世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/05/20 22:05
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  • You are my boy/girlfriend as well as my best friend.

  • we are both lovers and close personal friends.

This tells the person that they aren't simply just a partner you love but a close personal friend that makes the relationship more deep and meaningful.
Adel A DMM英会話講師
  • You are my lover and best friend.

  • You are not only my Boyfriend/Girlfriend but also my best friend.

You can describe them as lover and best friend. "You are not only my boyfriend but also my best friend" explains that they are not just one but both.
"そのような人は、lover,best friendと表現できます。 You are not only my boyfriend but also my best friend ただ恋人であるだけでなく、恋人でもあり友達でもあるということを説明しています。"
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • We are partners in crime.

Crime being friendship and love.
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • You are not only my boy/girlfriend, but also my best friend

  • You are my lover and my friend too

This shows that even though you are close friends, you also have a deeper connection and relationship as lovers.
Sophia N DMM英会話講師
  • You're my lover and best friend at the same time.

「あなたは、恋人であり同時に親友でもある」の意味です(^^) at the same time「同時に」はこういう文脈でもよく使われます(^_^)/
  • A) You are my best friend and lover all wrapped in one.

  • B) You are not only my girlfriend / boyfriend but always my best friend.

Hello :-) I hope this helps A) You are my best friend and lover all wrapped in one . *All wrapped in one - All together B) You are not only my girlfriend / boyfriend but always my best friend. - He/she is not only your partner but your best friend too.
こんにちは :-) 回答がお役に立てば幸いです A) You are my best friend and lover all wrapped in one .(あなたは親友であると同時に恋人よ) *All wrapped in one - まとめて B) You are not only my girlfriend / boyfriend but always my best friend.(あなたは彼女・彼氏であるだけでなく、常に私の親友です) - 彼・彼女はあなたのパートナーであるだけでなく親友でもある。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • You are both lover and friend!

"Both ______ and _______" = We use this form when we want to talk about two things together and possibly add extra stress to the sentence. "Both Henry and Paul were born in Durham, in the north of England." "Both America and France took part in the international peace convention." "This is a very clever type of tap as both hot and cold water are mixed together and delivered at the correct temperature for washing or having a shower."
"Both ______ and _______" = この文法は、二つのことを一緒に話、文章を強調する際に使います。 例 "Both Henry and Paul were born in Durham, in the north of England." ヘンリーとポウルはどちらも北イングランドのダーラム出身だ。 "Both America and France took part in the international peace convention."アメリカもフランスも世界平和会議に出席した。 "This is a very clever type of tap as both hot and cold water are mixed together and delivered at the correct temperature for washing or having a shower." 手を洗ったり、シャワーを浴びたりするときにぴったりな温度ででてくる、冷たいのと温かいのが一緒になっている蛇口ってすごく頭が良いよね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • You are both a lover and friend

  • You are my boy (girlfriend) and my best friend as well

Two of these sentences means the same thing, although I would prefer you to use the second one because it's a nicer way to express it.
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • I am dating my best friend.

  • you are my lover and my best friend.

I am dating my best friend --> this is a great way to say that your boyfriend or girlfriend is also your best friend. We use the verb, "to date," when talking about having/being a girlfriend or boyfriend. "you are my lover and my best friend," ---> This might be a phrase that you would use when speaking to your significant other directly. It has the same meaning as the example sentence given above.
I am dating my best friend(親友と付き合っています) →「私の彼氏[彼女]は親友でもある」と伝える言い方です。恋人がいることや恋人であることは、動詞の "to date" で表すことができます。 "You are my lover and my best friend"(あなたは私の恋人であり親友でもある) →これは恋人と直接話しているときに使います。上の例と同じ意味です。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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