいでしょう。
Thia H DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have time for a dessert?

  • Are we OK for a dessert?

  • We have to watch the clock a little, but shall we have a dessert?

When eating a meal with someone, youwant to ask them if they'd like to get dessert afterward. (In a way that is asking them if they have time). Any of the above suggestions is appropriate.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have time to get dessert?

  • How do you feel about getting dessert after dinner?

  • After we have eaten, should we get dessert?

We can ask directly if the person in question has time to get dessert. We can also ask about their feelings toward getting a dessert by asking 'how do you feel about getting dessert?'. This gives the other person an opportunity to say whether they have time or whether they are too full.
デザートを食べに行く時間があるか直接的に聞くことができますが、 'how do you feel about getting dessert?'(デザート食べられそうですか?)と相手の気持ちを聞くのもいいでしょう。これは相手に時間があるかどうかと、お腹がいっぱいかどうかを尋ねることができます。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have time for dessert?

  • Should we get dessert afterward?

Do you have time for...? is a great way to ask someone if they can do something but you think they might be busy. It can be used for many different activities, not just food!
Do you have time for...?(~の時間はありますか?)は、相手にあることができるかどうか、忙しくないかを尋ねるのにぴったりのぴったりのフレーズです。食べ物だけでなく、さまざまな場で使うことのできるフレーズです。
Danno DMM英会話講師
  • I do not have any money.

  • I have no money on my person.

  • I haven't got enough money at the moment.

When somebody say's "I'm broke," they are informally saying that they do not have money or they do not have enough money at the moment in time.
 "I'm broke"(金欠だ。)とは、その時お金がないことを表すカジュアルな表現です。
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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