世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




「Do you know a good restaurant?」 なぜgoodに「a」がつくの? 「I watch baseball games」 なぜgameに「s」がつくの? と質問をしたい時にはなんて言うんですか?
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2017/05/21 17:10
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  • What is the reason for using the article 'A' in this sentence?

  • Why would you use an 'S' at the end of that word?

A', 'An' and 'The' are known as articles. An article is a word that is used alongside a noun to specify grammatical definiteness of the noun, and in some languages extending to volume or numerical scope. What is the reason for...? - If you ever come across anything which is unclear or you do not understand, then you may use this construction. "What is the reason for the Royal family receiving so much of the taxpayers' money?
A', 'An' and 'The'は冠詞として知られています。冠詞は、名詞と共に使われ、文法的に名詞を明確に規定し、量や数も規定する言語もあります。 例文 What is the reason for...? - ...の理由は何ですか? はっきりしないこと又は理解できないことに出会った場合、この文を使うことが出来ます。 例文 "What is the reason for the Royal family receiving so much of the taxpayers' money? 王室がそれ程多額の税収を受け取っている理由は何ですか?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How do you differentiate when you use a noun in singular form from one in plural form?

noun: 名詞 また、 「a」がつく→単数形(=singular) 「s」がつく→複数形(=plural) ということなので、『名詞を単数形と複数形で使う場合の使い分けはどうしているのですか?』と訳しました。
  • Why is there an a in this sentence

  • Why do you add an s to that word

Sometimes English native speakers speak without thinking or reaoning why, an a is usually added to a sentence to make it sound better or more complete so 'do you know a good restaurant?' sounds better than 'do you know good restaurant' an s is usually added to make the word a plural meaning more than one of something
英語のネイティブスピーカーは理由などをあまり考えずに話すことがあります。 'a' は普通より良い響きにしたりより完全な文になるよう加えられます。 ですから、'do you know a good restaurant?'(良いレストランを知っていますか)は 'do you know good restaurant' よりも自然です。 's' は単語を複数形にするときに加えられます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Why do we place an 'a' in this sentence?

  • Why does the word 'games' need an 's'?

  • Please help me to understand these language rules better?

The English language can be confusing to learners, there are certain rules that are easier to understand than others. We usually place 'a' before mentioning a specific object. We usually add an 's' at the end of a plural word (a word that expresses more than one thing) example: I have many computer gameS. I love to eat many sandwhicheS for breakfast. Please buy me two chocolateS.
英語には学習者にとっては分かりづらい部分もあります。 ただ、中にはシンプルなルールもあります。 'a' は普通、特定の単数の物の前に置かれます。 's' は複数名詞の語尾に置かれます。 例: I have many computer gameS.(私はコンピューターゲームをたくさん持っています) I love to eat many sandwhicheS for breakfast.(朝ご飯にはサンドイッチをたくさん食べるのが好きです) Please buy me two chocolateS.(チョコを二つ買ってください)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Can you explain why sometimes there is an "a" in the sentence?

  • Can you explain sentence structures to me?

  • I would like a better explanation on these sentences please.

When talking to a teacher you can ask, "Can you explain why sometimes there is an "A" in the sentence?, Can you explain sentence structures to me?, Please help me understand why these sentences are made this way?, I don't really understand why sentences need to be made like this, please explain it to me, and I would like a better explanation on these sentences please". Most of the time we natives make sentences without really thinking about them. Using "a" in a sentence makes it sound more complete. "Do you know of a good restaurant?" sounds better than "Do you know of good restaurant?" The "a" makes a big difference to our native ears and is noticeable when left out. With "a" and "an" the key is to know when to use them. If the word after the "a" or "an" has a vowel then you use "an". If it is a consonant then you use "a". She is a good teacher. I saw an owl in the barn.
先生に対して次のように聞けます。 "Can you explain why sometimes there is an "A" in the sentence?" (なぜ時々文に "A" が使われるのですか) "Can you explain sentence structures to me?" (文の構造を説明してもえますか) "Please help me understand why these sentences are made this way?" (どうしてこれらの文がこのようにつくられるのか教えてもらえますか) "I don't really understand why sentences need to be made like this, please explain it to me" (なぜこのように文をつくる必要があるのかよく理解できません、教えてください) "I would like a better explanation on these sentences please". (これらの文についてもっと詳しく教えて頂けますか) ---- だいたいの場合ネイティブスピーカーはあまり考えずに文をつくっています。 文の中に "a" を使うと、より完全な響きになります。 "Do you know of a good restaurant?"(良いレストランを知っていますか)は "Do you know of good restaurant?" よりも自然です。 "a" があるとないとではネイティブの耳には大きな違いがあります。 "a" と "an" の使い分けも重要です。"a" あるいは "an" に続く語が母音で始まるときには、"an" を使います。子音で始まるなら、"a" を使います。 She is a good teacher.(彼女は良い先生です) I saw an owl in the barn.(納屋にフクロウがいました)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • Why do you use "a" in this sentence?

  • How come does games have an "s" on the end.

"Why do you use "a" in this sentence?" - This is a polite way or asking why a certain letter or word is used in an example used by the teacher or in the materials. "How come does games have an "s" on/at the end." - How come is a really relaxed way of asking why, and on/at the end, refers to the end of the word that you are asking about. I would be careful when using how come, as sometimes it can be seen as poor English, so I would be careful when and where you use it.
"Why do you use "a" in this sentence?"(なぜこの文で "a" を使うのですか) - これは例文や教材になぜその言葉あるいは文字が使われているのかを尋ねる丁寧な言い方です。 "How come does games have an "s" on/at the end."(どうして "game" に "s" が付くのですか) - "How come" は理由を尋ねる砕けた表現です。"on/at the end" は語末を指します。"How come" は時に出来の悪い英語ととられることがあるので、いつどこで使うかは気をつけた方がいいです。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • Can you explain why there is an 'A' before the word 'restaurant'?

  • Why do I need to put an 'S' on the end of 'game'?

  • Can you explain when I need to put an 'S' on the end of a word?

Ask you teacher to explain something that you are not sure of by saying, ''Can you please explain_____?'' or "What is the reason for ____?''
よく分からないことは、次のように言って先生に説明してもらいましょう。 ''Can you please explain_____?''(____を説明してもらえますか) または、 "What is the reason for ____?''(____の理由は何ですか)
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Why do I have to put an "a" here?

  • Why would I need to put an "s" there?

Often using "a" is to make the sentence more complete and understanding, ex. "There is a place called London". By adding "s" often makes the word plural, meaning that the noun would be more than one of. ex. "I brought several T shirts today"
"a" はしばしば、文をより完全で分かりやすくするために使われます。 例: "There is a place called London" (ロンドンという場所があります) "s" は、名詞を複数形にするときに加えることが多いです。 例: "I brought several T shirts today" (今日は数枚Tシャツを買いました)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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