世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/05/16 00:18
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  • Just eat it naked or with rice.

Naked means by itself.
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • You can eat it as it is or pour it on your rice.

  • You can eat it alone or with rice.

Both of these sentences express what you want to say. The first expression gives more clear instructions.
どちらも自分の言いたいことを表す表現です。 最初の表現は明確な指示を与える言い方になります。
Rhys DMM英会話講師
  • It can be eaten by itself or over rice

  • It can be eaten alone or poured over rice

  • It's great on rice or on it's own

It can be eaten by itself' while sounding like self-cannibalism is common colloquialism 'it's great on/over etc' - stressing your preference with an opinion first can also be used.
"It can be eaten by itself " 自分で自分を食べるカニバリズムのように聞こえますが、よく使われる表現です。 "It's great on/over etc" 自分の好きなことにもっとストレスを置く言い方です。この場合は食べ方です。
Dan M DMM英会話講師
  • It's tasty easten as it is or on rice.

★ 訳 ・直訳「それはそのまま食べられても、ご飯の上に載せて食べられても美味しいです」 ・意訳「そのままでもご飯にかけても美味しいよ」 ★ 解説 ・It's tasty「美味しい」 ご質問文の「良いよ」の部分は文脈によって「〜しても良い」と捉えることもできるし、「そうすると美味しい」と捉えることもできますので、おっちゃんぬは後者を選びました。 ・eaten as it is or on rice「そのまま食べられても、ご飯の上でも」 この表現ではポイントは2つあります。 1. 構造 eaten as it is or on rice は、日本語の意味からお分かりかとも思いますが、eaten as it is or eaten on rice が繰り返しを避けるために短くなったものです。 2. and ではない 「〜しても、…しても」のように言うときには、日本語の感覚では and を使っても良さそうですが、英語では「〜して、そして…する」のようにセットの動作に聞こえてしまいます。そのため、バラバラの行為であることが分かる or を使うのがいいです。 ご参考になりましたでしょうか。
English Otchan 英会話講師と発音矯正のプロ Buddy's English College 代表のバイリンガル夫婦
  • You can eat as it is, or you can also pour it over the rice.

as it is=あるがままの通り、そのまま pour=液体のようなものをかける ふりかけのような顆粒状のものを「かける」なら、sprinkleになります。
  • You can eat it by itself or you can eat it with rice, either way it's good!

When you say "either way it's good" it's like the part in Japanese where you say 「〇〇も良い」This helps you express that both ways are good! You can switch around too by saying "Either by itself or on top of rice, it's good!"
either way it's goodこれは日本語でいうと、「〇〇も良い」という意味になりますね。 これは「どちらでも良い、両方良い」という意味で使われます。 Either by itself or on top of rice, it's good.と言えますよ。
Francesco DMM英会話講師
  • You can eat it just like that or you can put it on top of rice.

  • You can serve it as is or you can serve it with rice.

"Serve" is to dish up. So you can dish up or serve it just like it is or you can serve it with rice.
"Serveは料理を容器に盛り付けるということです。 So you can dish up or serve it just like it is or you can serve it with rice. (ですから納豆だけでも、ご飯の上に載せても良いよ)"
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • You can eat it alone or with rice.

"You can eat it alone" means that you do not have to eat it with anything. "with rice' means that it can be eaten with rice.
"You can eat it alone" means that you do not have to eat it with anything. "with rice' means that it can be eaten with rice. You can eat it aloneは、他のものと一緒に食べなくても良いという意味です。With riceは、ご飯と一緒に食べられる、という意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • You can eat it as it is or place it on top of the rice.

  • Just eat the natto, or add it to rice.

  • If you're feeling hungry, you can tip it over the rice to make a more substantial meal.

Any of these phrases should be adequate for this situation.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • You may eat it as is or you have it with rice.

  • You may have the dish with rice.

You may eat it as is or you have it with rice. This presents the person with an option between having the dish with or without rice. You may have the dish with rice. This implies that the dish can be eaten without rice. It lets them know that they may have rice if they prefer it.
You may eat it as is or you have it with rice. (ご飯無しでもごはんを付けることもできます。) この料理はご飯と一緒かまたはご飯無しでも食べることが出来るという意味です。 You may have the dish with rice. (ご飯と一緒に食べることが出来ます。) これは、ご飯無しでも食べることが出来ますという事を暗に示しています。 ご飯無しでもご飯ありでも好みを選べるという事です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • You can eat it alone or with rice

  • Just eat it as it is or mix it with rice

There are two options for saying it. I would personally choose the first one just because it sounds more British for me but basically there are no differences between them.
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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